NSW Bushfire advice and information

Prospecting Australia

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Tathradj said:
Thanks HTY.
Fire is situated North of Bega in very rugged terain.
Expecting a Southerly Change to push it back on itself .
Wind has dropped right off so it will give the firies a chance
to suppress it enough to stop it.
Here is a site for a quick look for any fires in your area.
Half of Australia is on fire.
Stay Safe Folk's.

geez it is been a dam dry year
Keep safe everyone. My thoughts are with you all. Hope no one here gets affected by them.


Just returned from Stanifer, took some supplies out to
a friend as he didn't want to leave his house.
The photo from just up from the causeway looking
south east. He is hoping the wind doesn't change too
much, as the fire is edging towards him.
Fair bit of water bombing aircraft in the area but didn't see any
water bombing.
Fire trucks were waiting to see what happens with
the wind before they moved in.
The wrecking yard on the Stanifer turn off was burned to the ground,
as told to me by one of the firies.
Had to travel out via Elsmore to get there.
I think this fire will go on for a few more days yet.
Good luck to all those affected.
Gday rockrat
Not a good situation to be in :N:
Fingers crossed that it moves throu and doesnt come any closer to your mates place or anyone elses :perfect:
Tingha has already lost 5 properties and they Evacuated the whole town yesterday to Guyra.... Fire is burning in several different directions... They relocated the Jet Bomber to the Tabulam fire yesterday and today.... And a fire just north of Tenterfield is raging out of control as well... They hope these 2 fires don't meet up as Drake will soon be under threat...
The Tabulam fire was started by a 40yo woman who decided to burn some clothes in a total fire ban... She set fire to them, then went inside, only to smell smoke.. Looked out the back and the whole bush behind her was on fire... She has now been charged and so far that fire has claimed 6 Houses... Hope she had insurance, but I don't think they will cover her for STUPIDITY.... :mad:

LoneWolf said:
Tingha has already lost 5 properties and they Evacuated the whole town yesterday to Guyra.... Fire is burning in several different directions... They relocated the Jet Bomber to the Tabulam fire yesterday and today.... And a fire just north of Tenterfield is raging out of control as well... They hope these 2 fires don't meet up as Drake will soon be under threat...
The Tabulam fire was started by a 40yo woman who decided to burn some clothes in a total fire ban... She set fire to them, then went inside, only to smell smoke.. Looked out the back and the whole bush behind her was on fire... She has now been charged and so far that fire has claimed 6 Houses... Hope she had insurance, but I don't think they will cover her for STUPIDITY.... :mad:


That's bad news :N: all the best to everyone who is affected or has family and friends involved. As for the women who did that there are no words to say how that makes me feel. In Vic any fire started by reckless conduct comes with hefty penalties, I pray she cops her right wack and some.
The fires around Tingha will take out the whole town if they don't stop it... They are real worried with the Tabulam - Jennings Fire as well, that has the potential to join and head towards Drake and Hundreds of Properties... A lot of the area on fire is inaccessible by Truck and the only way to fight it is by Air.... Too many fires, not enough Aircraft to make a difference...
I have friends at Tingha and they are ok for now, Also Friends at the Aboriginal Settlement at Tabulam that lost some Homes Yesterday , Cant reach them tho...
This situation in North NSW/QLD has the potential to take out 100's of homes and bush shacks... :(

I've got a friend in Tingha as well, last couple of nights I've sent her texts to see how she was going, was ok last night. The cattle on the common may well have saved most of the town as they keep the grass right down. Anyway very sad to know people have lost everything, it's a very tight knit community and there will be a lot of hurt.
Community resilience is greater than any event even when mother nature takes charge in a violent way. King Lake and Marysville (post Black Saturday) will never be the same but both communities prevailed through determination and commitment and I'm sure all communities affected by these events will do the same. It's human nature to challenge against the odds sometimes we win sometimes we lose and in the aftermath community resilience prevails in almost every case as the winners albeit with scars. Some people remain some move on either way the scars are the same and no individual person wins or loses together they remain as a community bonded by these events wether living within or from a far. Immediately post the event the recovery process starts without a word of prompt, just human nature by way of emotion and it is quite emotional at times. As time goes by it's not often spoken more so remembered and reflected apon in an individual sense apart from the communal ceremony of Remembrance. If anyone needs to chat or just wants an ear feel free to send me a PM, it can get tough and the more you talk it through you will be better for it. Stay safe.
Last Friday night Torrington Town was fighting the fire on 5 different fronts... The Fire originally started on a mates property at the end of Gulf Rd after a lightning strike from a storm 10 days before... Robert (my mate) has been using his D9 Dozer to build massive fire breaks to protect other homes close to his... He managed to protect all these homes but has lost his Light Plane and some small sheds...The RFS has been supplying Diesel for Robert so he can keep protecting and clearing as things were getting worse and air-support wasn't available...
They withdrew air support on this fire on the Wednesday and let it burn through Torrington State forest and NP as no actual lives were in danger then... Then the wind started and the fire took off heading straight toward Torrington town. With-in 1 day Torrington and Silent Grove were under threat.. Several properties along Silent Grove Rd near fords hill were destroyed and that's when they bought back the air support... They have been there ever since..

This fire then started a spot fire at Boliva Hill that apparently has destroyed the form work building the By-pass and looks like they may have to pull down the massive pylons as the heat has damaged the structures and Concrete...

Emmaville Hospital was evacuated on Saturday night and 20 water tankers arrived in Emmaville on Sunday ahead of this wind change... My mate Bob was evacuated on Sunday afternoon and has now returned back to Emmaville today and as I type this, all is ok for Emmaville as the fire is now heading east towards Deepwater But it has destroyed some properties along Wellington Vale Rd that links Deepwater and Emmaville...
Things are not over yet as with a wind change, Emmaville will be in Danger again...

We also have several PA Members who live in Torrington/Emmaville area(some wish to not to be named) and I cant get hold of them to see if things are ok due to damage to Skymaster Networks on their properties... I have also been relaying info from RFS to some that I know who live off-grid and now their Phone network has been destroyed I cant get any info to them anymore... :/

Im heading down this week-end again to help Bob and see if the people I know are Ok.... A very stressful time for all down there and here... I know several have lost everything.... 8.( :brokenh:

Torrington SF has been a ticking time bomb for Years and Torrington Town was a disaster waiting to happen with some residents refusing to clear 6' high grass on their blocks... The last fire in the SF was bad and was heading towards Tenterfield and they managed to stop it..... People have been asking for controlled burns for years down there and NPWS refused all requests to burn any of it...

Now isn't the time to touch this subject, but things really need to change as now People have lost their lives... :brokenh:

We also have Members caught up in the Coffs Harbour area and they are Safe for now but are ready to leave at a moments notice.... If they cant stop this fire it will burn all the way to the Coast...

I hope this is not taken in the wrong way as I have witnessed first hand the Ash Wednesday, Port Lincoln/ Wangary and Grampians fires and have photographed some of the aftermath of these fires and I am staggered at the loss of life, infrastructure, homes, livestock and peoples precious memories and treasures that are lost forever. There are those that are fire conscience and maintain their properties with fire reduction in mind but there are many who pay no heed to being prepared for fire and the devastation it wreaks.
As people seek the rural sea change / tree change lifestyle many are unprepared either through ignorance or the shell be alright mate attitude

It is well past the time that local shires / councils police fire regulations to the letter of law, they also must be accountable for their own properties as well. State legislators must toughen future building regulations in fire prone areas to help ensure a level of safety for occupants. Approvals for housing developments on the rural fringes must be developed with fire prevention and escape routes in mind. Consider towns and estates in your areas and the ability for 5hem to cope with high volumes of traffic in evacuation periods, many would be found wanting.

State legislators must also review the regulations around controlled burns to ensure we do not have increased fuel loads etc in our State and National Parks, turn to our indigenous brothers and learn from their use of burns to prevent catastrophic fires.

Evacuation orders must be enforced on days of catastrophic fire danger, houses will provide no protection under these conditions, getting out early is the only way to remain safe.

Arsonists must be dealt with harshly, the full force of the law must apply, looters, the lowest form of burglar, should be dealt with severely also.

Firefighters, both voluntary and paid, water bombing pilots, police, ambulance, Red Cross, Salvation Army, service groups etc should all be heralded and celebrated for the bravery and tireless service to the community in the worst of times.

We live in a country which can be very unforgiving and I feel for those that have been touched these latest fires.
Please stay safe.
Well said Manpa...

We have houses here in the Gold Coast Hinterland and im sure other areas around Australia as well, where if you stand on the Balconies you can touch the Gum Trees....
They think its great living amongst the Trees.... I think it's bloody scary... :argh:

LoneWolf said:
Well said Manpa...

We have houses here in the Gold Coast Hinterland and im sure other areas around Australia as well, where if you stand on the Balconies you can touch the Gum Trees....
They think its great living amongst the Trees.... I think it's bloody scary... :argh:


We stayed at a property in Lower Beechmont a number of years ago, built on the side of a hill, virgin scrub up to the back fence which was less than 10ft from the house, not a snowballs chance in hell of stopping a fire coming up a steep slope with that amount of fuel. I note that yesterday the area was under attack from fire, I hope they were lucky enough to survive it.
Hi LW,
Give my regards to Bob when you see him. I hope all is (and stays) well with him.
I had my "heart in my mouth" when I heard the news reports coming from Torrington. And then I heard that Emmaville and Deepwater were being evacuated yesterday too.
After visiting the areas a few times over the past couple of years, I have a soft spot for the towns and their good people.
2 years ago we stopped for lunch at the Deepwater pub and met the new owner and his family. Good folks and they originally come from down my way too. I pray they and their wonderful pub stay safe. In fact I am praying that everyone up that way stays safe.
If there is anything I can do for you, Bob or anyone up that way, please don't hesitate to ask.
Cheers mate,
Thanks Dave I will pass on your well-wishes... :Y: I really don't know if I can get through to Emmaville ATM... Might have to do a really long drive and come in the back way. I will make my decision later in the Week...

Manpa that Fire is now raging... Homes will be lost... Friends of my Sister, live in the Danger Zone in that fire and were woken by a chopper over their roofs at 1am on Saturday and were told to leave and haven't been able to return as yet...
