Is it Wrong to ask Where ?

Prospecting Australia

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Maybe a time for a new category " Location GPS points"

Lat: south down past the old stump
Long: east follow the track over the little wooden planks. watch ur step !

Really, I've heard the gold flows best in the mid summer at this place. ;)
Latitude -37.569306 Longitude 143.848589

goldengoose said:
Maybe a time for a new category " Location GPS points"

Lat: south down past the old stump
Long: east follow the track over the little wooden planks. watch ur step !

Really, I've heard the gold flows best in the mid summer at this place. ;)
Latitude -37.569306 Longitude 143.848589


Turn left where the old barn used to be. :D
JeffP said:
As I said in the first instance ,, I am NOT talking about EXACT Locations !
All the posts on this thread give a good cross section of what's on everyones mind when it comes to your original question Jeff, seems to be a pretty common theme of responses with a small amount of leeway( very small) deviating from a staunch two fingered salute into the realm of a maybe a general region, with a distinct possibility of someone giving info on spots they don't frequent, and lastly a great chance of pulling a phurphy for a trip up the garden path ( I can imagine the money wasted on them). :|
Colmaca, thanks for that link. I was not aware that it was such a good tool, it's the first time I have looked at drive.
Don't think I visit as its about 3 days away.
JeffP said:
As I said in the first instance ,, I am NOT talking about EXACT Locations !

If you don't want exact locations then why bother asking in the first place?
I don't think you're being honest with yourself or us.

Because a general location is easy to find with easy access to diggings maps, google, historical information ect.

So I think you really do want exact locations but just don't want to admit it to anyone for fear of being labelled as whatever it is you despise.

And honestly I don't blame anyone for wanting to know where to go for the gold, I would love for someone to tell me where it is exactly.

But I'm motivated enough to find general locations myself and not cheeky enough to ask people that have put in the hours of research and hard work cause that's just bloody rude in my opinion.
Yes - to me anyway :)

I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist,I don't own Australia - YET - :p

I think we get much more by sharing than holding on tight which actually takes away life instead of giving life.

If I was fossicking/prospecting/mining in Central Africa things might be different,depends on who's gun was bigger :lol:

Live Life - Share Life :) I say ;)
markgoldhunter said:
I think it comes down to how you ask. If you ask ' do mind if I ask what general area you found that in' I reckon not too many prospectors would have a problem with that, as long as you didn't push too much past that.
I think you have answered Jeffs question .
I dont believe he was considering asking any thing exact.
Example question here . If someone stated how they found good gold at Tibooburra and i was to ask did you find it on the common ground or private property , would you consider that to much to ask ? And would you give a contributing forum member the answer ?

if you give someone a choice, you will never know the truth, i.e common ground, or private property.
GaryO said:
Example question here . If someone stated how they found good gold at Tibooburra and i was to ask did you find it on the common ground or private property , would you consider that to much to ask ? And would you give a contributing forum member the answer ?

Personally I don't think it's too much to ask if they've already given the general area as Tibooburra or wherever. You'll probably get either the answer, no reply at all or told to go to buggery. You need to take a go to buggery response on the chin though I reckon if you want to push it a bit :D Commons etc. are fairly big areas so the chances of someone finding "your" patch are slim but then there are some spots within them that don't see a lot of traffic & a lot like to keep it that way.

IMO sharing info or drilling down to location specifics is probably best done via PM but some don't have an issue at all openly sharing specific spots. I've seen first hand what happens when places get named on forums - within weeks they have looked like minefields. I've seen what happens when private property locations get out - fencejumping, increase in people trying to get access, people turning up unannounced etc. all ultimately leading to property owners just locking everyone out.
I've even seen where a location was given in confidence then people try to gain access to that property for their own financial benefit. I was standing right there when the property owner told a mate that yes indeed XYZ business had called him about access & running training/detecting days there. Dirty pool or just opportunistic?
I can see all side's of it but to be honest the more I see sh1t happen the more I agree "why would you tell anyone anything". It's funny also how you stop putting up gold finds & the PM's stop too :lol:
i think it is ok to ask, but how you ask is the big thing and it depends on the person asking too, i will always give a general area, i had a mate ask me where something was found and i was very vague in details, i also had a member here ask and i explained to the smallest of details where i found it, i haven't met this member personally i will add but have the confidence in him that he wasn't out to 'raid my spot' and really i dont own the gold till it is in my pocket anyway
GaryO said:
markgoldhunter said:
I think it comes down to how you ask. If you ask ' do mind if I ask what general area you found that in' I reckon not too many prospectors would have a problem with that, as long as you didn't push too much past that.
I think you have answered Jeffs question .
I dont believe he was considering asking any thing exact.
Example question here . If someone stated how they found good gold at Tibooburra and i was to ask did you find it on the common ground or private property , would you consider that to much to ask ? And would you give a contributing forum member the answer ?


Yep, wanna know what state they found it in ask them that. A question like where'd you find it is too open to interpretation. If you're too sensitive to deal with the possibility of a hilarious, vague or rude response you'll just have to be specific.
It is the same with Fishing spots and bait...

I have learnt to not give all the info away...

Some have respect not only for the fish but the location and others make a mess and take/kill fish that are undersized or that they toss away later...

The hard part is finding out who you can trust / respect without causing some to get a bit touchy..
davent said:
Blue jeansronald, If he did that to me, he would need that gold to fix his teeth!
Mate, He was a good friend i did not think he wood that to me, Last year i drove 1450 km for two weeks prospecting i found the patch i had only just started on when my 2 weeks were up, Was heading back out on saturday for another 2 weeks but the roads are still closed after the rain so i will see what happens, Ron

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