Australian History

Prospecting Australia

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No whales were harmed in the making of this history. LOL
Actually also does involve a mechanical type thing. :D
No horses were harmed in this course of history. :) :)
I am staying tight on this one as the rebuke on my last question
has me back for revenge. LOL
It's all good.
a Hint.
You could nearly say that almost one thousand people were
dead around this person.
He was responsible for nearly half of them.
Put it this way,
The last person who they dreaded.
And then they were dead. :(
Then he was dead.
In a forsaken place.
DrDuck said:
I think it was Alexander Green, hangman in Sydney from 1828 until he was committed to the lunatic asylum in 1855.

Good work Doc

It had me guessing there. Good question Tathradj

GT :)
Thanks people.
I did string it up a bit.
No where as good as both my Oallen and Breaker Morrant
quizzes. LOL
I did not want to be too boring.
Sorry for the delay in getting a question up, my second daughter showed up last night and wanted to go to Karaoke after dinner.

It's also getting pretty hard to think up some questions, but here goes:

I was the first Englishman to visit Australia, who was I and what was my story?

This might be an easy one, but let's see.
Would that have been Willaim Damper who in 1688 came looking for the Tryall 66 yeasrs after it was wrecked He was in his ship the Cygnet when it was marooned in King Sound. He is regarded as the first Englishman to set foot on the mainland of Australia
Good question Doc

Maybe John Brooke and the crew of the Tryal who shipwrecked off the coast of the Pilbara on what was to become Tryal rocks. But then it was New Holland
As Terra Australis or Australia it was Captain Cook and his crew.

GT :)
Thanks Doc

I have an idea for a question so lets see where it takes us.

What am I

I was yet to be named but I had already caused feathers to fly between 2 states with a 3rd also not happy. Restrictions in the Australian constitution for some time made progress on my naming and instigation, difficult.

GT :)

Like Doc said its harder everyday to come up with a new challenge.
Sorry Reefer but alas no.
After a few years of back and forth , the federal government used one of its "powers" to enact my new existence.

GT :)

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