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I do hope Buster makes a full recovery RM.... :Y: I know how you feel, I did something simular... 8.(

Nucopia, make sure that they get all the swarf out of your wound... they didn't with mine and now I have 3 bits still in my hand and they give me grief every now and then...... Silly Boy. :koala: ..

But yes v it Hurts... :argh:

Cheers :beer: all Buster is doing well :) the vet rang to say they've done the Ultrasound and there appears to be no noticeable serious damage :D spleen, kidneys and bladder all look good, phew man was I happy to hear that. As planned X-rays tomorrow, preliminary examination is looking good no noticeable broken bones :) double phew, I did say he's a tough little nut.
All the best for a speedy recovery nucopia they sure hurt :argh: and it continues each time you knock it :( when you work with your hands it's hard not to knock'em about from time to time but when you do look out there's reminders with everything you do :eek: a bit like stubbing your toe it just keeps on happening :p :lol:
Wonder how Buster is feeling Today....

For Buster



Goody :)
Thank for the well wishes Hippy Prospecting and Sand Surfer :Y: :beer:

Thanks Goody :) if Buster could understand pictures on the screen he'd eat it :lol: he's a guts.

Busters latest is I am picking him up around 5 o'clock :) he's still in a bit of shock and obviously really sore but no major damage :) geez he sure is lucky. I just started to reverse the ute had checked mirrors but not under the ute :/ didn't even know he was there until I saw him to be honest I thought the front left tyre had crept over a small rock :| I'll be more vigilant from now on, I'm a stickler for checking where the animals and kids are because I don't like the outcomes good or bad there all bad. So Buster will be on meds and get plenty of attention plus he will feel better just being at home in familiar territory. Nothing worse than being stuck in a hospital bed let alone a frig'n cage at the vet's without your favourite blanket :(

Thanks all for your comments and well wishes :beer:
Just put the furniture back in the lounge after having the carpet re-stretched, was starting to become a trip hazard for the ol girl so it needed doing. Time for a nice hot coffee. :D