Stone that needs identifying.

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Angus Madden
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Blue Mountains Nsw, NSW



This stone was found at the turon river. In some parts is very clear. If you know what they are please tell me thanks.
I like to call them 'poor-mans diamonds', cause they are shiny and are of value to the common Wally.
Good slingshot ammo but not as good as Sapphires, I've seen one of the previous partners at Billabong Blue use them as slingshot ammo, had a bowl full of poor quality ones just for that purpose. :D
Any clue as to the type of rock these are?


Our two little rocks are flat on the bottom and domed on top like a silicone boob lying on the table.


This is the larger one found on the base of Mt Elliot, Peak Crossing. It has a thin coating of ironstone so it's difficult to get light into.


This smaller one also has ironstone on the base but not a full cover. It was found in an old layer of wash on the bank of the Nerang River.


Both rocks are the same shape and very similar apart from the colour of the rock.

Yeah - flat on the bottom and sort of domed on the top is fairly common among agate nodules. Saw em open, you might find something very interesting inside.

Maybe :)
Yes, they are agathes.
Not sure the big one will be interesting, it looks like it is mostly white crystal, but the smaller one shoud have at least interesting color if not a nice pattern.
Decent size,... aren't they MB !

Here's one my young fella pulled out of the side of a drain in SEQ,.... probably from the back fill they used when concreting it, after it was poured.



Here's one for size comparison against a 1953 Florin I found lately.
These beauties remind me of chalcedony that has been molded in clay flows.Is there any evidence of clay where you found them? I have rocks that are almost identical.. they are grey chalcedony with clay remnants and often have ironstone inclusions.