Is there such thing

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Agreed mate. Put one down a few years ago after he spent a weekend on the stuff. They certainly act irrationally and have plenty of go. A nice cross will put them down though. They're not much hassle when they're snoring.
I know he's not on ice we've gone out for days digging and never seen him touch it, if he was an addict he could go days without it let alone hours, he smokes a bit of pot but I don't see many pot smokers rolling there mates for weed.. But who knows

He's phone went straight to message bank today
Stay positive mate your luck will change
And so will your mates
Karma gets everyone both in positive and negative ways
I wouldn't rely on a ficticious notion such as karma. And his bad fortune in future won't help you out either.
A perfect example of this are those who have screwed people over for personal gain and then just continue to get richer.
Don't get me wrong, I believe you should treat others the way you wish to be treated. But don't expect others to get hard done by because they've done that to others in the past. Not the way it works unfortunately.
Next1m8 I'd be doing my best to track where he's gone. If he's headed west we need to know all there is to know about him and his vehicle.

I had a so-called friend knock me off for more than $100,000 in three vehicle conversions in Thailand and all the stock to do them. He was working with me preparing the parts and waited until we left on holidays to make his move. I reported him to the federal police and they said he'd be arrested if ever he attempted to return to Australia. I had to take out an $80,000 loan to cover the damage. That was five years ago and all I've paid is the interest on the loan.

The cops can't do much with their workload but with all these prospecting forums I think it would be hard to hide if we know enough about him and everybody is vigilant.
Moneybox said:
Next1m8 I'd be doing my best to track where he's gone. If he's headed west we need to know all there is to know about him and his vehicle.

I had a so-called friend knock me off for more than $100,000 in three vehicle conversions in Thailand and all the stock to do them. He was working with me preparing the parts and waited until we left on holidays to make his move. I reported him to the federal police and they said he'd be arrested if ever he attempted to return to Australia. I had to take out an $80,000 loan to cover the damage. That was five years ago and all I've paid is the interest on the loan.

The cops can't do much with their workload but with all these prospecting forums I think it would be hard to hide if we know enough about him and everybody is vigilant.
I agree 100% there is nothing stopping this dooshbag packing up and heading west I've been thinking this all along.but we can't help if we don't know what we are looking for? Except for the obvious 5k in hand
Man ya need to get cranky. Blocked by gf,not been to work for weeks.
Every indicator his ripped ya of. Ya need to let his gf know his got 5hrs
to contact you, or ya next chat is to the police. And let her know you will plaster his description, and vehicle and what he has done on forums and Facebook.
Recon his hosted the 5000,purchased pot to sell,get the 5000 back. Your none the wiser. Pot not selling as quick as he thought. Man I hate dishonesty. But do something don't let
this asshole walk all over you.
Nah mate neither have turned up sadly

Fair to say I've lost most hope in humanity everything just keeps going wrong I'm going for a dig in the river 2moro to forget about everything the sound of the pump running is soothing, and the feel of classified material

Hmm bit crap though
That's the spirit, go find some gold. :cool:

A little bit of bush meditation is a great thing; just keep a look out for Hal, he has it worse and he can't even hold a gold pan. :eek:

I called them just before but they can't really do much because I lent it too him, I gave them his number and address they said they'd look Into it.. Simply I'm just not going to trust anyone again after this
Without being too harsh and with no disrespect next1m8. I think you may need to re-evaluate your friends rather than lump everybody into the 'can't be trusted' basket. There's a lot of good people out there that go out of there way to help others. Maybe your 'mates' radar is a bit off and out of whack. Things will turn around mate, good luck, and don't give up on people, thankfully there's more good in the world than bad..
I think I may just let people prove they can be trusted a little bit more with who and how they are as a person

Pretty sure you don't fall in the can't be trusted after all you where going to lend me a nugget to test it with
I think you'll find most people aren't out to rip others off buddy. It's just the bastards out there that generally get the headlines, so we all think there's lots of them. You rarely hear the good news stories. Chin up, you never know, the bloke with your 5000 may have change of heart and a conscience. I certainly hope so for your sake, good luck. In the meantime, as you say, tread carefully when trusting people to quickly.
Just out of curiosity does the bloke that's gone missing with your 5k happen to know the bloke you purchased it off? This deal has been on the nose from day dot & just as it seemed to be all good quickly went south again. More shady characters, shady dealings, twists & turns than a series of underbelly.
I don't know about the legalities of naming the person etc. But i imagine he's more likely to try and sell the machine than use it to find gold. He's most likely done a bunk now, and if he does try to sell it then perhaps the members of this forum should be given a buyer beware heads up as to who he is?
Anybody know if it's a crime to name and shame this bastard?
If you make a mistake I think you could possibly be done for slander.
Though in this case stating an opinion is justified. What an absolute a**e hole.
Do you know any of his relations or other mates.? Maybe spreading the word in his little corner of the world will bring a result. ??
If you find out that he is a low life, I would go all out on him.
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