Is there such thing

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Good luck mate, I hope it finds its way home very soon. That is strange and worrying that the gf has blocked you on fb. Do you have any mutual friends that might be able to see if she has posted anything about this on her wall?
"Now i have learned, not to trust"

"I have to watch everything i feel" - Screaming Jets (October Grey)

Start a facebook page dedicated to the thief, what he has done and link it up.....let all his followers and friends know about what he has done!

Shame him into submission on social media.

As others say, let the police know first.....they will unlikely help you, but at least its declared official.

A few hundred bucks will see a PI give you current location on the scoundrel tracing his banking movements.

Money well spent when a 5000 is at stake.

Meta ;)
Oh wait I'm on PA thought it was Facebook for a minute.
This is a very old tale it's only the names that change.
Trust few but trust well. Better to judge harshly than be ripped.
I've said it a few times amazing how small the prospecting world is at times, sure a 5K can disappear without it being seen again but how smart is this mate? that you have his address his number, type of car he drives and contact with his gf and he's as you say, seemingly ripping you off. Does he work?
Post up his car details for us.we might bump into him out type, year, colour, rego, also a bit of a description on your bum mate, age, hight , hair colour.and bugga it posy his name too.plenty pa members gunna be out in the gt this weekend. Don't be afraid to shame him mate he's already shamed you and your good nature
Does he have a decent car ? The least would be a brake fluid job on the paint to the value of the detector ;)
If its going to cost you money make sure that prick is outa pocket as well.
He does work but hasn't been there for nearly 3 weeks so who knows

I will only name and shame if he doesn't give it back he's still got a couple more days.. I just need to stop thinking about it.. It's making me give up hope in some people and I just need to go out and dig some dirt I think get my mind off the subject otherwise I'll end up endusing some sort of stress related something I wouldn't even know

I just can't beleive my luck lately
Ohh mate. Sorry to hear. That why I don't really trust anyone outside of my close family completely. People will do all sorts of things for personal gain. Considering you know where he lives I would be setting up camp in his front yard if practical. I would be living at his place until he comes home.
The reason I don't trust anyone with my possessions is mainly due to the fact of how I would react if something like this happened to me. I would most definately behave in a less than acceptable fashion so I don't put myself in a position where this sort of thing can happen.
Its a shame that a so called "mate" is taking advantage of your good nature. I hope there is an honest reason why he's not home or contactable and you get your detector back mate.
I know its the wrong thing to do, but I would be going into his place for a look of he's not home. If its there it would stop me from doing something more silly.
Sing out if you need any help, intimidation can go a long way, don't even need to do anything other than be present upon confrontation
mate sorry to hear about this, it really sucks when you put trust in someone and bites you in the a$&, please report it to the police, they may not do anything at first but at least get it on paper, and i would be hitting up the pawnshops too mate (not blaming pawnbrokers, i am one), they most likely wont tell you if he has put it in but they may give you an indication to go to the police again, and pawnbrokers need to download all deals done to a police database (in NSW, not sure how other states work but would guess very similar) so if it turns up in one the police will be onto it.
Wally69 said:
Yep, FT-16000, it was my first detector, no gold but picked up a fish hook barb at 6" on the beach so it packs a punch. I think it was the first of the auto tracking ground balance tingimebob machines

wife found a 2oz nugget with one of these at lannelly vic first day out never used a detector before, back when they were new .
we also took one we made up from bits at Miners Den in ringwood and went to WA 2012 it also found gold there near Leonora but the 2100 found more .
so they do work for sure. it still works fine.
certainly not up with todays standards though.
Next1m8 said:
He does work but hasn't been there for nearly 3 weeks so who knows

I will only name and shame if he doesn't give it back he's still got a couple more days.. I just need to stop thinking about it.. It's making me give up hope in some people and I just need to go out and dig some dirt I think get my mind off the subject otherwise I'll end up endusing some sort of stress related something I wouldn't even know

I just can't beleive my luck lately
There you go mate, unless he up and leaves for good then you can catch him at home or work. Then put the acid on him. No jokes. Hard to see he's doing the right thing if he's absent AND not returning your calls. And if by chance he does have a legitimate reason it will always be fondly remembered as the time you tazered him or the like. Real mates are OK with that sort of thing, builds a bond. ;)
Hey Next1m8, Sorry to hear of your current troubles.
For me there are several things that have my alarm bells ringing.
Not returning calls or messages.
Not turning up to work for 3 weeks.
His GF blocking you on FB <<< This is the biggest alarm bell.
If all is well, then why has she blocked you? Obviously they have something to hide.
The whole not turning up to work is also another big alarm bell. Now I'm not accusing him of anything, but crystal meth will do this to a person. They just disappear. They live in their own world of crime, thieving whatever they can to get their next hit. They have no mercy on who they will rip off, they will even rip of their own mum.
Go to the police IMMEDIATELY. Report it as stolen. Do not wait another second. This bloke is no friend of yours and in my opinion there is only one place he should be >>> Jail. I hate thieving pricks, they have no place in society. If people have a habit/addiction, get a job and feed it with your hard earned wages, not with others hard earned.

I hope all turns out well, but by the warning signs I have seen, well....
Take a drive past their house at night and see if the lights are on, but I would be very cautious about approaching them, especially on your own.
Yes approaching them on your own may not be the best idea. However I can round up a few blokes and I'm sure others can as well. Like I said earlier, I would just set up camp at his joint.
Oh and to further this, his phone still rings right? Well most phones last about 1 to 2 days tops without recharge, so he is obviously still maintaining his phone, alive and well, near electricity, but not close enough! Try ringing him from another phone/public phone but make sure there is a good amount of time between attempts and if all else fails, from another phone again send him this message:
Hey (insert his name here) got a heap of really good glass u want some?
If he replies to that, then you know he is on it, don't go near him, try really hard to get the police involved and arrange a meet up location for him to get busted.
Ice is really bad stuff people, don't even think about trying it, not even once. there are so many young (and older) people these days getting hooked on the stuff, such a waste of a life.

Good luck and be careful out there.
Really hope you get your detector back.

walshie1000 said:
Yes approaching them on your own may not be the best idea. However I can round up a few blokes and I'm sure others can as well. Like I said earlier, I would just set up camp at his joint.
Walshie, you will need quite a few blokes to restrain a high meth head(assuming that is what has happened here, I really hope it is not the case) The strength these people can have while on this stuff is really scary. Don't underestimate them.
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