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I watched the video Simmo, thanks.
It seems like the tech still has a way to go when it comes to flying a drone while wearing VR goggles.
I'm sure there are many people around the world working on improving the tech and I can't wait to see how far they will take the science of VR.
A decade ago, I used to wish there was good VR so I could travel the world seeing places like the pyramids of Egypt, etc without ever leaving my lounge chair.
I see that science is now rapidly getting us to that point.
Chiron52 said:
I watched the video Simmo, thanks.
It seems like the tech still has a way to go when it comes to flying a drone while wearing VR goggles.
I'm sure there are many people around the world working on improving the tech and I can't wait to see how far they will take the science of VR.
A decade ago, I used to wish there was good VR so I could travel the world seeing places like the pyramids of Egypt, etc without ever leaving my lounge chair.
I see that science is now rapidly getting us to that point.

Sorry Mods, a little OT just quickly.....
Hey Chiron, Its a lot closer that you think my man!! Have a look at these two beauties!!

Good stuff Simmo.
I watched a doco a few days ago. They were using holographic technology to diagnose medical problems.
They had scanned inside of human tissue and using the holo tech, would zoom into different depths of an organ or body part.
A great tool for teaching our future doctors.
Hey all,

have been using a drone (Phantom 3) for over a year. It is a fantastic piece of equipment. The use is overseas, in mountainous areas with jungle - places it is hard to walk and harder to see anything. The drone changed my world - a 20 minute flight and then pondering the results on a big screen in air-conditioned comfort - it allows you to get a great feel for the land. I estimate a day with the drone saves me WEEKS trudging around. You can see the whole land layout - identify flats and creeks and target areas.
juan said:
Hey all,

have been using a drone (Phantom 3) for over a year. It is a fantastic piece of equipment. The use is overseas, in mountainous areas with jungle - places it is hard to walk and harder to see anything. The drone changed my world - a 20 minute flight and then pondering the results on a big screen in air-conditioned comfort - it allows you to get a great feel for the land. I estimate a day with the drone saves me WEEKS trudging around. You can see the whole land layout - identify flats and creeks and target areas.

Great use of a drone. It is what they are meant to do.
Redfin said:
I recently got a Hubsan H501s x 4 brushless advanced for $260.
Vide0 quality not quite up there with the DJI range, but neither is the price.


It has headless mode, GPS, Follow me mode, Return to Home etc, and a flight time of 20 minutes.
Have had it up to 180m high, will wait to gain some experience before I take it higher.

My first ever flight, excuse the jerkiness, it is me trying the controls.


Hi Redfin for the price this is one very cool device and controller.

Seems very stable and easy to fly.

What is it like with a little wind?

Not sure Harry, with my limited experience have avoided the wind thus far.
I presume it will be a tad harder to control.
As promised way back there. :Y: :Y:
65 Klmh winds so had to be a bit quick. ]:D
Taken at 120 Meters high.
Tathra NSW,

Just manual flight , didnt have the video mode set how i wanted as was only second time flying it ( 1080P standard quality ) using the Parrot FPV goggles that came with the kit which give a grainy and pixellated view looking into them .

have recently bought a quanum V2 Pro goggle setup which uses the same screen as having the phone mounted on the skycontroller instead of mini split screen in parrot goggle mode , which gives a better view when flying and will be able to track and chase better next time we go out.



surprised to see the video uploaded to youtube actually looks a lot grainier than the video on my computers when viewed.
I think YT does that to videos when you upload them. Unless youre and expert in their panel!

Hey no drone cop here but dont forget, legally, you need a spotter when flying FPV.
As my mate is there flying non FPV technically he can be regarded as a spotter , which is a pretty stupid rule considering the drone is only 120 metres off the ground .
If it was at risk of hitting something like an aircraft at that altitude id be asking more questions of the plane pilot , not the drone pilot , and the 2m glider would be more of a risk than a drone.

Once the drone is 120m up and a few hundred metres out it is near impossible to see , even a 2m glider at similar distances gets pretty small .

As you cant fly remote aircraft anywhere near aerodromes there should be no reason why an aircraft should be down at that altitude unless landing or taking off.
Minimum height over a non built up area for aircraft
is 500 feet.
Only just above 120 meters. 393 odd feet.
Onus on avoiding a collision is the responsibility of the pilots.
When I took those photos I was listening for other aircraft in the area.
They do like to do a run along the coast.
I used to do it as well. :D
Not a problem to drop 80 meters in a hurry.
I land the drone if and when other Aircraft are in the area.
Much safer. :cool:
Besides, Good excuse to change batteries and or SD Card.
Yep for sure Tathra , common sense applies , if i was ever at risk of causing a problem to anyone id land the drone straight away.

Although governed by aviation laws which i think is a good thing , there is nothing to physically stop me putting my R/C glider several km's away and even 2 km up if i was stupid enough to as there is no limiting / governing controls within the hardware of my TX or RX on my R/C gliders / aircraft .

Again ; common sense applies , we are taught not to do stupid things on the road in cars etc either .

But with drones , as they are way more user friendly to fly , therefore more accessable and usable to the general public they carry on as if the things are carrying 10lb's of C4 strapped to them .

I can guarantee if i was gonna do stupid things i could do way more damage with an R/C aircraft that can fly faster , higher, and is way bigger in size than a simple drone .

The typical nanny state , persecute the masses for the failings of the few.

My personal thoughts is that people should be only punished when they actually do something wrong , not because there is a potential for them to be able to do the wrong thing.