Dowsing/divining for gold

Prospecting Australia

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LC76 said:
We get it hayyo ffs.
You love beating people over the head with your superior opinions until they submit.
Let it go ffs

Superior opinion that dowsing is a scam. Yeah good on ya mate.
How about you let it go ffs.
Others can bring religion into this.
Others can put people down and swear at them.
But me stating A FACT.. that dowsing is fake and a scam is wrong or beating people over the head.

You think you can talk to me like that, like you are some superior, no you are not ok. I have not put anyone directly down, or called anyone on here anything.

Sorry, I like sense. And I hate seeing people getting scammed. Whether its a fortune teller or a dowser.
It is wrong, very wrong. People put trust in others and its just not on.

I work hard, I don't lie, and I definitely don't claim to have special powers or a special gift.
My gift or power is honesty.

Thanks gain LC76, once again it is YOU who has started on me yet again.
If you have a problem with me mate, send me a PM.
Happy to sort it out.
I got home from work. After picking my kids up and to read this.

Pfff. there is debating, and having a civilised disagreement, and then there is just plain nastiness.

Whatever... don't care really. After what I have been through last few months, nothing surprises me anymore or bothers me.
Dowse away.

Reasons like this I decided to shelf my prospecting videos.
I don't get pleasure from other peoples demise.

I will leave all you guys alone and leave your Prospecting Australia site.
Going through depression and this I was not expecting.

Guess believing in common sense these days isn't even a thing.

Thanks again.
hAyyoUinAU said:
Others can bring religion into this.
Others can put people down and swear at them.
But me stating A FACT.. that dowsing is fake and a scam is wrong or beating people over the head.

You think you can talk to me like that, like you are some superior, no you are not ok. I have not put anyone directly down, or called anyone on here anything.

Sorry, I like sense. And I hate seeing people getting scammed. Whether its a fortune teller or a dowser.
It is wrong, very wrong. People put trust in others and its just not on.

I work hard, I don't lie, and I definitely don't claim to have special powers or a special gift.
My gift or power is honesty.

Thanks gain LC76, once again it is YOU who has started on me yet again.
If you have a problem with me mate, send me a PM.
Happy to sort it out.

Some people believe in dowsing, they believe it works for them. They do it for themselves, they harm no one, make no money off no one.
What give you the right to label them crooks and scammers.
hAyyoUinAU said:
Going through depression and this I was not expecting.

Mate I know you told the forum what happened and I have no words that would help with what you must be going through but you really should speak to a professional who can help lighten the load, it must be a very hard time.

Admitting depression is the first step and takes guts to do so.
Yep I'm keen to see it in the field and like you I'm a sceptic on the subject. I like your inclusion of hollow hand grips :Y: I've got km's of fencing wire so I'll knock some up and try a few different targets. Thanks for sharing, last but not least welcome to PA :Y:
RM Outback said:
Yep I'm keen to see it in the field and like you I'm a sceptic on the subject. I like your inclusion of hollow hand grips :Y: I've got km's of fencing wire so I'll knock some up and try a few different targets. Thanks for sharing, last but not least welcome to PA :Y:

The problem with the hollow hand grips is that you can make the rods cross (or go anywhere), just by tilting the hands. But, as a kid I could find U/G water using only one of these, just held in the hand without the plastic bits. I could tell how deep it was, if it was an UG stream and how fast it was flowing, and if fresh or brackish. I lost to ability when I grew up for some reason, but a nice fresh water bore on the old farm where I lived, exactly where I said to drill and the depth, convinced me at the time, along with many other tests.

I don't know why or how, but it just seemed to work.

Rob P.
My wife was on the camera and was watching me very closely to make sure I didn't cheat. She was definitely, a non -believer until she saw the results. Now I am itching to try it on some gold. Anyone on the Gold Coast who has some gold and would like to be part of the experiment please let me know :cool:
I have an open mind on most subjects. This one included. I saw on youtube a while ago some bloke recons you have to think about what you want to find.
A bloke I used to work with used to swear by divining rods. My Uncle said they worked for him...who knows ?
wes2143 said:
My wife was on the camera and was watching me very closely to make sure I didn't cheat. She was definitely, a non -believer until she saw the results. Now I am itching to try it on some gold. Anyone on the Gold Coast who has some gold and would like to be part of the experiment please let me know :cool:
Gday Wes, you know it would come across as more convincing if you had wifey hide the sapphire without your knowledge of its whereabouts and then seeing if you get the same results. Its very easy to subconsciously tilt the hand ever so subtely to get the crossover, even without you being aware youve done so.
I believe in the power of divining/dowsing and there was a thread on the subject back early last year that had really interesting info. and it got all heated up too.
Ill see if I can find it.
Ok its called
Dowsing? Seriously.

I dont know how to add the link though.
Flowerpot said:
wes2143 said:
My wife was on the camera and was watching me very closely to make sure I didn't cheat. She was definitely, a non -believer until she saw the results. Now I am itching to try it on some gold. Anyone on the Gold Coast who has some gold and would like to be part of the experiment please let me know :cool:
Gday Wes, you know it would come across as more convincing if you had wifey hide the sapphire without your knowledge of its whereabouts and then seeing if you get the same results. Its very easy to subconsciously tilt the hand ever so subtely to get the crossover, even without you being aware youve done so.
I believe in the power of divining/dowsing and there was a thread on the subject back early last year that had really interesting info. and it got all heated up too.
Ill see if I can find it.
Ok its called
Dowsing? Seriously.

I dont know how to add the link though.

Is this it FP
OK I just had a look at that link from last year, you were right a few people got really upset about the whole thing. I am not trying to prove a thing, I just thought that I would give it a go and see what happens. now today I took the challenge and removed the handles from the rods as well as had my wife hide the stone. I figured that it showed mediocre results but that could be put down to my back yard not being the ideal place ( drains etc from surrounding houses and I found some old reo berried there too) and my lack of knowledge on how to read the rods.
anyway here is a seven-minute video to show the results
Cheers :D
PS now please don't get too nasty this is just a bit of fun