Dowsing/divining for gold

Prospecting Australia

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Has anybody had any luck locating gold with dowsing rods?

I know it's genuinely used to locate water, I've seen people using them to help them locate opal and relics..

I've heard people say that if you rub the rods with the item you're searching it will help locate what you're searching for.

Know a fella who claims he can but he has never proven it?
However have experienced an old timer locating water.
Lived and worked on Koolan Island for a number of years, because of the lack of water iron ore vessels returned for another load carrying fresh water for the island as ballast.
A cleaner in the single mens quarters claimed he knew where a massive supply of fresh water lay and how deep using divining rods. He took me to the area and showed me. Management brushed him away saying the only water would be salt considering the close proximity of the ocean. They brought in a a company and at great expense located an abundant supply of spring water exactly where the old timer claimed it would lay.
The drilling company used one of our drills and I was assigned to the maintenance. In the middle of one night I was called out to solve a problem with the drillmaster losing airpressure. At a depth of 250ft the drill would not maintain pressure while drilling. I bent the rules and increased the pressure relief blow of valve. Low and behold half an hour or so later there was a developing roar that could be heard over the scream of the GM diesel engine powering the drill. The result was a fountain of water erupted out of a nearby hole. The water as it turned out was in a huge underground cavity. The drilling experts has never ever seen anything like it before. Needless to say the islands water shortage was overcome.
When my lad was a YB, we used to play hide and seek with toys. He would hide them and I would find them with divining rods. Worked every time to his amazement. Have also divined water.
However I have never has any luck with gold, be it a ring or necklace....
I worked at Pleystowe sugar mill in the 80's 90's.
One of the navvies that works on the rail lines had a gift finding stuff.
One day l was off siding for the plumbers
There was a leaking pipe under the bitumen on the road leading down the back.
l was digging trying to locate the pipe where the water was coming up
The guy was working down the line watching us.
He walked up to us, got two pieces of wire and walked along the road marking a spot.
He then walked at 90 degrees and marked a spot.
He said the leak is here which was about 15 feet from where l was digging and it was.

He played games with kids hiding stuff and finding it
He found a slasher blade for a farmer who had no idea exactly where it was as well.
So is the Easter bunny...

A survey was done to find water using a geologist, a local farmer and a dowser. Guess who did best?

The farmer, because he was most familiar with the local land. The geologist was second-best because he at least understood the land and where water was most probably. As for the dowser...... :N:
DrDuck said:
I've never seen a gold dowser driving a maserati or living in a mansion.

I have never seen a Prospector Driving a Maserati or living in a mansion either... ;)

Aussie Sapphire used Dowsing Rods to locate all their Sapphires when they were mining... Andrew was a Master at it...

LoneWolf said:
DrDuck said:
I've never seen a gold dowser driving a maserati or living in a mansion.

I have never seen a Prospector Driving a Maserati or living in a mansion either... ;)

Aussie Sapphire used Dowsing Rods to locate all their Sapphires when they were mining... Andrew was a Master at it...


No, but I have known a few drive mercedes
I can find plastic water pipes... thought I was finding the water... but turns out it was just the plastic. My old man passed it on to me (hand on the shoulder during my initial go) used to find the lines when we had to work on them in the orchard(saved cutting them accidentally).
Years later I was having a go out on a spur beyond an old house... every crossover revealed a peice of plastic down in the grass lol :eek:
They do not work. For anything. There is zero evidence or scientific basis at all.

People who claim they work, or have seen them work, don't understand coincidence and probably believe in the Easter Bunny.
SteveG said:
They do not work. For anything. There is zero evidence or scientific basis at all.

People who claim they work, or have seen them work, don't understand coincidence and probably believe in the Easter Bunny.
yep you would know a lot of old timers made a name for themselves finding water out my way some were spot on with depth and if it was salty or not some of them are still talked about and how accurate they were
Read about an army guy that found water in the North African Desert in WW11 . By dowsing .
My father devined for water, he used a forf stick from a pepper tree He could giive depth to within 10 /15 ft, ided of both quanity and quality, he used coins when giving an idea of the saltyness (minerilisation) in saying this he gave the opinion of supply as enough for windmill as in stock and domestic or irrigation.
He allso owned and operated a boring plant and so his claims were well and truly tested, I have seen him devining while being driven across a paddock ( wide open plains NSW ) have them pull up get out and do his depth /quantity estimation. never had a dry hole. no water no charge
I have seen the bark twisted of in his hands during the process, he could also get it work for people by holding there hands as they held the stick, for me I can only get litte bit of reaction ? Knew of others that used the bent wires.
Looking back wish I had ask him more about it before he passed on.

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