Ctx Madness

Prospecting Australia

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I remember you guys were talking about a spot a couple of years back where the 40s map had a zigzag pattern. I think this was the one:


Found a similar pattern in another park recently with a little more detail and have concluded they are air raid trenches, possibly for civil defence training purposes as the locations could have been more readily accessible to the public in my opinion.

After digging a hole like that I would be flat out on the ground with silver rolling out of my pockets.

Nice hunt Heath - good to see you getting good results being adventurous :cool:
That's terrible, it's a lovely dog Heatho. (ha).
I was able to rise above adversity mate ,... you can do it ,.... just need a second hunt today ! :D
silver said:
That's terrible, it's a lovely dog Heatho. (ha).
I was able to rise above adversity mate ,... you can do it ,.... just need a second hunt today ! :D

Yeah the Frenchies are lovely dogs, huge personality for such little guys.

Hmmm will have to persevere to overcome this curse, might have to get out for a second swing this arvo, hopefully the goblin won't know I've gone out again. :)
Jaros said:
Heatho, nice coins. Must have plenty of people laying around kissing and cuddling at night at that spot??
Jaros :p :cool:

I reckon there would be, I actually sprung a couple there a few weeks back getting up to more than that in broad daylight. Started detecting towards them, they were less than impressed. :D
yep, its undeniable now. The goblin does bless the hunts of those, that he has previously toyed with :)
Heatho said:
rocketaroo said:
yep, its undeniable now. The goblin does bless the hunts of those, that he has previously toyed with :)

I think you're right mate, the gobbie rocks. I think he does it to test our detecting prowess and fortitude. :D
Tested me to breaking point or my AT pro I hope he has had his fun and can go back to his peacefull slumber.