Bank account

Prospecting Australia

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May 5, 2017
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Someone decided to take some money from my account last week :(

Started off a small among so I would not notice...

Couple of days later they took a bigger among :argh:

I phone the bank as soon as I notice it was pending in my bank account,

They told me that they could not stop them from taking the money.....what the F

Now they are telling me that they are chasing to try and get the money back for me..

But today when I went shopping at Coles to buy the week food I was told that my bank card bounced :argh:

Went around to the bank and they managed to give me some of my money so I could pay for my food bill..

Then they told me that it will take 10 day's for me to receive new bank card..

I told them I have been wait for new card since last week sigh...

All I did was look at a chocolate add that popped up on my home page on this site...

I did not give them my details but some how they worked it out...

Please be careful as i don't wish for any other person to be caught out...

Goody :|
Not nice at all Goody, I'll only ever use a credit card to purchase online (I know you weren't buying) I never use my personal account. If I didn't have a credit card I wouldn't buy online, heard to many horror stories.
I use PayPal if I buy anything online...

Have used it for years and years...

Someone hacker took money from my travel account a couple months a go ....but I was lucky as I did not have much in that account... Have not used that account since..

maybe install Norton or something on your computer goody if you haven't got any.
Once keylogger virus in you can't get rid of it though so i'm told.
I used to use Paypal, however, a few years ago, I had a notice from my bank that I'd been charged a $20 dishonour fee. After checking my account I found an attempted charge of U.S. $1,200 (approx AUD $1,600 at the time).

I was only fortunate that this account was specifically attached to and only used for Paypal. I kept the balance at about $20 and only transferred larger amounts just before paying.

The next day, the culprit tried a second time and again it bounced and another fee. After contacting Paypal, I found some Chinese named person possibly in Los Angeles was the offender.

Paypal told me that they could not trace him, nor could they close my account. So, I had my Paypal account frozen and closed the attached account.

I opened a new bank account with debit card, again low balance and now pay via Card or bank transfer. The only problem freezing Paypal, is that I can't use it either.fees, so all good.

I might add that after contacting my bank, they refunded the 2 x $20.

So, I both empathise and sympathise :)
My advice to all - If you use Paypal or any other bank account method to buy online, use a separate account only for that. Keep the balance low and transfer funds from your main account just before you use it.

A possible dishonour fee is better than trying to get your money back and most banks will refund if it's not your fault.
Close the old and open a new 'travel account'.

Following 'popup ads' is not a good practice.

NEVER give out personal info on sites that you dont know or trust 200%.

Be on watch for bad URL's to even bank sites, I just found a suspicious one today with an internet search,
anything suspect- pick up the phone and call the entity.

Real -

Suspect -

Searches just pull up all the likely URL's, not necessarily the true ones!

A year ago, I had an odd phone call saying they were the bank, very suss conversation requiring me to id stuff,
asked for their number to call back (checked it online) - real number - no call was made by them.

You can use 'burner' email addresses for suspect sites that need email confirmation - they are web based and active for a short time just for 'email confirmation'
but never use them for things like banking, just the crap searching and crap sites.
There are even 'burner' bank accounts available for payments.

Be ultra careful clicking on links, ads, sms messages with links and ads, via your mobile phone - especially if you BANK via your phone.
Software can be installed or even called down to be installed in the back ground and EVERYTHING can be monitored and recorded LIVE.
With this sort of thing even 2 factor security is not safe because they can read your SMS's without you knowing it, then delete it so you have no clue.
Banks encourage all the use of online banking but dont stand behind their product when security is breached.

AND there are Fake-ish apps out there that require permissions that are not needed, you think it is secure but they are mining your info in the background
of your phone data. You can buy the software online to do it, considered putting some on Kato's phone to know where she is in an emergency,
GPS is only a small part of the capability even when 'not turned on', the attractive part is 'not turned on' - she has a medical issue, and if unconscious......
I use an AusPost debit card for anything online, just have to top up the funds when I want to use it. (9c per transaction cost, no other fees)
It is not linked in any way to my bank accounts, and I run that thru PAYPAL too, just for purchases.

Quickest way I know to sort an account that has been compromised, is to open another account, transfer the funds by physical cash transfer NOT electronic account to account,
so you have to withdraw and then deposit funds, dont link it to your current online banking user details, then lock or freeze your original accounts.
An account and debit card can be issued by a teller in a bank, 30 minutes or less to use funds again.

Separate accounts for different uses, and even banks - loans in one bank, savings in another, transaction accounts (direct debit, eftpos, paypal) in even another bank.
These days you can easily move funds from one to another, but they all have separate access, and user names and passwords all have to be different.

REALLY sorry you have been taken Goody, hope that the future is more secure, and fight the bank for your money to be returned to you - they can call the funds back from the bank it went to, if the account is still open and has funds in it, but the banks are too lazy to chase it, most online banking YOU have to approve a new entity to transfer funds to.

Bad juju all round.


Again, sorry you were hit.
Hi Goody, I would be surprised if just looking at an ad would lead to theft of your card details particularly if you did nothing but look. I had a similar situation about eighteen months ago, received an sms from the bank saying they thought there was some fraudulent activity on my account.
Being sceptical I did not reply to the sms but rang the bank and sure as night follows day a princely sum of $1.73 had been put on my Visa card in Venezuela.
Immediately cancelled the card, new one approx week away. Asked how it happened as I had not used the card online, banks explanation was my card had been skimmed, either in a store or by someone in vicinity of my wallet. I now on their recommendation have rfid cards next to my credit cards to prevent vicinity skimming from happening. Does not prevent skimming at a register.
They generally skim a card, then do a small transaction and see if it picked up by the bank or credit union, if not, they then progress to larger purchases.
Hopefully your bank will do the right thing by you. Good luck.
We were hacked with our bank account years ago.
We find out later that it was Coles where some fraudster swapped the eftpos to thier own.
He was waiting on his car and taking peoples details via wireless onto his laptop.

We were lucky, the bank reimbursed almost $600 weeks later.
It was the bank that notified us, as you know, we only get monthly statements.

We find out a group of Indian migrants were caught by police.

Looks like they were doing the rounds, going from town to town.
Being a costumer and a consumer, you have a right for your money to be replaced by fraud.
The bank is insured so your money should be as well.

As for your bank card, you can get one over the counter.
It can be a temporary card until they send you the new card.
So sorry to hear that Goody.
My card was vicinity scanned a year back. Not much taken, as my mobile phone alerted me immediately to the expenditure, and was able to cancel the card within a few minures.
Would like to carry knuckle dusters with me, but for some weird reason you can't use them on skimmers :eek:
Now I use RFID blocking cards in my wallet for myself and kids.
I got a notice on my mobile about the second amount..

The first amount was a little one...

When some thing happen like this it makes things hard on me until it gets sorted ...

I was so worried about it yesterday that I only had two hour sleep last night...

Now I am feeling sick as a dog from worry...

I am on a limited amount of money for each fortnight so I work every dollar out to make sure I always have the money saved to pay my bill's...

Goody :/
Hi goody I give out my card details often in the hopes it goes the other way :lol: but that Nigerian prince never feels sorry for me, not often the bloody banks either after jumping 500 hoops. Hope you get a final outcome that's positive.
Like green hornet suggested disperse your eggs different baskets when money comes in. Might be more hassle originally but you can narrow it down with more info where it ends up and sleep better with more control later.
Im with manpa in that I doubt the pop up accessed your bank details.
It more likely some one skimmed your card with out you knowing as Bigwave had experienced.
Best wys to prevent that, is to keep your cards in skim ( RFDI- Radio frequency identification blocking ) proof case/ wallet, and keep funds in a seperate account and only transfer the funds to a debt card when needed.
The bank should refund any money lost through fraud and replace your card quickly .
Hope every thing works out, try not to worry too much health is more important , so take care of your self.
:flowers: :heart: