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Oct 24, 2017
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Hi Everyone

I am a newbie to all this and can do with a lot of help. Please feel free to email me. I am 65 , not in the best of health or fitness. I am looking for a friend to show me the ropes of everything. I live in Rosemeadow NSW 2560. Currently I own a minelab 705 detector. I am willing to travel within reason ,say 200 clicks of where i live. I hope to get together with some of you for some detecting fun. I am after Gold, coins,relics . Anyhow thanks for reading through this. Hope to hear from someone soon.
hi mate and welcome lots of friendly people with lots of advice on here all you have to do is ask the question
check this out
there is a few that get around sunny corner and up that way
use the search button at the top and happy reading
Hi Marksmann

Thanks for the welcome. I have just started to post so hope to get into the swing of things in the next few days. :)
Hi pete165, and welcome mate. your swinging a handy little detector as far as coins and relics go, it should find you plenty of beach jewellery as well. Don't forget to start a thread with all your finds to keep us all up to date. :D
Your welcome mate. I swing a 505 which in reality is not as good as yours at the beach, but as far as i'm concerned i'm quite happy with what it produces. So flick over to my thread and have a look, you should be able to pick up some tips on the machine and beach hunting as i'm fairly open with my posts. If you have any questions i'm more than willing to help answer with my limited knowledge. our 2 machines operate basically the same with just a few differences. If i was in your area i would gladly go on joint hunts as two heads are better than one. :lol:
Hi Nucopia

I agree . They have to sell of anything and everything to pay for their promises I guess. Anyhow that the way it is , I just hope they did a site archaelogical before they did it so that the history of the site is protected. A lot of history on that site. I was there a couple of times during it's time as an army base to see friends etc. There is a small part still there in the form of Bardia Barracks. It is only open on days like Anzac Day, Vietnam Veterans Day and Rememberance Day plus a few other days.
Inglburn Army camp was my last posting in 1999 at 4/3 RNSWR
after i left i thought they were going to heritage list the buildings that were left
it looks like i was so wrong
such a shame a lot of history is now lost and can never be retrieved 8.( 8.(
Hi 7.62 marksman

So true . So true. Did you ever run into anyone from 1/19th Bn ? Were you regs or reserves? Thought you may have been military with your name. 7.62 slr was a great rifle. :) :)
yes i was a reg but never got to work with anyone from the 1/19th BN
that was my first when i joined loved it still do :lol: :lol: :lol: won all my awards with it and the m16

also sent you a PM mate
Oh yeah!..Big hotshot flamin rifleman is yer!..Well I remember back in 1965..when I used ter go rabbit shooting out at Kelso I 'd regularly go out with a full box a' 22's n come back with at least one rabbit!...I could shoot ten holes in a 'no-shooting sign from 10m.And at least two would be through the black writ'n...yeah...yeah! Bloody champion I was...don't tell me about shoot'n mate..I know all about shoot'n... ]:D hehe! ]:D ]:D :cool:
:lol: :lol: :lol: sounds more like shooting your mouth off :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry mate had to say it :lol: :lol: my first weapon was a .22 couldnt hit the broard side of a barn at 5m for a few months but it grew on me ]:D ]:D ]:D
Ha Ha. :Y: :Y: :Y: .You got that right! :D :D :D 'shooting your mouth off ' was exactly the twisted essence of my attempt at humour..you are really sharp Ken :Y: :Y: ..no flies on 7.62! ]:D ]:D :p
My apologies to pete165 for gate-crashing on your post mate...I hope you at least got a chuckle or two :D ]:D
My two elder brothers...Keith(Brian) as we know him on account of when he was young there was 4 (Keiths in the extended family) and Geoffrey each did there National Service out of there.I remember going to visit them and they had all their Lee Enfields arranged in a neat stack in front of each Platoon..weird!..we watched their respective Passing Out Parades..as a 3year old I was overcome with the pomp and ceremony! 8) 8) :Y:
I'd be shite scared in detecting around there..My luck my EMI would trigger a grenade or something! ]:D BOOOOM! 8) Ibet there would be thousands who would have fond memories of that place...
A belated 'WELCOME' To you also from myself pete165.. In future posts..you may refer to me by my Avatar..but also as Rossco..all my family and freinds do so and the word was coined by my late brother..and I use it as a perpetuation of his memory. There are many here, who will be only too pleased to assist you in your quest for treasure...NOT THE LEAST OF WHOM!..IS 7.62 marksman.
He is top of a rather select list of people who are of the True Blue and in whom you can rely on to share the wealth of knowledge and fellowship that they so readily and selflessly have to offer.You are among friends here and ..like me, your life may well be altered in a wonderfully exciting and genuine way.
Hi reefer

Thanks for the welcome. No problems joining in . The more the merrier. All I hope is that repatriated the land they built those homes on. Otherwise it very well might be BOOOOM. Yes it does bring back memories for me. Lot of friends went there either as nashos or regs before they went to vietnam. One only just passed on last year. He was the vice president of Balmain RSL Sub Branch at the time. He had some pretty impressive letters from US Generals. I will be ringing 7.62 tommorow.