Victorian Goldfields. Push to be Heritage listed.

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A couple questions
1/ How do we find out what the parameters were that they used in their "computer modelling ". If you know what answer you want you can simply put in the information that you know will give you that answer, so what were they, who did it , and if it's not public , why not ?

2/ Has a National/State park ever been "undeclared " or would that be too big of an admission that the govt of the day had stuffed up in a bad way, and that the "greenies" have too much clout ?
LoneWolf said:
Thegoldologist said:
I know a guy who travels australia regularly gold detecting. He has an aboriginal flag coloured beanie on the dashboard and a "you are on aboriginal land" and aboriginal flag sticker on the back window. reckons he pretty much goes anywhere he likes but l cant verify this as gospel!

Just shows you recognise their plight..... I have the sticker and you would be surprised at the friends I have met from it. :) .. and the locations I can go too now... After all, We are on Aboriginal Land....... A bit of Support goes a long Way...;)

Wombat, it would be good if you could pop in more often and keep us and your members informed on what is happening down there.... You may even pick-up a few new members... ;)


I will mate and try and keep you all informed. Right now we are trying to get the local business behind us and get them in turn to contact their local paper to put in their protest. More exposure the better. But we need everyone's help as well by talking to as many business people up here in the Golden Triangle as possible and explain what we, and they, are up against.
wombat ;)
I have to be very careful on what I say or my own personal opinion.
Only one word to say,
If they have lost the fight to declare another Great National Park,
Lets then declare it this.
Join your respective State's group and put your right to vote.
I've reached out to a few blokes from all parts of victoria (or ex victorians) via phone and social media to contact all the recreational groups they can think of. More than a few have signed the electronic petition.
These people proposing this change I believe have severely underestimated just how many users from all walks of life and pursuits use the areas for differing things. Covered off on a few hunting, 4x4, trail riding, camping and also mountain biking crews that have regular trips into these areas, I'm sure as word spreads so will the support.
I wonder why the original Brumby proposal never got up? I think it's even less likely now in this digital age we live in.
Tathradj said:
I have to be very careful on what I say or my own personal opinion.
Only one word to say,
If they have lost the fight to declare another Great National Park,
Lets then declare it this.
Join your respective State's group and put your right to vote.

Well said Doug :Y: and I'll add not a truer word spoken.

It's going to take a big effort by all to maintain OUR access OUR right that we have paid for. We as a whole are the privileged ones to have an organisation like PMAV fight hard :Y: for our rights.
OldGT said:
I've reached out to a few blokes from all parts of victoria (or ex victorians) via phone and social media to contact all the recreational groups they can think of. More than a few have signed the electronic petition.
These people proposing this change I believe have severely underestimated just how many users from all walks of life and pursuits use the areas for differing things. Covered off on a few hunting, 4x4, trail riding, camping and also mountain biking crews that have regular trips into these areas, I'm sure as word spreads so will the support.
I wonder why the original Brumby proposal never got up? I think it's even less likely now in this digital age we live in.
Victorian Goldfields

Commencing in 2009, Chris developed, championed and continues to lead a major heritage and tourism cross-regional development project Victoria's Goldfields Australia's Premier Heritage Region comprising 13 municipalities and several government agencies and regional authorities. A number of initiatives have already been implemented. The project included a proposal to rekindle the proposal for a regionally based nomination for World Heritage Listing of the Castlemaine Diggings National Park. The project was actively supported by many municipalities in the submissions to the recent Parliamentary Inquiry into Heritage Tourism and Ecotourism. Chris led the regional submission and co-ordinated the visit of the Parliamentary Committee to the Goldfields region. The Inquiry report recommended the World Heritage Listing.

In recent months Chris negotiated a memorandum of understanding between the Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) relating to an active commitment of the NTAV to become more strategically active in the Goldfields. An early deliverable is a partnership for annual delivery of a combined Goldfields Heritage Festival commencing in 2015. Chris is on a NTAV working party to explore the role for a new NTAV Goldfields region branch.

diggin4gold said:
What's happening with the PMAV in these sorts of matters?

Is the PMAV targeting the right people.
People like Cr. Chris Taylor should be grilled.
diggin4gold said:
diggin4gold said:
What's happening with the PMAV in these sorts of matters?

Is the PMAV targeting the right people.
People like Cr. Chris Taylor should be grilled.

It seems he may be using this mob to pedal his AGENDA'S
The Central Goldfield Branch has just secured Mr. Tim Miller who is employed at the Office of "Jaala Pulford MP
Member of the Legislative Council for the Western Victorian Region.
Minister for Agriculture, and Regional Development and the
Deputy Leader of the Legislative Council."
Mr Miller will be at our Branch meeting next Wednesday night the 17th. to explain what is really happening with this proposed World Heritage Park thing for the Golden Triangle. Anyone who would like to hear what Mr miller has to say or ask questions is more than welcome to join our meeting. So here is your chance to hopefully get to the bottom of this. "Oh by the way, Mr Tim Miller lives and works in Ballarat and is also a gold prospector. So he has our interests at heart. The PMAV Central Goldfield Branch meets at the Maryborough Highland Society In High St. Tea at 6pm and meeting at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Wombat ;)
It now looks like that we may also have Louise Staley MP for the seat of Rippon at our Wednesday night meeting. Rippon covers a big area of the Triangle.
Also Olly Oleszek, PMAV President will also be there at the meeting.

PatricK the meeting will be held at the Maryborough Highland Society in High St just near Toyota and the Shell service station. 7.30 meeting on Wednesday night.
We need as many prospectors and other bush uses there as possible to show our strength.
wombat ;)
Wombat, I live right up the street. Will there be signs inside to state where meeting is?
OldGT said:
I've reached out to a few blokes from all parts of victoria (or ex victorians) via phone and social media to contact all the recreational groups they can think of. More than a few have signed the electronic petition.
These people proposing this change I believe have severely underestimated just how many users from all walks of life and pursuits use the areas for differing things. Covered off on a few hunting, 4x4, trail riding, camping and also mountain biking crews that have regular trips into these areas, I'm sure as word spreads so will the support.
I wonder why the original Brumby proposal never got up? I think it's even less likely now in this digital age we live in.
As I'm sure many of you also have, I recieved an email via the petitions proposer, indicating that the originators of this idea are set to clarify exactly what is being proposed. Although promising I trust that had good people not voiced an opinion a "public" review of changes would have been far less likely, and perhaps as has happened in the past, altered during the course of implementation. For anybody in any way voicing their right to depose any changes to access I applaud you.

History is easily rewritten to suit an audience but I feel very strongly the outcry and concern has begun steering this in a far more considered and public way, proving that if enough noise is made we all get heard. Made me a bit warm and fuzzy while I wait in anticipation of what details emerge shortly.

Stand strong and tall good people. Cheers GT.
Petition update
Chris Meddows-Taylor (Central Goldfields councillor who initiated proposal ) Reply

jason cornish

May 15, 2017 Here is the latest 'catch up politics' from one of the main protagonists for the Heritage listing proposal.
Seems our petition and the outcry on some FACEBOOK sites has reached his office...
IF what he says is correct, they have toned down their initial statements dramatically and I thank everyone for the pressure we have put on him and the other protagonists.
GREAT WORK, lets keep it up and continue to SHARE this petition.
Feel free to send them emails or post on their social media sites..

Facebook post as of May 13, 2017 from Chris Meddows-Taylor (Central Goldfields councillor and Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive chairman who initiated proposal )
" Lots of passion about the Goldfields region which is great but lots of misinformation. There will be a media release and a communique from the Goldfields Heritage Summit held last week. Good idea to read these and work with the actual facts and outcomes from the Summit.
The media release has been drafted and will be in outlets from next week. The communique will follow shortly after and the purpose of both is to let everyone know what was discussed and what the forward proposals are.

Given the comments here three key messages which will feature in the media release and communique:
1. In no way is there any proposal for the establishment of some new park or reserve which would exclude activities. Any sites considered as part of the process, which is referred to as a serial listing, would be the most special of the structures and buildings across the region already listed on the Victorian Heritage Register and/or the National Heritage List.
2. Consequently there would be no change to current management of prospecting and mining and other bush activities such as camping and four wheel driving. ????????????????????????????
3. The proposal if advanced requires an extensive comparative research and consultation program, ((((initially over a two year period,))))<<<<<<<< enabling all stakeholders, interest groups and individuals to have their views considered. The proposal cannot advance without this extensive research and consultation process. Everyone's views will be considered.
I suggest we allow the media release and communique, which will enable everyone to engage with the actual information, to inform the debate" CHRIS MEDDOWS-TAYLOR
And he said this nearly ((3 years ago.))
Mr Meddows-Taylor said he thought it could take three to five years for the goldfields to earn a listing if the federal government applied to have the sites added to the list.
"How many years depends on the ((((strengths of the push)))) and the readiness of the areas to get the bits of paper together and the business case processed," he said.
"It won't be an overnight thing."
Victorian Goldfields
Commencing in 2009, Chris developed, championed and continues to lead a major heritage and tourism cross-regional development project Victoria's Goldfields Australia's Premier Heritage Region comprising 13 municipalities and several government agencies and regional authorities. A number of initiatives have already been implemented. The project included a proposal to rekindle the proposal for a regionally based nomination for World Heritage Listing of the Castlemaine Diggings National Park. The project was actively supported by many municipalities in the submissions to the recent Parliamentary Inquiry into Heritage Tourism and Ecotourism. Chris led the regional submission and co-ordinated the visit of the Parliamentary Committee to the Goldfields region. The Inquiry report recommended the World Heritage Listing.
In recent months Chris negotiated a memorandum of understanding between the Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive and the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) relating to an active commitment of the NTAV to become more strategically active in the Goldfields. An early deliverable is a partnership for annual delivery of a combined Goldfields Heritage Festival commencing in 2015. Chris is on a NTAV working party to explore the role for a new NTAV Goldfields region branch.
Central Goldfields councillor and Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive chairman Chris Meddows-Taylor said while the concept was an old one, it presented significant tourism and heritage maintenance opportunities for the region.

Its been around for a long time but just getting the momentum to get it going has been building in recent years and $$$$we think were just about ready to go,$$$$ Cr Meddows-Taylor said.
And judging by the PMAV' outlook,it does not seem HE has been in talks or consultation sessions with any of the Appropriate body's of interest at all.Arrogance & ignorance seems to be the norm.

Obviously item 3 has not been happening over the LAST 8 YEARS..
3. The proposal if advanced requires an extensive comparative research and consultation program, ((((initially over a two year period,))))<<<<<<<< enabling all stakeholders, interest groups and individuals to have their views considered. The proposal cannot advance without this extensive research and consultation process. Everyone's views will be considered.
There is a lot of floors in Chris-Meddow-Taylor statements above

1. In no way is there any proposal for the establishment of some new park or reserve which would exclude activities.

This statement is wrong

(We have right now 3 new proposals for State or National Parks in the Western Region of Victoria. One at Bendigo, Wellsford State Forest. Another one that will take in from Bacchus Marsh up to Kyneton and Hepburn Springs area. And another one starting from Beaufort, going all the way up to Avoca and beyong.)

Chris- Meddow-Taylor SAID LAST WEEK.
Central Goldfields councillor and Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive chairman Chris Meddows-Taylor said while the concept was an old one, it presented significant tourism and heritage maintenance opportunities for the region.
Its been around for a long time but just getting the momentum to get it going has been building in recent years and we think were just about ready to go, Cr Meddows-Taylor said.

But he stated in earlier comments this could take up to 3 to 5 years.

Over all this period the PMAV (as far as I know) or any other bush user or interest party including local Business people have not been consulted in any part of this process as stated in section 3 :-

The proposal if advanced requires an extensive comparative research and consultation program, ((((initially over a two year period,))))<<<<<<<< enabling all stakeholders, interest groups and individuals to have their views considered. The proposal cannot advance without this extensive research and consultation process. Everyone's views will be considered.
I suggest we allow the media release and communique, which will enable everyone to engage with the actual information, to inform the debate" CHRIS MEDDOWS-TAYLOR

The PMAV had a meeting with Maryborough Mayor Geoff Lovett and Chris-Meddow-Tayor in Dec last year voicing our concerns. They basically scrub us of and said we were only scare mongering.

I think this guy is treating people like a cat playing with a mouse before the death blow.
wombat ;)

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