Victorian Goldfields. Push to be Heritage listed.

Prospecting Australia

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Well if they lock that area up then I'll have no reason to go there.
No reason to fill the petrol tank there.
No reason to buy supplies there.
No reason to go to the pub for a counter meal.
I am in NSW but it would seem to me that every local council in the areas affected would lose a massive amount of income from the tourism industry?
Surely prospectors, fossickers pour a huge amount of money into the area every year.
Thank God We have NAPFA in NSW... What is pmav doing? Nothing by the sound of it
At least NAPFA are keeping us in the loop...
If i was a member of pmav....i would be asking ??
I so agree....Time for Eureka 2017..
Ramjet said:
I am in NSW but it would seem to me that every local council in the areas affected would lose a massive amount of income from the tourism industry?
Surely prospectors, fossickers pour a huge amount of money into the area every year.

It's swings and roundabouts as far as most businesses/councils are concerned. Sure the prospectors and fossickers might stay away, but they no doubt figure that tourists will come from all over the world to see a World Heritage Area. Personally, I doubt it - there just isn't all that much to see and what remains of the actual gold rush days is pretty prosaic stuff that probably means a lot more to us, than to non-prospectors/fossickers.
grubstake said:
Ramjet said:
I am in NSW but it would seem to me that every local council in the areas affected would lose a massive amount of income from the tourism industry?
Surely prospectors, fossickers pour a huge amount of money into the area every year.

It's swings and roundabouts as far as most businesses/councils are concerned. Sure the prospectors and fossickers might stay away, but they no doubt figure that tourists will come from all over the world to see a World Heritage Area. Personally, I doubt it - there just isn't all that much to see and what remains of the actual gold rush days is pretty prosaic stuff that probably means a lot more to us, than to non-prospectors/fossickers.

Fair point... The grass is always greener or better the devil you know. Pick your metaphor. 8)
Nice to see someone on the ball.....Never ceases to amaze me. I've taken up latte sipping so eventually when they kick us all out I'll have something to do.
grubstake said:
Ramjet said:
I am in NSW but it would seem to me that every local council in the areas affected would lose a massive amount of income from the tourism industry?
Surely prospectors, fossickers pour a huge amount of money into the area every year.

It's swings and roundabouts as far as most businesses/councils are concerned. Sure the prospectors and fossickers might stay away, but they no doubt figure that tourists will come from all over the world to see a World Heritage Area. Personally, I doubt it - there just isn't all that much to see and what remains of the actual gold rush days is pretty prosaic stuff that probably means a lot more to us, than to non-prospectors/fossickers.

Yeah, I can't imagine a bunch of pomms would be impressed if they made the trip, and all you had to show them was the remains of an old puddler and a few mounds of tailings. 99% of the world has far more interesting historical places than what we do. We simply have such a short history, bushfires and the bush reclaim things pretty quick.
LC76 said:
Before you guys get the pitchforks out,as far as im aware at least in Bendigo they're only talking about saving and protecting things like the old Bendigo Gas Works.

Yes that's what I understand is being proposed. However, the gas works site is very contaminated and has been discussed for nearly thirty years now. So nothing moves fast. Especially if significant money needs to be spent just securing and removing health risk first from the site.

There was also talk of close houses and residents at a health risk with chemicals leeching into the local area.

Patrick1 said:

Change.otg are a legitimate organisation from what I can gather my wife reads alot of their topics. If I were you I'd sign it the more community groups that run this topic to maintain these areas as a public asset for public use in all forms the better I say. I'll be signing it.

And for everyone who has questioned PMAV jump on their website and see for yourself what their upto. They work really hard :Y: at the top level of state and local government to allow us to do what we enjoy.
RM Outback said:
Patrick1 said:

Change.otg are a legitimate organisation from what I can gather my wife reads alot of their topics. If I were you I'd sign it the more community groups that run this topic to maintain these areas as a public asset for public use in all forms the better I say. I'll be signing it.

And for everyone who has questioned PMAV jump on their website and see for yourself what their upto. They work really hard :Y: at the top level of state and local government to allow us to do what we enjoy.
Signed the petition,commented and passed on to brother in law who rides motorbikes with mates on trips to Victoria.
I know a guy who travels australia regularly gold detecting. He has an aboriginal flag coloured beanie on the dashboard and a "you are on aboriginal land" and aboriginal flag sticker on the back window. reckons he pretty much goes anywhere he likes but l cant verify this as gospel!
I suspect its all in the definition though. If its a push to do all the goldfields then half of Vict will be listed. If its a push to heritage list a town like Tarnagulla or Dunolly then thatd probably be ok. Trouble is nothing is defined so how could we know whats in the minds of those proposing it.......
OK guys I haven't be on for awhile but I can a sure you that the PMAV is well aware of the situation and are planning to contact all councils and new papers in the area to voice our disapproval and our objection of trying to implement to get the whole of the Central goldfield under a World Heritage listing. They will be planning other thing as well. In the mean time if you live up in the goldfield or planning to visit talk to the local business people and ask them who is their main clientele and tell them what will happen to their business if this World Heritage thing go's through. I have been talking to a lot of business people in and around Maryborough, and not one is happy about this and what it could do to their business if it go's ahead. What I can gather the Business people will be backing us all the way. This has created a lost of resentment and protest on all prospecting Facebook pages.
wombat ;)

This was published in the PMAV Eureka Echo March 2006. Now remember this is about National Parks not World Heritage Parks. If it was, these figure would have tripled.

Eureka Echo (March 2006)
Missing Tourists in National Parks
Members may recall the Environment Conservation Council forecast of dramatic increases in tourism once the new national parks were established across the goldfields. Well, they were wrong. Very wrong! The new parks were created in 2002 and yet official tourism figures for 2004-2005 indicate that domestic overnight visits to the Goldfields region (aka the Box Ironbark region) were down 15.25% and interstate overnight visits were down a massive 41.2%. The parks have obviously done nothing to enhance visitor numbers. Given the restriction on activities brought about by the change to national park, it is more likely that the parks are in fact frightening people away. So what happened to all those jobs in the tourism industry that were supposed to replace those lost in the mining, timber and eucalyptus distilling industries? They didnt happen! However, no-one is answerable for this. Not the Council members who recommended these parks be created, not the politicians who supported the legislation to create the parks, not the green lobby groups who pushed for the parks in the first place, nor the bureaucrats who made it all happen. The only people who feel any ramifications are those who have lost their jobs, the communities where they once spent their money and those of us who have lost opportunities to continue our traditional activities. We get absolutely no satisfaction in now being able to say to the state government we told you so.
Thegoldologist said:
I know a guy who travels australia regularly gold detecting. He has an aboriginal flag coloured beanie on the dashboard and a "you are on aboriginal land" and aboriginal flag sticker on the back window. reckons he pretty much goes anywhere he likes but l cant verify this as gospel!

Just shows you recognise their plight..... I have the sticker and you would be surprised at the friends I have met from it. :) .. and the locations I can go too now... After all, We are on Aboriginal Land....... A bit of Support goes a long Way...;)

Wombat, it would be good if you could pop in more often and keep us and your members informed on what is happening down there.... You may even pick-up a few new members... ;)


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