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I had a long week at work and having the @#!$%@* flu didn't make it any easier, so I thought I would cheer myself up with some fire and smoky tucker :)

The poor little Weber hadn't had a run for a while so I awoke it from its hibernation and fired it up with a chimney of lump charcoal and heatbeads.


Rolled up a couple of chook thighs in some maple smoked bacon and put a bit of dry rub/olive oil on:


Smoked em with some Banksia pods and Hickory chips for about 45 minutes in a small pan:


Out of the pan and onto the grill and after another hour or so they were done:


Well I soon forgot about being crook when I had a taste of these :p the mighty Smokey Joe did a splendid job :Y:

The Dragon currently has some pork belly burnt ends smoking away and I'm looking forward to them as well 8)

Found this easy as no knead bread recipe - ANYONE could do it.

3 cups all-purpose flour or bread flour (360 grams) (I used plain old ordinary flour)
1/4 teaspoon yeast (active dry or instant)
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups hot water, not boiling (354 ml). Hot tap water works fine
About 2 tablespoons extra flour for shaping

Combine flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Stir in water until its well combined.
Cover with plastic warp and let stand at room temp for 3 hours.
After 3 hours dough will become puffy and dotted with bubbles. (Shakes like a jelly belly). Transfer it to a well-floured surface and sprinkle dough with a little flour. Using a scraper fold dough over 10-12 times and shape into a rough ball. (Dont knead it! Treat it tenderly)
Place in a parchment paper-lined bowl and cover with a towel. Let stand on counter top for 35 minutes.
Meantime place dutch oven with lid on in cold oven and preheat to 450 degrees farenheight (250 degrees celcius)
When hot, carefully lift the parchment paper and dough from the bowl and place gently into the dutch oven. Parchment paper goes in the pot too. Cover and bake for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, remove lid and parchment paper. Return, uncovered to oven and bake 10-15 minutes more. Should end up dark tan colour - or how you like it.
Bon appetit!

Damn there has been some good looking tucker on here lately.

I had some people over on Saturday, so made ricotta stuffed zuccini flowers with fried baby calamari, sorry no pic.

Main was red emperor with seared scallops and lemon and vermouth beurre Blanc, with some basil and lemon oil. Triple cooked chips on the side.


Youngest daughter and talented baker Grace made this tarte aux fleur de pomme, which tasted even better than it looked!


Tonight I made giant pasta shells stuffed with ricotta and spinach. Because I eat low carb, I had some seared lambs fry with a little of the pasta. I'm the only one at home who eats offal, and the fry is really nice this time of year, nice and pale. It is important not to over cook it, though, it should be nicely pink inside.

DrDuck said:
Sorry, I got an error message while trying to post this, and somehow ended up with duplicates. Could one of the mods please clean up the duplicates?
The error says Unable to fetch subscription info....
Mate the food made me salivate it looked so tasty :p
I also had the same issue with multiple duplicate posts ...
Doc your pics look like the food they cook on MKR or some other reality food show :Y: