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Hmmm that's an idea John, maybe replace the blokes rubber dolls with freshly printed ones in 3D hahaha
Well you wouldnt believe it. I have just been looking on the 3D printing site and it has the riffle profiles to print out.

A small sluice is gonna happen for sure

New chain and bar for the chainsaw. A little over due but thankfully before I cut a limb off me instead of a tree. Got so inspired I cut at least 5 times what I intended to and then had to do three ute and trailer loads... Might put a shed heater in yet no shortage of wood. Yesterday bought an inlet manifold gasket for the ute also overdue. I learnt something about fixing this its really a two step process. First step call a mechanic. Second step pay him to do it. 7 hours one gasket. I get older but not wiser.
Lol goldtarget.. unfortunately there is a third step if a mechanic is involved.... 'pay the bill' :|
G0lddigg@ said:
Its pretty thick mate between tge outer boot amd thesock which cam be replaced and the added waterproof tongue
HeadsUp said:
G0lddigg@ said:
New pair of magnums got the trifecta. Pair in my size (13) rare as hen's teeth in Ballarat, waterproof design with carbon tip ( awesome for detecting) and on sale :)

is the entire boot thick enough to stop snakebites ?

I am currently looking for something like these . no metal used in construction , flexible , can be used as running boots without fatigue , just trying to find out if they are snakebite proof.

Altama's are great boots real comfortable :) don't have to worry about snakes mate they are a good high boot and think enough to stop a snake
1500 long of vrib from Clark rubber. Oh the possibilities. Resisted the urge to buy a brake press. .. But got some folding done, a man cannot have too many bankers or configuration differences.
Camps 7, Lonely Planet Australia, Goldfieber: Wie ich in Australiens Outback reich werden wollte (goldfever: how i wanted to get rich in australias outback).
kleinman98 said:
Gday everybody. Today I bought a 3D printer and hope for delivery on wednesday.
Think of anything made of plastic and you could make it with this.
Nice! I've always wanted a 3D printer.
How much did that set you back?
Cheers, :D
A trailer, going to clean it up for the go karts.


Stay tuned folks. A nice little project to keep me busy for a couple of weeks.
Hey Wally, I am not an expert, but I believe you buy a wheel dresser. It , from memory looks like a serrated metal wheel on a wooden handle . I think a trip to Bunnings is on the menu!