Staring into the eyes of a killer

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Brad Welch
Feb 15, 2013
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For nearly 2 years I stacked timber, planed timber and made some pretty impressive interior archways for the old colonial homes.
My offsider when available was not a nice person, always doped up, doing unforeseen things, basically a total grub.
A few times I was going to give him a belting for his actions, some I cant or don't want too say on this forum, in plan sense he was just a horrible man.
I had just found this out just the other day when I went to pick up some timber from a friends business.
That was 20 yrs ago that I was working with Brett Peter Cowan.
I was shocked and not surprised that he was Killer of D.Morcombe.
It gives me the creeps that 20 yrs ago that I couldn't trust that man then.
I am a bit freaked out about this and goes to show that 6 degrees of separation was in full play then.
I hope he will rot in hell for what he done done to that family.

Yeah, what a freak show. They reckon your first instincts are usually right. I hope they never never never let the creep out....what is it they do to 'rock spiders' in jail? he'll get his.....
thats heavy mate, I image there people everywhere that he's come in contact with feeling sick about this bloke I for one an pissed off with the QLD system, people get put in jail for longer on drink driving offenses and assault and this guy strangles a kid and molests him and they let him out after 12 months.... common if we cant hang people like this at least castrate them.
It certainly freaked me out a bit, even back then I knew this bloke was no good.
There is a picture of him in the papers of him poking his toungue and very unkept..that is how I remembered him.
Lead injection is the only way for animals like this, why do we as taxpayers have to fork out dollars to keep this joker alive.
But be awares, you just don't know who is who out there.
It is a shame that filth like that are even born, i can only hope that the shower room offers him the same gratitude in terror and torment that poor kid went through....People like that should have no rights, no option for parole and no place in society. Im not a fan of capital punishment but at times it seems like the only true punishment for human sewage like that.
Not wrong there Ken, I would be in jail for murder myself if that freak touched my boys.
But this guy was a gutless weakling, suppose that is why he preyed on the helpless.
I told my boys if or should they be in a situ like this make sure the foot hits the lower part of the nether region and hitail it outa there.
I feel sorry for his Mum and Dad as they are supposed to be of law abiding citizens.
Take care all
there was a comment on face book the other day which a bloke posted saying he smashed that cowen clown and has been paying compensation at $50.00 a week for years. I believe he should be released from that debt or the very least that payment should be diverted to the morcombe appeal so his parents can continue with the selfless and generous programme they run for our childrens protection. I am by no means a cruel person but in this case, death to him is too easy a release for him from his convictions and debt to society, i am glad my tax bucks are paying for him to dwell on his crimes against innocent children. i cant speak for daniels parents but i will definately be happy that he is enduring ongoing grief, suffering, regret and torment for the rest of his life. It is just a shame that the QLD government locks people up for an indefinate period with no charges(i.e bikie gang members, ....yes i know they lead a criminalistic lifestyle, but i have relatives and friends that choose this existance and not all of them are bad) but they will not commit a criminal to ...never to be released. Maybe QLD is not beatiful one day,perfect the next :(
Ivan Milat was a nasty dude, at least he didn't prey on children, maybe Milat should of buried Cowan.
Milat preyed on anything and anyone. That mongrel almost got me in 1989 when I was hitch hiking from Narrabri to Bundaburg, I was doing cotton chipping and was heading to bundaburg to pick tomatoes, when we got 50k's or so from Goondiwindi. He started acting weird asking questions, he asked me all kinds of questions does anybody know where you are? Is anybody waiting for you up the road? straight away I said that my aunt was waiting for me at the post office in Goondiwindi. Then he went quite and would not speak to me, when he said I want to turn up this track and talk to a bloke I told him to let me out.

He did meet up with somebody in a yellow car about a couple of k's of the road, and they were watching me through binoculars I could see the glare from the binoculars as they looked across the roof of the yellow car. One side was heavily timbered the other side was open plains, I was very anxious that day and lucky for me an old guy and his family picked me up in an old Holden I never hitched again. Just goes to show you that weirdo's are out there and yes it can happen to you. I have warned my kids to never ever hitch hike.

I have honestly thought about going back to the site with my metal detector and having a swing and a look around. But it was so long ago I couldn't be sure of the site of this incident.

cheers Rob

aushunter said:
Ivan Milat was a nasty dude, at least he didn't prey on children, maybe Milat should of buried Cowan.
beach detecting addict said:
Milat preyed on anything and anyone. That mongrel almost got me in 1989 when I was hitch hiking from Narrabri to Bundaburg, I was doing cotton chipping and was heading to bundaburg to pick tomatoes, when we got 50k's or so from Goondiwindi. He started acting weird asking questions, he asked me all kinds of questions does anybody know where you are? Is anybody waiting for you up the road? straight away I said that my aunt was waiting for me at the post office in Goondiwindi. Then he went quite and would not speak to me, when he said I want to turn up this track and talk to a bloke I told him to let me out.

He did meet up with somebody in a yellow car about a couple of k's of the road, and they were watching me through binoculars I could see the glare from the binoculars as they looked across the roof of the yellow car. One side was heavily timbered the other side was open plains, I was very anxious that day and lucky for me an old guy and his family picked me up in an old Holden I never hitched again. Just goes to show you that weirdo's are out there and yes it can happen to you. I have warned my kids to never ever hitch hike.

I have honestly thought about going back to the site with my metal detector and having a swing and a look around. But it was so long ago I couldn't be sure of the site of this incident.

cheers Rob

aushunter said:
Ivan Milat was a nasty dude, at least he didn't prey on children, maybe Milat should of buried Cowan.

that was close, glad you had the brain in gear that day
Beach detecting addict,
l would contact Qld Police and tell them what happened to you. Regardless of how long ago it was.
it may be that there were other that escaped as well

A lot of people went missing in Qld in that Milat era.
never to be seen again.
remember the Adelaide Hills he was there also.

Newcastle....Stockton beach........2 went missing never to be found.

where ever he went people went missing.

It ain't over till it's over

I noticed the last trip to Tuena the sign to Belangelo State Forrest is no longer there. Just a small street sign.
To those seeking Capital Punishment, I think that is an easy way out. Just imagine the last 20 or 30 years of your life. Now imagine that same 20 or 30 years in a prison, locked in a room, behind walls unable to go anywhere, with some of the most violent, nasty and undesirable of our community. I could not imagine being locked down in my own home for a month let alone that many years in a prison. To call for Capital Punishment is to give them an easy way out.

If we set a standard that murder is unacceptable it must remain that way in all circumstances (except self defence). If we then take someones life because we feel we can justify it because we feel the need for revenge, how does that make us as a society any different from any other murderer. Of course it is natural to feel this desire/need, however a social standard is exactly that and it should not be moveable dependant on how we feel.

Having said that, my heart breaks when I think of what the Morcombe family went through. I doubt I could have done it with the same strength, dignity and restraint thay they have shown for so many years. If it was my child I would have been hard pressed not to take my revenge in the most permenant of manners. However, I think the many years of punishment this animal now has coming his way, in ways many of us could never imagine will far outway the threat of a quick punishment by death. I am thinking that he will soon wish the death penalty was an option.