Staring into the eyes of a killer

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i went to school with a guy that i started to talk to cause he was friends with a friend of mine but he was odd and i didnt get along with him to the point we used to fight a lot at school, he was caught killing animals in horrible ways a bit after we left school and was stealing peoples pets etc, i can remember my mother saying that this kid will kill someone one day and telling me to keep away from him, he was that sort of weird, well it was afew years after that he got into a taxi and got the driver to go into a fairly quite area and killed the driver and set fire to the car for no apparent reason other than he wanted to, proves in any day at any point you can come across these people.
it should be that they get to spend the rest of their natural lives behind bars without hope of release
Dogmatic said:
To those seeking Capital Punishment, I think that is an easy way out. Just imagine the last 20 or 30 years of your life. Now imagine that same 20 or 30 years in a prison, locked in a room, behind walls unable to go anywhere, with some of the most violent, nasty and undesirable of our community. I could not imagine being locked down in my own home for a month let alone that many years in a prison. To call for Capital Punishment is to give them an easy way out.

If we set a standard that murder is unacceptable it must remain that way in all circumstances (except self defence). If we then take someones life because we feel we can justify it because we feel the need for revenge, how does that make us as a society any different from any other murderer. Of course it is natural to feel this desire/need, however a social standard is exactly that and it should not be moveable dependant on how we feel.

Having said that, my heart breaks when I think of what the Morcombe family went through. I doubt I could have done it with the same strength, dignity and restraint thay they have shown for so many years. If it was my child I would have been hard pressed not to take my revenge in the most permenant of manners. However, I think the many years of punishment this animal now has coming his way, in ways many of us could never imagine will far outway the threat of a quick punishment by death. I am thinking that he will soon wish the death penalty was an option.

My preference is to introduce stonings to Australia, where the convicted killer, rapist or pedophile is lead down the main street of the affected community with everyone holding a handful of stones (I've leave the rest to your imagination). I think our justice system which favors perpetrators is complete and utter BS, and I for one would seriously think twice about doing any crime that punishes by stoning.

I feel for the Morcombe family and any other person who's life has been turned upside down by such filth.

[The above is my opinion only and not intended to upset anyone else's views of beliefs]

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