SD speaker amplifier/booster help?

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Nov 7, 2013
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Hey guys, i have had a search around and i cant seem to find a good source for a schematic of a booster for the sd series detectors like the ones you see on ebay for 170 bucks. I was wanting to have a go at makng one from scratch for fun, and if it turns out offer them for more reasonable prices. Does any one know where to look or have you opened yours up for a photo of the components? Or is there an alternative search that would have a soimilar device that could be used that i am missing? Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi X-ray, I couldn't justify 170 for what it is and what it does. So I have used mini guitar amp 30 bucks with its own source so far no complaint :)
Go to jaycar mate while your there grab a regulator
ready made for 29 bucks and 12 volt battery for 29 bucks.
Tune in reg for 7.3 volts this will improve your amp and speaker
and the performance of the SD.
I'm using this system and hey the amps have a bypass filter
which stops back feed noise.I got my detec one for 60 bucks.
Maybe worth ringing coil tech in maryborough Vic
They often have plenty s/h stuff for SD.