Rubber slurry flap

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Apr 13, 2013
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I've noticed in some of the high end highbankers out of the US the use of a rubber slurry flap and bubble brush. Can anyone explain exactly there purpose and usefulness?
The rubber flap helps smooth out the water flow and disperses the water more evenly across the box, The bubble brush helps eliminate bubbles which can interfere with pressures created by a vortex and supposedly cause fine gold to travel. They usually put this at the end of the skid plate just before the first riffle.

100mm of expanded mesh across the box before the first riffle will do the same job dispersing the water and bubbles. Personally i recon they're a waste of time in a correctly set up sluice. They are more appropriate to a large scale, high water volume sluice, such as the big commercial units.
Good selling point in some sluices though, as you think you're getting something extra for your money, and they use them in "Gold Rush" so they must be good. :eek:

Cheers Wal,
We added a dampener or rubber flap to our larger highbanker. We felt it needed it as we had modified it from the design it was made for.
We have alot more water running through the unit than it was originally made for and found we had a lot of turbulance in the head of the sluice. For our highbanker the dampener is used similar to what Wal described. We use it to smooth the waterflow out, to help reduce bubbles and to help force the material down onto our mats.
Wouldn't the rubber flap, if used, have to be very lightweight so you don't have to increase pump pressure?
I was serious, not about Casper, but if you restrict water flow you need more pressure no?