Prospecting Licenses.

Prospecting Australia

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Oct 28, 2018
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Hi guys Because I do gold prospecting all over Australia I have prospecting licenses for most states but after coming back from my prospecting trip to Tasmania I was surprised because in most states a prospecting license and miners licenses pay online and its just a paper copy you print and sign and keep on you at all times but gets wet and dirty most of the time lol but in Tasmania they gave me a prospecting license card with all your details just like a driver's license why don't Victoria and Queensland do that?
Its a good idea. Our Miners Right in WA is valid for lifetime, so would make sense to have a plastic card rather than just a signed paper copy ... to note of which they do not provide a replacement paper copy. If you lose it you need to re-register & pay again (only $25 tho)
At least we are permitted to take photocopies &/or photos on our phone to keep in your pocket while wandering around in case you are stopped & questioned. This will suffice in most circumstances (assuming you are prospecting legally) but you need to keep the original safe in your car or van if the authorities ask for it.
Tasmania does the same thing when you buy a fishing license every year...

If you buy a one off they don't give you a card..

Tasmania was the first state to bring out Medicare card with a chip in them,

So your health records would all go on to the card and what health problems you have or had..

Goody :)
Yes, a much better idea than the paper copy you get online. I printed mine out a few times to have spares when they get trashed, keeping it folded in my pocket while panning. Made it through the wash cycle one time - oops!

But to change it to plastic cards, they'd increase the price, no doubt, because that means they'd have to do some actual work.

Shhh! No one in a government department wants this situation to change... :)

Ded Driver said:
Our Miners Right in WA is valid for lifetime, so would make sense to have a plastic card rather than just a signed paper copy ... to note of which they do not provide a replacement paper copy. If you lose it you need to re-register & pay again (only $25 tho)

Actually Ded they do replace them!
I was pleasantly surprised when I went in to get another one (as I couldnt find my ~20 year old one) in Perth. I said I needed a new one as Id lost my old one, and they found me on their system and printed up a new one on the spot! Bonus :Y:
hey that's good news Zengeo. When I got mine (in Kalgoorlie) I was informed by the lady at the desk that they don't. I sort of wondered why they wouldn't, given that in this modern era everything is digital & its an easy matter to locate people on file in a data base, & then simply print it.
I stand corrected.
thankyou for the enlightenment! :Y: