Prospecting / Gold Related TV Shows.

Prospecting Australia

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grippsy25 said:
Ramjet said:
Found another couple of shows to keep an eye out for.

Dig Wars: American relic hunters. This may be on for the detectorists.
Episodes available at the usual places ;)
I haven't seen any of this one yet, still downloading.

I watched all six episodes of this the other day. I personally liked it, but reading the comments I know others didnt like it so much.

I liked fact there is three teams of two. More people and personalities is always good I think. It's a good mix of people too. Others might feel differently, but none of the people rubbed me the wrong way.
I liked the friendly competition side of it. Added a little something extra.

Other than that it was a fairly standard dig show...which means it's good if you ask me so id recommend it.

The moment that you notice someone else has already posted the same thing as you, lol :D
Bernsey said:
G0lddigg@ said:
sounds cool, anythings better than the crap my missus watches :)

Crap, crap, did I hear somebody say their better half watches crap??? Now I hope you were not making any reference to that fabulous show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" by any chance, rofl.

Hey, speaking for all us ladies, we watch all the good gold shows too, plus we cook your dinners, we just edit out the crappy sports stuff, plus we cook your dinners...... and even wash up, what more could you ask for. Did I mention we cook your dinners?

Ok, I have spoken, back to the washing up.


Hey Bernsey

A little respect please!!

I'm cooking dinner at the moment because the minister for finance and violence has not yet arrived home, this happens every night of the week in this house, and I wash up most of the time cause she is buggered!!!!! :eek:

On the weekend I do what I'm told for a change while she watches crap on the idiot box, the latest revolves around women in prison.

How could I not love the apple of my eye??? and someone who can apply a mean headlock!!!! 8)

Love youse all

Bernsey said:
G0lddigg@ said:
sounds cool, anythings better than the crap my missus watches :)

Crap, crap, did I hear somebody say their better half watches crap??? Now I hope you were not making any reference to that fabulous show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" by any chance, rofl.

Hey, speaking for all us ladies, we watch all the good gold shows too, plus we cook your dinners, we just edit out the crappy sports stuff, plus we cook your dinners...... and even wash up, what more could you ask for. Did I mention we cook your dinners?

Ok, I have spoken, back to the washing up.


Not sure where thats come from... in our house I get up early make breakfast warm the car up before my missus heads off to work. I run two businesses from home and cook. Do the shopping and walk the dog. ... settle your kettle mate tgis isnt a haters forum.
Not sure where thats come from... in our house I get up early make breakfast warm the car up before my missus heads off to work. I run two businesses from home and cook. Do the shopping and walk the dog. ... settle your kettle mate tgis isnt a haters forum.

Hey meant tongue in cheek, put your sense of humour coat back on.

To Bazz
I'm cooking dinner at the moment because the minister for finance and violence has not yet arrived home, this happens every night of the week in this house, and I wash up most of the time cause she is buggered!!!!! yikes

On the weekend I do what I'm told for a change while she watches crap on the idiot box, the latest revolves around women in prison.

How could I not love the apple of my eye??? and someone who can apply a mean headlock!!!! glasses
I truly bow my head in your wonderfulness.. (is that a word??, who cares).

In 20 years of marriage I worked and never had a meal cooked for me, didn't really mind too much I must say but its horses for courses.
I was just having a laugh. Who cares anyway, as long as we are all comfortable in our own skins, its all good. No household jobs should have
a sex delegation and thats a great thing.

G0lddigg@ said:
Did I mention I cook dinner!!!

I rather suspect you did. Also your reference to me conducting a haters match. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

However, you have certainly cured me, the only bad feeling I detected were certainly not coming from me. As a consequence, I
will certainly never post anything or contribute in any way with this forum again.

That should settle your kettle for you. ( an extremely unwarranted condescending comment I felt).
Yeh first half was crappy but I enjoyed the last wish if gramps and everyone pulling together. I think we all know grampa just wanted his family to be a family again.
I am not the most technical savvy person in the world and cannot for the life of me work out how to download movies, I also dont have a computer at home at the moment.
Because of this and because its illegal and I wouldn't want to break the law and all that I am trying to find some series on dvd but no luck so far?
Has anyone seen any of these shows advertised on dvd for sale?
Im looking for the ones like game of stones, prospectors, and anything else you can suggest
G0lddigg@ said:
Yeh mate go to the American prospectors association page and you can buy dvds of gold fever :)
Just keep in mind the DVD's could be region locked, I'm pretty sure that still a thing for DVD's.
treu that, you need to ahve a device that will play ntsc + Pal most deviced these days i.e. playstation, boxee box have the options to play these in region settings but you could get caught out.