Prospecting and Cancer

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Paul T
May 6, 2013
Reaction score
Queanbeyan, NSW
I was unfortunate enough to have been diagnosed with a extremely rare cancer 2 weeks before christmas, I would like to ask if any member here has been through the battle of fighting cancer with chemotherapy and have still managed to get out and do a bit of prospecting.

I start Chemo next week and i will still like to visit my local prospecting place Oallen Forde now that i cant work anymore for a undetermined amount of time , thats if i can manage,i guess chemo affects everyone differently , but i am really going to try and get out there and keep busy on the cooler days,my doctors said that whilst the chemo will lower my immune system and its not advisable to hang out in crowded places i was thinking a few days on the creek a week may be the right place to hang out

Paul T
Wow that sucks Paul. I've heard the same thing about chemo affecting people to varying degrees. I guess its a case of wait and see. But if you are able to, it sounds like a good idea, run it past the drs 1st though. All the best with your chemo and gor the new year. :)
7.62marksman said:
Mate so sorry to hear that all i know is that chemo effects everybody in different ways some are crook for a day or so some are crook longer it all depends on the person
if i have time off when you want to hit oallen i will deferentially meet you there

thanks mate, going by your profile pic i take it your ex army ? i couldn't help notice your SLR pic as i am ex army myself

I find out what drugs they are going to start to pump into me next week and how strong they actually are
Good luck Pauley, my nephew has just started chemo and he is being given a new one which doesn't make you lose your hair and in most people doesn't have the side effects. So far he hasn't been sick from it, so maybe you could ask about it. He is in WA. So sorry to hear, and I hope you beat it big time.
I know of a bloke that would get out for a gold detect a few days after his chemo doses, just don't over do it, he got plenty of gold too. Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, hope you get your life back to normal ASAP. The docs are really great these days, my friend and brother have both beaten cancer so for, both several years in remission.
All the best in your quest to fight this nasty Disease. All too common these Days...
As for Prospecting in a creek, your Dr will most likely say NO.. Main reason for preventing you from doing this is Water Quality... So many Bugs/Bacteria/Organisms in creek water at the best of times... Your body is having a battle at the moment and Anything like a Cold/Flu/Sniffles/Bugs will only compound your issues 1000 Fold... And they Won't give you Chemo if you have the slightest hint of a Cold/Flu..... This is ONLY My opinion, But I have a little experience with my Sister having a battle in her body and picking up a Cold at the same time, almost killed her.. That is the Reason your Dr wants you to reframe from crowds..... Maybe take up Detecting, but I have heard that not many are successful at that.... ;) Take things Easy till you 'learn' what your body can take.... :/

I hope you do well.
Getting out helps as do any positive friends you have. Use a support group if you can find a positive one, which can be difficult. A big part of the battle is in the head, take care to deal with that too. Rest when you need.

Pauly my best friend of forty plus years has just received news his wife has lung cancer at what would have been the same time as yourself. They were going to do chemo on her but have now changed her to a tablet that does not have the ill effects that most people get from chemo. Hence they now plan to travel where as before were not sure if she would be up to it.
As has been said I would avoid waterways for reasons others have already stated. All I could say is anything that can lift your moral or makes you feel good whilst doing it then go for it. I wish you well with your treatment and hope as has been said again before .................... kick the shite out of it mate.
G'day Pauly and sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

My mum has just gone through 3 years of chemo for an incurable cancer and her treatments have varied from months of 8 hrs a day on a drip and loosing her hair and being rather sick to taking the tablet form and keeping her hair and no sickness which allowed them to go travelling again, all up she had 4-5 different chemo treatments which all had different effects on her so you may just have to wait and see how your treatment affects you.

Agree with the not playing in creeks etc. as your main priority is to give your body the best chance to fight the disease and the chemo, on the other hand it is so important to keep your mind in a good place and if that means going out searching for some gold then try and do it in the least risky way.

I have had 4 battles with Thyroid cancer over the years which turned nasty the last time, spent 5 months feeding through a tube going straight into my stomach as I couldn't eat or drink due to the effects of the Radiation treatment on my neck, I've have 3 separate treatments of 2 different Radio's and have some pretty good scaring on my neck, muscle removed which affects the strength in my neck and all of my lymph nodes, thyroid gland removed as well as my throat still affected by the last treatment 10 years ago so I know about the battle you have in front of you.

The best thing you can do is keep your body in as best health you can whilst keeping you mind as healthy as you can, trying to find that right balance is the challenge mate because no matter how tough the physical battle can be sometimes it's the mental battle that is tough to beat, stress is the one to try and avoid as much as possible, don't stress what you can't control and it's the lack of control over your life at the moment that will be the most frustrating, you just need to put your faith in the people treating you and try and be as positive as you can.

Hope all goes well for you Pauly and never feel you can't talk about it, talking makes you feel better and takes some weight off your shoulders.

Glad to hear that you end up successfully beating this Paul.

Positive mind space might seem difficult or ludicrous but the mind has more power than what most people use.

Take a sheet of paper and write a note to yourself that you have permission to beat it.

Stick the note next to the bathroom mirror and read it as often as you need to until you remember that it's true.

Do you feel like going to a meditation group ?
Meditation can realign the natural healthy energy flow in your body and in many cases cancer has mysteriously disappeared in people who practice it , so too does yoga if you feel you want to take on that body strengthening practice.

Diet also has a big influence on that dis-ease , with alkaline diet or raw Veges + fruit being popular .

Best wishes
Sorry to hear you are ill Paul. I guess take the docs advice just don't over exert yourself if you go digging. All the best and might see you down oallen sometime.
Hi Paul, sorry to hear of your illness mate. I too am sick, not with cancer but heart disease [Cardoimyopothy] All I can say is get out and do it. None of us know what tomorrow will bring so make hay while the sun shines. Most days I cant get much done after about midday, so I get at it early, have morning eat at 10.30, then back at it until about lunch time. In the PM, its all about taking it easy and consolidating for the next morning. Recently Oct and Nov we spent 8 weeks on the goldfields in Vic and had a blast. Mate, its all about listening to your body and taking notice of what its saying to you.

All the best, and keep swingin'.
Physical Health = Do not over do it in the weather and be aware of Ticks etc as that could make things worse.

Mental health = Getting out and still taking part in life.

So even if your only able to Tag along with some one... Give it a go.
U seem very positive and thats a great start . My mate with black lung is being negative and its hard to talk to him let alone help him . Keep poitivve and fight it and beat the bloody thing . Listen to u doctor cos they are pretty smart but hope u can go detecting . All the best Paul