My finds 2018 by ctxkid

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Heatho said:
Geez that's no good at all. All family history is interesting though, even the bad stuff.

Nice 10 minute hunt too, cracker finds. :Y:

sure is mate :cool: i now understand a long felt feeling for some places , as both my wifes and my rellies were for the most from the same locality's, and mad as it sounds these areas seem very familiar :eek:
history is cool as, and for the most i would have a time machine to go back :cool:

an yeah the silvers were the icing on the cake, i will go back for a second sniff :Y: :cool:
they came up sweet after a little tubby :cool:



I've always been a bit scared to research my family history, had a few 'interesting' older rellies and would like to see what else has happened in the past but also might not want to know! ???
xtxkid - Those coins are brilliant! Lucky you! Very nice finds!

Dave79 - as someone who's researched my family ancestry back to the year 610 with a Norwegian King born then, and various English Plantagenet royalty, and really interesting characters here and overseas - I say take the good with the bad - and you'll mostly find it really fascinating to learn your family history. My family has spanned the world to be here now, and I love doing that research - the amount of historical stuff you can find online, is mind boggling! Go for it!
PS - Your avatar freaks me out when it blinks...
Can I just ask some experts this question please? I've never cleaned coins before (haven't found any yet), but I heard somewhere that soaking them in Coca-Cola is the best way to clean them. Can anyone confirm - or deny - or throw this idea out like a pan of gravel with no gold in it?
Essentially anything that contains a mildly acidic solution will clean coins - coke, lemon juice, tomato sauce, vinegar, citric acid etc. Citric acid is probably one of the better methods for cleaning coppers and 50% silver coins.
i have detected the holy grail :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
my research is paying ;)
i am telling myself a bushranger (a freakingly famous bushranger) held this coin :Y: :cool: :cool:

6 inch coil on CTX3030 :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: going around tussock, didn't get more than a 2mt square area done , i just reckon i might go back :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
as dug with a foof :perfect: 1854 half penny :Y:

Heatho said:
So what's the story with it?


half penny :Y:

i have found where i was looking for , a long long lost/gone village that the Hall gang did a raid on :cool:
i got silver there as well but of much later period , it is new at 1918, it wasn't till around the 20's that most of it was gone, and nothing visible left now 8.( don't wanna say much more ;)

here's the thrip as dug uncleaned :cool:

Niiiice. Research paid off! Fell out of his pocket as he rode off at a gallop with musket balls flying past him!