Minelab help please

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Apr 10, 2015
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Hi All,

( Sorry, i have coppied this from my previous post in the Newbie section in the hope of some more helpfull input )

Yes i am a newbie ! I have never owned or operated a detector before, but have been wanting to do this for many years now ( i am now aged 51 )
I am located in Healesville Victoria, however plan on doing most of my detecting around Talbot etc in the GT
I am sure you have all been asked this question a million times, and i have read some of your comments in the past however i am still not sure what detector to purchase with my budget ( around the $2000 mark give or take )
I am sure that i want to get a Minelab and a secondhand GP3000 with a few coils and extras fits that budget, however i am also finding that the GPX4000 for a little more dollars may be a better option, but this is what i am not sure about ?
Is the newer "digital" GPX4000 that much of a better detector or should i be looking at something else ?
All comments are welcome.
Yes, the 4000 is that much better than the 3k. Iv owned both. If you can stretch that budget a little further to get a 4500. it will do even better.
However if the 4000 is all you can get, you'll be just fine as the 4k is still a top performer....and much better than the 3k.
I agree with the duck Mark.....Minelabs GPX series machines are leaders in their class.

If your budget allows grab the 4000 mate, learn it inside out, practise heaps and you will find gold with it.

A good detector and 'done dirt cheap'.....lol
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the info, so what i am guessing, the later model the better ? I suppose thats correct in all things, cars, bikes etc, but so many people still talk about the older 2100 and 2200 with Woody mods ?

I hope to purchase within the next month ( after a quick operation in hospital ) and start detecting late May early June, anyone planing a trip to GT around that time ? maybe i can tag along and begin my learning curve ? i would be hoping to camp out somewhere with a nice fire and couple of beers or nice red wine at night talking about how its done ?