Men Take Note

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May 26, 2017
Reaction score
Wollongong, NSW
I hope the mods will leave this post stand as this topic is very important.
I've added a touch of humour to make this serious subject a tad easier to discuss.

Ummmm, I had a blood test the other day which included a PSA test (prostate). The results came back all good except for the PSA. The result was a bit off.
So my GP (a little Indian fella) wanted to do a follow up primarily the finger.
Now I know there are some folks who comfort, recreationally speaking, with fingers inserted horizontally (or vertically if youre standing up). My tastes however lie in a different direction.
So I was a bit hesitant about having this done to my rather virginal rear end, to say the least. Thus I suggested that if the young lady behind the desk in reception were to apply the finger, I might be a bit more receptive, to which he declined. I mean, she did have such tiny little fingers.
He asked me to drop my trousers and jump up on the bench and after a liberal application of gel to his gloved finger he rammed the digit home.
I did try to relax to make insertion easy but you know . I am a bloke for gods sake.
Well I could joke and say that it felt like he had lost his balance and drove in all the way up to his elbow. But to be honest, it wasnt too bad, just a little uncomfortable.
And he didnt set up camp and stay for a while either. It was all over in a few seconds.
RESULT prostate is a bit enlarged but no sign of cancer. Phew!

The purpose of this post is to remind older members of PA (50+ age) to get a regular blood test. At least annually. And have your GP include PSA and cholesterol too.

Always best to find problems early when their treatable and not wait until too late.

Oh, and it may be easier if your GP is a little Indian fella with small fingers.
A good topic Chiron52, exactly because it is one we don't like talking about. :Y:
I had these 'tests' done about 2.5yrs ago.
It was about the most embarrassing, demeaning, humiliating, concerning thing Ive ever experienced.
but :100: essential.
my tests were all good. Are yours? go & find out fellas. seriously, swallow your pride like many before you & go.
I have to go again soon too, & get other medical checks whilst there as well.
Ded Driver said:
A good topic Chiron52, exactly because it is one we don't like talking about. :Y:
I had these 'tests' done about 2.5yrs ago.
It was about the most embarrassing, demeaning, humiliating, concerning thing Ive ever experienced.
but :100: essential.
my tests were all good. Are yours? go & find out fellas. seriously, swallow your pride like many before you & go.
I have to go again soon too, & get other medical checks whilst there as well.

Hi DD,
My tests all good, just a bit of enlargement ....... prostate enlargement that is.
I'm glad your tests were good. I will have another PSA test in 4 months.
Try getting a little Vietnamese lady doctor for obvious reasons, a couple of whisky's, knee against your chest, relax, this won't hurt did it. :eek:

Some duct tape across your eyes to keep them in is a good idea too :playful:

Seriously though the fasting is the hardest worst bit, been having it done every couple of years now for the last 20 years, and yes, my eyes still roll.
Manpa said:
Did you offer to buy him a drink, I mean it was a first date. :playful: :playful:

Well done mate, too often men neglect their health to their detriment.

Hi Manpa,
I didn't offer him drinks or anything else.
He may have got the wrong idea and wanted a re-run on the weekend.

Us fellas are sure our own worst enemies when it comes to looking after our health.
I would rather be out in the great outdoors prospecting/fossicking then in hospital dying from some horrible illness that could have been fixed if detected early.
Northeast said:
Chiron, I'm not a Dr but know enough to ask some questions...

Your PSA was a bit askew. And from doing single rectal probe with his finger your Dr has advised you that you don't have any cancer concerns?

Were there any other sort of tests done to come to this very conclusive result?


Hi Northeast,
Done a urine test in case of infection - all clear.
"The finger" - felt for enlargement but also felt for lumps - no lumps or anything else.
Another PSA in 4 months to follow up.
The statistical chance of "the Big C" is 1 in 100. (my doctors quote)
As Northeast has said, if ANY Results are off you should be getting follow up tests....

Another thing is this 'Test' kit handed out in the Post, quite a few of these tests are coming back that something is not quite right and require further follow up tests... Get them done, as sometimes they are very correct.... And sometimes they are way off the mark... Mine is clear after a Test kit showed something and after blood test and a well placed finger :eek: all is OK...

Good luck Goody in Your search for Answers... :Y:
