How you going in this Heat

Prospecting Australia

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40 today in Melbourne and my unit is surrounded in concrete, so it was more like 50! I walked from the car to the garage and felt the soles of my shoes melting!

Thought I'd better give the garden a good drink after the sun went down, and now my backyard is like a sauna! Seriously - a sauna!

Just checked the bureau of meteorology online to see the temp now, and it just says "an oppressive night", with no temperature!! lol

Another one said 33 degrees, dropping down to only 30 overnight. And an awesome 44 degrees tomorrow! God I love summer! :) :sunny:
MegsyB007 said:
40 today in Melbourne and my unit is surrounded in concrete, so it was more like 50! I walked from the car to the garage and felt the soles of my shoes melting!

Thought I'd better give the garden a good drink after the sun went down, and now my backyard is like a sauna! Seriously - a sauna!

Just checked the bureau of meteorology online to see the temp now, and it just says "an oppressive night", with no temperature!! lol

Another one said 33 degrees, dropping down to only 30 overnight. And an awesome 44 degrees tomorrow! God I love summer! :) :sunny:

Lucky the full moon passed already but still keep your head down tomorrow .

Hot weather and tired boozy people on a Friday sometimes spells aggression...
Still 38 in our kitchen. Windows open.
Watching tv in bedroom at 23 C
Poor tomatoes may cone back from the dead and q cumbers.
Poor dog lying in shed all day on the cement. Cat on our bathroom floor. I was plastering until 3 pm
So hot I got burnt walking out to the tap to wash plaster of of my trowels etc. 4 mins max. Driving home couldn't grip my steering wheel.
:fire: :sunny:
Here we go lots of tree branches are going to fall soon. Their so dry a bit of wind and snap

45 forecast in Albury today.
And there was a mini twister earlier this week bringing down all those dried out trees wishfull was talking about. I got the neighbours wattle straight through my shed and side of the house into the bedroom. :poop:

I hate the heat and wind and dry weather and snakes and murky water.. haha
"The great out doors... this is livin"

Apparently it's 'sleepin' for you too lately, Skip!

Hope you get that fixed fast - not good in this heat to have your house damaged now!

Makes me wonder about my neighbour's huge tree that has branches hanging over the back of our house - and the very gusty wind we have at the moment... :(
Melbourne hit 38 degrees at 10:30 am. I reckon it might top the 44 forecast at this rate!

And now they're saying the change will come through around 5pm instead of 3pm, as they were saying yesterday.
Peak hour will be hell... Glad I'm home today and not out in that...
Wishfull said:
Here we go lots of tree branches are going to fall soon. Their so dry a bit of wind and snap

If you ever go to Marble Bar/Nullagine (Traditionally the hottest towns in WA before Climate Change ;) ) There are gum trees growing along the creek beds, if you want wood for your fire tie a tow rope around the trunk and give it a tug with your 4B. Result: A pile of wood at base of tree, hence the colloquial name: Snappy Gums.
Do you mean where was the thermometer, or what publication, Nightjar?

I think a lot of the historical (1700-1800's) temps were recorded in newspapers and journals, mostly.
But who knows how accurate their equipment was back then too...

It's never been an exact science, if you ask me. Even today, some of the weather stations are in the sun and others are in the shade - some on concrete, some on grass. So how can they say that they're accurate with all these variations of recording with them?