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user 3232

Jun 10, 2014
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Hi everyone, my name is Nick and I live in Hobart.
I joined this forum to learn more about Tasmania's prescious minerals and, more to the point, localities and tips for fruitful fossicking expeditions!
Since a kid i have had an infactuation for gem stones and minerals but for years didnt pursue it, my passion has been rekindled recently when i found (by pure chance) a nice little topaz crystal from the South Esk near Avoca.
Corundum in particular gets my heart going and i am very keen to put in some hard hours around the NE of the state!
I have set myself up with gear now just waiting for time off work!
I would like to tee up some company for a Weld River trip next month too and/or find out about some good spots where others have had success as i have not yet explored the area.

Advice would be highly appreciated :)

Thanks! Nick.
Hi Nick, welcome!

Some of us get out fairly regularly. The designated fossicking area in the Weld is a good starting point, you're almost guaranteed to find stuff there. Other than that there are quite a few online and printed resources on where to go. A lot of the creeks and rivers in the NE carry topaz, some also sapphires and zircons. There are also quite a few places you can pan gold.

I'd suggest going in the area near the Moorina bridge at the Weld for your first outing. The sapphires aren't the largest, but they're plentiful and the colour is fantastic. Good to cut your teeth with and learn what to expect.

Good luck!
Thanks for your reply Mfdes,

I've been studying the occurences and origins pdfs but most of what i have learnt has been from following posts on here, yourself and dozzer seem to know the area well so thanks for sharing your knowledge, WalnLiz' youtube vids are great too.
Got a prospecting license last week and going to spend about 6 days next month so i'l definately try at the fossicking area to get a feel for it but then im going to spend about 5 days around weldborough, mainly spots on the weld but also interested in checking out main creek and cascade river off paris dam rd. Could you tell me what the road is like? and are the creeks relatively easy to access? i dont mind low dense veg lol.

Cheers, Nick.
Well im back from my first attempt at fossicking for sapphires and it wasnt a bad trip.
End result was about 30 small sapphire chips, a few larger ones (mainly bombs) a nice bit of topaz and about 80-100 small zircons, also some carnelian.

The region is absoluletey beautiful and i found this first trip to be a good introduction!

Mfdes, if you are heading up in the future and want company it would be great to learn from someone who knows what theyre doing!
Sorry naturelover, I went away and never saw your posts. Well done I never found anything my first trip out!

I usually get up there during the warmer months. Probably first trip of the year around late October. Happy to have you along. There are a heap of creeks and rivers in that area worth exploring.
Cheers man sounds good, all this rain is getting my excited, hopefully lots of gravel moving about. might try again as soon as it eases up a bit :) its damn addictive!

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