Gold Hog DownDraft Mat

Prospecting Australia

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Will PM you once I've organized it with Joe. Be a chance for you to see what my "gold version" looks like. Not the same as the combo unit. ;)

Cheers Wal.
Hey guys, just checked in for the first time since posting the original question and was quite surprised to see 44 replies already :eek:

I've never used these mats before but I found the DownDraft video to be very impressive hence what got me interesting in learning a little more about them. I'll keep researching my options but I think a Walbanker might be on the cards given it's proven abilities :)

Thanks for the info guys, please keep it coming.
Approved to get away by the department of finance. Will confirm timing over coffe tomorrow.

Chris remember my leftovers (goldhog) are in your sluice lol, so it would be unfare to go against me :D (and what happened to partners in crime) surely Dozer is not going to be corrupted by a few chips :)

I take it than that the odds are against me? Please place-your bets :D
Coffee on the boil mate....chips....who said chips, thinking of bringing a pig on a spit, as i have the inside info on what the best "Dozer" fuel is... :D
Wal, just had a confirmation from Dozer's manager it's premium not party pies!! :D

Dozer - two weeks ago camping trip you have seen me deliver right? :cool:
WalnLiz said:
Coffee on the boil mate....chips....who said chips, thinking of bringing a pig on a spit, as i have the inside info on what the best "Dozer" fuel is... :D
The way I see it I'll be selling tickets at the gate across the river [recon i'd pay off a GPX with the turnout]
Side wagers are acceptable, just as sabotage and defamation are acceptable methods of battle. cant just present a pig on a spit and expect the Dozer to work....or maybe you can [I would].....hmmm... need to gain a psycological advantage here [thinking it through]
Looking forward to the rumble....lets bring it on..... :lol: :lol:
Joe and Wal, bring me enough food and I will feed both bankers. That way I'm impartial and there will be more than enough time for beer. ;) :p :lol:
Dozer said:
Joe and Wal, bring me enough food and I will feed both bankers. That way I'm impartial and there will be more than enough time for beer. ;) :p :lol:

I can live with that mate....this way Joe can match the offer with a second pig.....Now we just have to work on Chris with bottles of American Honey and machine brewd coffee, with chocolate cheese cake sides. This could turn into a conspiracy in no time flat. :eek:
Wal, I think you just hit the magic word for Chris. " BOTTLES " :D
Was hoping to tweek a nerve there somewhere, as I know it takes insurmountable persuasive techniques to move that rock solid conscience, and a quick underhanded 50 bucks would flow like water off a ducks back, :eek: But "Bottles".... :cool: now there's a very persuasive word.... has been the downfall of many a great referee. If this fails i may have to go to plan "B". :D
WalnLiz said:
Was hoping to tweek a nerve there somewhere, as I know it takes insurmountable persuasive techniques to move that rock solid conscience, and a quick underhanded 50 bucks would flow like water off a ducks back, :eek: But "Bottles".... :cool: now there's a very persuasive word.... has been the downfall of many a great referee. If this fails i may have to go to plan "B". :D

Are you insinuating here that i would be suseptable to out and out bribary !!!!!
A man has to stand tall and steadfast to his beliefes. Repell any suggestion of underhanded acts or foul play
Know this my friend.... I can resist ANYTHING but temptation.
This will be a fair match conducted in the true spirit of prospecting........[unless I get sidetracked :p]
Insinuation,..bribery,..underhanded acts,..foul play,..fair match,.. :eek: none of this is in my vocabulary 8.( .....temptation,.."BOTTLES",..sidetrack,.."BOTTLES",..unfair advantage,..more "BOTTLES"...... :p This attempt at hypnosis is beginning to backfire, as i seem to missing the swinging watch on the pendulum, apparently an integral component of this procedure. :mad:

Cheers Wal.
Mudguts said:
I have the equilizer
I own a still
A little ray of moonshine goes a long way :lol:


i met a couple of people who didnt engage in such behaviour either and mate the stuff was like schnapps but 75 % once watered down

makes a great antiseptic AND anaesthetic too
I call shenanagins already ;) 2 man dig per banker, special gold configarations, bribery with food and drink. :D all in all should be a great day fellas have fun dig hard.
and for all the ward working bakers out there losing bread creates by the hundreds go team gold hog :p take plenty of water guys is been stupid hot and get some shade if anyones got a quick shade to put up be a good idea.