Eye surgery

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Feb 25, 2013
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G'day all, I'm sick of looking for, breaking, loosing, misplacing, buying 3 pairs a year and all the other crap that goes with age and eyesight degeneration. I am thinking seriously about trying to get a procedure done where you have the lense of your eyes replaced. It is a permenant fix and sounds like the most effective way to go. Has anyone had this surgery done? If so was it a success? I believe with private health cover it is reasonably cost effective. Cheers, Rick 8)
My friend had glasses since she was a young kid, she got laser surgery a few years back and it totally fixed her eyes, she has perfect vision.
Only works for Myopia (short sightedness) to date - not for those of us requiring reading/driving glasses. Those radio ads saying they can fix all are largely BS! First hand experience.
kemjak57 said:
G'day all, I'm sick of looking for, breaking, loosing, misplacing, buying 3 pairs a year and all the other crap that goes with age and eyesight degeneration. I am thinking seriously about trying to get a procedure done where you have the lense of your eyes replaced. It is a permenant fix and sounds like the most effective way to go. Has anyone had this surgery done? If so was it a success? I believe with private health cover it is reasonably cost effective. Cheers, Rick 8)

Hi Rick,
I hope everything goes right for you
God bless you! :)
I haven't had it done but we looked into it years ago as an option for my daughter, she had laser & micro surgery to have lenses & cataracts removed when she was young (6-12 months old), but had to wait until she stopped growing before having artificial lenses done, she's 22 in a couple days so could get it done but not sure if she will worry about it at the moment.
Will be interested in hearing how you go if you get it done.
Talk to your regular optometrist before you go to the specialist. getting a referral will knock the price down on a consultation.
I got laser surgery about 4 years ago. Cost me about $4500 for both eyes. Never looked back. My eyes get a bit tired every now and then and I have too wear sunnies when out in the sun. The sun glare becomes way more harsh after the surgery. I had my surgery done at New vision Clinics in Cheltenham, Melbourne. The after care went a further 12 months after the surgery. Highly recommend them. Dr Noel Alpin runs it and he is a real eye surgeon.
Did a test the other day Rick, and Sunnies they said...forever!!!
Mate, they even said are you a smoker......
I said, no, not for 3 years now......
She said, well i see smoking damage, so dont smoke, and wear sunglasses....

So i did, and went to the pub... :8
My dad, 79 yo had lazer work last year, only needs readers now, he used to need glasses for everything.
Mine are getting worse, got my 1st prescription last week, already getting lenses changed, progressive....no thanks.
You're lucky if they can perform corrective surgery.
Have 1 eye that's a dud and can't be operated on (60% vision), then my "good" eye went bad but at least it was an issue hey could fix .... not quite 100% yet but hoping for a good report next visit to the specialist. Still see the gold but a bit concerned about not seeing snakes.

Hole in retina .....


and the "fix" ..... hoping the little black 'blob' will shrink and get me back to 100%, or at least close.


Pretty smart with what they can do these days .... was worried about the operation, just a local not general .... but went extremely well even though I could see the instruments moving within the eye (creepy).

Good luck with you operation, sure all will go well.
Cheers T.
Mate, I'll be interested in hearing how you go, because my eyesight is getting worse with age, and I'd prefer not to use glasses. I have heard that laser surgery is not as good at fixing up age related vision issues (Presbyopia), which is what I have.

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