Cryptic Time

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 14, 2017
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if i copped a bullet in the head once a year for 166 years till present day then a woman of same surname was famous for what in Australia? :D
I'm hopeless with cryptic stuff but the misses loves it and is going hard try to get it :Y:
ok clue was there a third detector on the grassy knoll lmfao Bjay thats ya first and only clue
kicks Bjay off the Grassy Knoll... your train of thought has left the station just in the wrong direction lmao... this is fun
I'm gonna have to opt out , the brains trust couldn't get it so I've got no hope
omg heading to mainland tomorrow from tassie hopefully this is solved before i get to Cairns... smh not looking good... Google guys Google...
So if it isn't the Trivago girl, by a process of elimination, it must be the Ford girl: :)
No doubt Zoe on the Toyota ads is probably a real sweetie... but she just reminds me of Miss Prissy off the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons :N: