Almost 3 years on and still not working full time

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Should be able to get parts for turtle then no probs 7.62 I'm on the other end of the scale nd still have around 25 years until retirement but they will probably increase it to 75 when I get up there.
7.62marksman said:
you catch me every time :lol: :8
yes for that its worth it
Unfortunately sometimes we need to travel...
But hey at least we have a job...Good luck with ya new job...sounds like a very enjoyable one :Y:
Im in fulltime work & doing ok but I feel for everyone who struggling to find work, casual or full.
I have 3 mates who have been struggling for about 7-10yrs to make enough just to live on.
1 of them thinks he owes me a chunk of $$ but I just right it off, coz thats what mates do when they can.
All 3 of them are younger than me but even with the extra years they will eventually retire with nothing more than a roof over their head. At least they have that.
But also, all 3 of them have that spirit that CTXKID mentioned in this thread. I too know how easy life can be wiped out in a flicker.
So well done 7.62, & to everyone out there, hang in there & keep looking.
I have been a self employed Plumber for most of my working life but it has always been a struggle.(everyone thinks Plumbers make heaps and they may be right for city Plumbers)Always seem to live week to week and never enough spare money for super. 7 years until retirement age and my body has started to let me down big time so now have to be selective about what jobs I take on as there is nothing I can get if I stop work as my wife makes a modest income. If any of you have stopped work and know how to survive without super or government help I would appreciate any tips...

Sparra said:
I have been a self employed Plumber for most of my working life but it has always been a struggle.(everyone thinks Plumbers make heaps and they may be right for city Plumbers)Always seem to live week to week and never enough spare money for super. 7 years until retirement age and my body has started to let me down big time so now have to be selective about what jobs I take on as there is nothing I can get if I stop work as my wife makes a modest income. If any of you have stopped work and know how to survive without super or government help I would appreciate any tips...


Move out the bush, kill your own meat, grow your own veggies, get used to living on the poverty for me. My body is knackered from years of hard physical work. In the bush it is not what you know as much who you know....
Been living off the wife for the last 4 to 5 years... and 5 years until 67..

Last 2 have been hard and had to start pulling $ from the super to cover living costs, bloody medical bills getting worse...

2 kids still in uni and they get a bit of assistance, but minimal.

Couple of detecting permissions were allowing me to put aside a few $k in coin etc to cover basic expenses and have a bit of cash flow. Couple of small jobs repairing detecting and coffee machines, but enough to buy milk for a week at best..

Then blew my rotar cuff and a couple of hospitals stays due to Diverticulitis and then I fell from the roof... ribs have healed but the rest of me aint so crash hot...

Center-link is a laugh.... No help at all...

In negotiations at present; that may see me with a months work as a consultant - and metal detecting related :)

If it comes off, should ease the pain for 6 months (not that it takes much) but i then have 4.5 years to go - if I dont do something stupid before hand...

Dammed wife is 7 years younger and will have a long time b4 any pension ( will be abolished by the time she is due for it) and she just has to keep the big C away... 5 years clean, post a double mastectomy, but it is always lurking.... and she does 3 days a week work to keep us both going...

Our only saving grace is that we have no mortgage, but the bloody utility bills/food/fuel/electricity/rates / insurance etc keep going up. Not about splashing out or over spending the bloody basics are almost out of reach...

Enough grumpy old mad bitching... I am sure the Sun will come up tomorrow and if it does not for me = then I won't be worrying any more...
Like many others I'm sure, there doesn't appear to be a gold watch at the end of the journey despite the decades of hard toil. :/
Anger Management finding the same issue regards the basics ............................ you pay one but they just keep on coming. It's all the outlay for the many things you actually see nothing for that drags the man back. Groceries are not cheap but at least one can go home and have a good feed for the money spent. Words from my sons mouth when he came back from after paying his first car rego, I asked how he went and the reply was ......................... dearest sticker I have ever brought :eek: Nowadays you don't even get a sticker :D
I guess one can only seek comfort in the fact that we are all in the same :poop: hole.
Sparra said:
I have been a self employed Plumber for most of my working life but it has always been a struggle.(everyone thinks Plumbers make heaps and they may be right for city Plumbers)Always seem to live week to week and never enough spare money for super. 7 years until retirement age and my body has started to let me down big time so now have to be selective about what jobs I take on as there is nothing I can get if I stop work as my wife makes a modest income. If any of you have stopped work and know how to survive without super or government help I would appreciate any tips...


Sparra wish I could answer your last question trust me on that. I don't think many who have been self employed over their working lives have much in the way of super, for as you have said after paying the bills there usually wasn't any "spare" to put away for the so called rainy day.
goldtruck59 said:
Well I reckon most unemployed wish to remain unemployed. At least those who live anywhere near me do. I have advertised for 6 months to get good help in my engineering business ( I only want a motivated mechanically minded person) for assembly work and do you think I can get anyone.
No one can be bothered or they are useless it drives me crazy. I even spread the word on this forum once and one bloke was interested (name withheld) and even he didn't return calls or turn up !! and he was desperate or so he says.
Roll on retirement I say and I will let my son worry about it.

GT :N: :argh:
I have not found that, but I guess it might depend on what type of business you run. I find that most long-term unemployed are actually long-term under-employed, which is the way the world is going. Have you rung around mates in the business re anyone recently laid off etc.? I have never needed to advertise, but then I never have more than 5 employed. A small town might be different.
Meat is getting so expensive,

So having meat is a treat,

Remember when mince and snags was oh so cheap...not anymore,

I have not worked for long time,

Because of health reason,

I get a small pension,

Still have to live fortnight to fortnight,

To be able to save is just about impossible,

When I did work I worked 3 jobs all at the same time,

Running myself into the ground,

Don't have any supper to look forward to,

For me and like a lot in the same boat, to buy prospecting gear is all most out of reach,

I am struggling,

At the end of the day you have to ask your self is this all worth it?

Goody :)

Remember to try and smile. :)

If your not coping please ring lifeline,

If you think your mate or a close friend has changed in anyway, ask are you OK,
goldtruck59 said:
Well I reckon most unemployed wish to remain unemployed. At least those who live anywhere near me do. I have advertised for 6 months to get good help in my engineering business ( I only want a motivated mechanically minded person) for assembly work and do you think I can get anyone.
No one can be bothered or they are useless it drives me crazy. I even spread the word on this forum once and one bloke was interested (name withheld) and even he didn't return calls or turn up !! and he was desperate or so he says.
Roll on retirement I say and I will let my son worry about it.

GT :N: :argh:

Yes I remember that, not a bad deal from what I remember, if I didn't have my own business I'd be knocking on your door myself.
Shame you can't even find one person motivated enough to fill a position which really looked like a good opportunity.
If you have had a few jobs like me make sure you get on the gov website and roll al your super into one account. It's a very simple process and takes 5 minutes. I have had six jobs over the past 20 years and only have super to show for three of them because the others were eaten up by fees charges and insurance I had no need for. I think it is legalised theft but it does not matter what I think my money they forced me to pay has gone.
Done a few :poop: jobs in my life, the only place there is any job security I've seen is local government/public service roles. Sometimes you just accept your fate, if it means moving or doing something no one else is wanting to then that's what you do.

It's not financial advice but I believe in the pay yourself first principle, which inadvertently left me not lodging a personal income tax return for 6 years before the ATO demanded I bring it up to date. I will pay me before they get their slice. Call it selfish or stupid but I wonder what the point of working is if there's nothing left over.

There's no easy answer except it can be rough out there at times. Don't knock back any leads, and set some concrete goals and deadlines. It amazing what someone with intent and purpose can get done when their mind is set to task.

I don't doubt its rough mate, and best of luck going forward. Bloody beautiful part of the world you live in :Y: :sunny:

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