Almost 3 years on and still not working full time

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Moderating Team
Jun 25, 2017
Reaction score
Esperance, WA
Well it is almost 3 years from when I lost my job and I still not have been able to find full time work. I have casual work and my own business that just covers the bills. It would be nice to go back to full time work and have four weeks holiday a year. Who else has been in a similar situation?
I have been retrenched two times in 4 years. Part of a whole of Government restructure.
You come to the stage not to worry.
Contracting now for the past 4 years on three month contracts.

The hardest times are Christmas and holidays as I get unpaid leave. Nearly 10 weeks a year.
I tend to sell my toys as I get close to Christmas to help finance life.

My biggest issue now is a crook shoulder which I cannot draw too much attention to as I would not get another contract.
Very hard to compete with the younger guys.
And no work cover as I am a contractor.

I am just hoping I can get by until retirement in a few years.

And I hope they don't move that retirement goal post :)
But all good I am above ground.


Just got back to casual work at the local school again after a 12 month unemployment doing maintenance for which is the pay isn't great for what you have to know and have to have tickets for. Also Mrs. and I just started our own sideline business selling Mobility gear. Electric wheel chairs and mobility carts and other stuff for the disabled. do hopefully that will help with all the bills. It's very difficult getting work at 60 + Centrelink wanted me to do 30 hrs a week volunteer work. I said so 18 years as a volunteer in S.E.S and 2 years as an ambo don't count ? They wouldn't give me a pension.
shakergt said:
Well it is almost 3 years from when I lost my job and I still not have been able to find full time work. I have casual work and my own business that just covers the bills. It would be nice to go back to full time work and have four weeks holiday a year. Who else has been in a similar situation?

As someone who as done 38 years of the WORST shift work,I think I can say I feel no better off. My "retirement" does not look too rosy. I have earned good money but that also means I have paid the top tax dollar. At one point it was 48 cents in the $. :(
i rehabed for just over 2yrs :power: :Y: back to work 4hs a day as a stihl tech for 3.5yrs, body was starting to hurt all over
then the chick next door died way too young and alone :skull: which bought me to think :eek: why was i knocking myself around :awful: :8
so i retired :zzz:
self funded :( cause no feckers will give me anything 8.( 8.(
had a few hobbies , but for the last 12mths it's been sniffing around with the 3030 :power: :power: :cool: :cool:

moral to my story is do what ya can while ya can :rainbow: :pickshovel: :money: :cool:
cause tomorrow they might find ya dead in the bath ;) journey over :awful: :brokenh:

work will come your way soon :Y:
Due to economic rationalisation of Western Democracy,s since around 1980 full-time and steady income for low and middle class has virtually dissapeared?
And to think CEOs of companies think nothing of sending our jobs off shore while our leaders are selling our country to China.

I am fearfull of what will be left for future generations. :lol:
ctxkid said:
i rehabed for just over 2yrs :power: :Y: back to work 4hs a day as a stihl tech for 3.5yrs, body was starting to hurt all over
then the chick next door died way too young and alone :skull: which bought me to think :eek: why was i knocking myself around :awful: :8
so i retired :zzz:
self funded :( cause no feckers will give me anything 8.( 8.(
had a few hobbies , but for the last 12mths it's been sniffing around with the 3030 :power: :power: :cool: :cool:

moral to my story is do what ya can while ya can :rainbow: :pickshovel: :money: :cool:
cause tomorrow they might find ya dead in the bath ;) journey over :awful: :brokenh:

work will come your way soon :Y:

Yep I agree ctx. :Y:
Well I reckon most unemployed wish to remain unemployed. At least those who live anywhere near me do. I have advertised for 6 months to get good help in my engineering business ( I only want a motivated mechanically minded person) for assembly work and do you think I can get anyone.
No one can be bothered or they are useless it drives me crazy. I even spread the word on this forum once and one bloke was interested (name withheld) and even he didn't return calls or turn up !! and he was desperate or so he says.
Roll on retirement I say and I will let my son worry about it.

GT :N: :argh:
goldtruck59 if i was in your area i would have come and seen you
last September i retired from work after 40 + years of working (not my idea)
from January/February this year after realising i needed to work still i applied for over 200 jobs with no luck not even an interview
over qualified and to old and only ever held 3 jobs
i finally got a job which i start tomorrow
happy now

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