what are these?

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Jun 16, 2014
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Can any1 tell me what these are?
Are they natural or quarts in concrete?
Shoul they be broken up?
they look like conglomerate to me. if they are conglomerate, yes, they do look like they are set in concrete. have seen many piles - never had a crack as they were usually the layers above ancient creek beds.
Loamer is spot on it is conglomerate.
Looking at the banks in the background it is a hydraulic sluice field
It is likely to contain gold.

I have found gold in conglomerate in Bendigo diggings, it was a small squashed mangled piece.

The deep hole is at the top of the hill. There are many shallow ones around the area also.
There are other diggings from prospectors I just need to hope they missed some of it.

Where is the best area to start at?
Is there any alluvial rock around the diggings?
ie rounded water warn rock?
there is mix of round smooth and sharp stuff around the area also the conglomerate in a area.
It deserves attention
Go to Loamers encyclopaedia of gold
I have read this post a couple of times. It will help you with this area identifying what to look for and where to look.

ForumMetal Detecting for GoldWhat to look for on the goldfields (new to prospecting)
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Mate, you want to break that stuff up and check for gold, i have spent a lot of time smashing up conglomorate with awesome results, try and track the line of conglomorate, it is an old river bed course so keep that in mind when trying to track it, a good way is with a spear (thin stainless steel rod), probe the ground in a line you think the conglomerate is heading, when you locate it, read the ground which way the ground is falling, which side has been breaking up from the elements and start searching the area with your detector, as for the conglomerate itself you need a good crusher to smash it down enough to release the gold before cleaning up the concentrates.
I usually take what i can carry home and hit it with the jack hammer to break it down smallenough to fit it in the crushing plant, so choose wisely when carrying pieces out, look for definitive lines of black sands/ironstone in the conglomorate, most of the gold small/fine would of setteld in and around these materials.
Myself and the Dr have been tracking one particular conglomerate bed for the best part of 2km, producing some nice nuggets some 100ft off to the side of the old river bed, its well worth the effort.
1: pay attention to this area this section looks like the side view of a sluice box, treat is as though it is.
3: notice its starting to elevate like it has a riffle under it.
2: this would most likly be a secondary deposit, this may of taken a thousand years or so to form, but is has the same characteristics as the section 2-3.
.8grams were taken from this piece.

This piece has been cut in half to give you a look at what it looks like on the inside.

Good luck mate.... ;)
Cheers thanks guys.
Went for a quick swing before work with no luck.
Will have a closer look at these rocks tomorrow if I get time.

There a good 100mt from the road. Id have to brake them up out there just to carry them.
ok after a quick look again today i brought back 1 of these that looked similar to the darker sections of (DWT,S) pictures above.
ive only broke up a small piece just to see if there is any color at all but none at this stage.

couple more questions for any 1 whom knows.

1. are hydraulic sluice field sites likely to be well cleaned out as they had lots of water?
2 . will metal detectors find gold in a 1mt round piece of conglomerate?
3. would the walls? or grounds within the sluice site be best to detect
or the higher ground where they had not blasted away?
Firstly id be checking to ensure that it is an old hydraulic sluice field, for reasons, (1) there should be a large dam area or some hand cut channels that weave there way to that area from surrounding hillsides to supply the monitor with enough water to blast. It may just be a large shallow surfacing area, i cannot be sure.
(2) the trees in the background above where you can see the bench(your 2nd pic), appear to resemble a similar size to ones in the area that they Hyd sluiced,normally there would be quite a size difference between untouched trees and new growth(more of a tree guru answer that one i think)
(3) there is a possability that gold was richer underneath the conglomerate then actually in it, so you can determine this by looking for some old stamper battery footings, some may have dodgy looking concrete as a base, some used large timber squares dug into the ground, either way they would of left some sign, even a large 20-30mm black bolt sticking out of the ground, also look for very fine sand deposited in a small area, this can be waste from the battery sluice box. Search old maps and data sometimes they logged where the stampers were located.
Now the hard questions, "will detectors find gold in a 1mt piece of conglomerate.....Yes absoloutly, if the gold was big enough, or it was a couple of inches under the surface of the conglomerate, however keep in mind that conglomerate is the base of an old river bed so you have a concentration of heavy materials and minerals, and a lot of these will and do react with your detector.
Where would be the best spot to start detecting.......uuugh, thats a tough one, the higher ground could mean that the gold pinched out, or it could mean they ran out of water, or another gold rush popped up a few miles away and it was easier digging than where they were, i certainly would have a good detect in that immediate area, if no joy personally i would follow the bench cut along to the next rise in the landscape and start detecting there, mirror imaging what they have done but with your detector.
Im no legend on the coils mate so its just a suggestion. ;)