Water in creeks/rivers in Victoria?

Prospecting Australia

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Golden Tiger said:

I used to go there all the time, havn't been there for ages though. Might make a trip that way tomorrow.

I found a lot of gold with Mercury on it at Warrendyte and I think it's one of the reasons I Stopped going.

Yeah been having the same problem with the mercury. I just been chucking it in a pan over a flame and letting it evaporate off. Can't see the harm aslong as ya dont go sticking your face directly over it :p
Well I made the trip to Warrendyte to day and yep, there's plenty of water.



I noticed a new sign has popped up


And the days take

Hi Golden Tiger, nice gold. This creek always has a little bit of water. Not enough to run a sluice but enough for a pan. PM me next time you are heading down there and will catch up with you. :)
They really should have signs like that all over the place. Just a simple no prospecting sign would save alot of hassle in places. You can detect on this side of the hill but not the other, or the divide is at the powerlines, would be replaced with, here its ok, past here is not, problem solved.
Goldtarget said:
They really should have signs like that all over the place. Just a simple no prospecting sign would save alot of hassle in places. You can detect on this side of the hill but not the other, or the divide is at the powerlines, would be replaced with, here its ok, past here is not, problem solved.

This is Warrandyte. It is clearly marked for what you can not do. :D
Yeah, I agree Goldtarget but the only problem is, I went for a walk and did not see any orange markers. Unless it is a big stretch of creek that they allow prospecting.
loamer said:
Dunolly/Tarnagulla/Wanyarra - still nil to very low mangy puddles. There is water in the water point dams and the Loddon is OK with water backing up from the Laanacoorie Reservoir (now has a blue-green algae warning) to Eddington (Fremantle Bridge). Its so bloody dry that I fear it will just soak straight in. As always, there is patchy water at the Dunolly Wet Lead. On a happier note, the pubs have lots of beer.

have you ever tried lime in water holes to clear the water and rid it of algae is it just a urban legend
You can see the orange markers as you drive past but you have to pay attention. It is amazing that this is one of the first places where they officially found gold in Australia. Now it is a suburb of Melbourne.
Alot of places have motorbike signs up, I'm sure we've all seen them. It just makes it easier to do the right thing which i think deep down the vast majority not only do, but want to do. I'll have a chat to depi next time I'm in, be interesting to hear their thoughts. Oh and bin next to the sign would be a plus in my eyes, i don't mind picking it just having an easy disposal point would be great and prob help cut down some of the trash. This happened at a boat ramp i use frequently and a huge amount of stubbies disappeared almost immediately. My bare feet were thankful to say the least.
At anderson's creek it is pan only.
Some use a small sluice down there but I wouldn't recommend using the highbanker
Duncan from Miners Den (Don't know if he is still there though) I've met up with him a few times in the past.

He was a huge help when I started prospecting.
is there anywhere in victoria a dredge can be used? do permits exist for dredging in vic?
Anyone is welcome to correct me here but I think dredging is banned Australia wide.

And soon it will probably sluicing and highbanking next. (In Victoria, anyway)

In saying that though, NSW has the most relaxed views when it comes to prospecting.
I wonder if the law makers realise the loss of income impact on those Victorian towns.

There are bigger fish to fry. Coal seam gas mining, one NSW mine producing more than a million tones of unusable salt per year. It seems the little guy suffers again. Time to start bothering the politicians.
Duncan still at miners den. Got into an over hour long conversation with him not long ago. Then again 2 weeks back he caught me at Andersons creek and we had another chat, very knowledgeable.