Rock crusher

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Jun 12, 2013
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As I have no background in crushers
What is the best diameter for a chain crusher and what width is best
Just wanting to crush random samples to see what's in it
Cheers :D
Thanks for your help
Not sure about that mudguts but I reckon it may just have to do with what you can handle. A small one for sampling and a bigger, wider one for going to town.

Maybe Ryan27 can add something more positive. I made mine from the materials I had handy and it suits my needs to a tea.. ;)

Look forward to seeing your progress

Mudguts said:
As I have no background in crushers
What is the best diameter for a chain crusher and what width is best
Just wanting to crush random samples to see what's in it
Cheers :D
Thanks for your help
Hi mudguts
MJB is right, it depends on what your expectations are. The little Compact Crusher is 165mm OD, however it is driven by a grinder motor.
I am building an electric 240volt banger with a 275mm OD barrel.
Obviously each unit has a function, one for sampling and one for production.
Below is an impact crusher that I am selling comes complete with sub station, it is bran nu. If your interested.
This one will take around 120 to 160 ton per hour.




Intake chute!
That's cool Ryan
I'm thinking 200 as I have access to that size pipe
That might be the start of it I think
What sort of RPM should it spin at ball park so to say
Thanks for your help
Mudguts said:
That's cool Ryan
I'm thinking 200 as I have access to that size pipe
That might be the start of it I think
What sort of RPM should it spin at ball park so to say
Thanks for your help
Some electric motors operate at 2800rpm. I have decided to go with 1400rpm with mine. The reason being I will get more torque with lower RPM's . This will give you less load on the motor bearing also. Make sure your electric motor is a quality one. Otherwise you will blow capacitors, 240volt motors run hot ! Three phase is better, however not always practical.
I am going for direct drive. I know Armstrongs crushers run a pulley and v belt with their crushers and I have read on the forum that they prefer to run this system. I cannot honestly tell you if one is better or not and I have not come across any info to tell me which is better. I guess I will find out if direct drive is sufficient or not ?
The rotary impact motion is a pretty simple concept, sourcing all the components can be tricky.
If you are going to the trouble of building one don't be afraid to hard face wearing parts.
Cheers Ryan
Sourcing good materials is also key to the longevity of your crusher, getting your hands on some low grade bizz sheet pieces for the disintigrator section can see the plate last a lot longer than mild steel, this also means a lot less time with a magnet when it comes to clean up time, especially if your crushing large amounts of ironestone, if your only going to build a sample crusher than direct drive would be ok, but if your going to build a larger production crusher than belt drive is almost a must, if for any reason the crusher decides to come to a dead stop then it would be better to slip belts than stall out the motor, running belts and pulleys if you have a petrol powerd motor would also stop a large amount of vibration running back through the engine, running rubber couplings are fine until a large piece of hard rock/unwanted piece of steel decides to bring everything to a standstill,
A good piece of pipe to use for your crusher barrel is oil/gas pipe/seamless steam pipe, sch10, it has a good solid wall with no seams through it (and a higher grade ), if you cannot source a piece of this and can only get your hands on seamed pipe than ensure the seam line is where you have mounting brackets welded, this will help stop any chance of the disintigrator barrel splitting open, i found out the hard way moons ago, but i was also pushing the crusher to extremes to see what would break, and maybe a little bit of Au hungry.
I went for the paddle style impact crusher over chain or flat bar, made balancing easier, i didnt have excess wear from the chain, and no rocks getting caught inbetween the flat bar, each work well it just comes down to personal choice and affordability.
Its good to build your own gear, but some times purchasing one that has had all the math done on it, can save more money in the long run, but once again, personal choice. :D
PS, if you use any types of tensile harder materials, then ensure you use a good grade welding rod/wire, there are plenty of guys on this forum that can help you with that ;)
My motor runs at 1490 rpm and the crusher spindle has a pulley twice the size of the motor pulley so my crusher speed should be half that. It seems to crush nicely and does not shake around too much, higher speeds could get a little crazy.

A v-belt and pulley set up makes sense to me. I would hate to imagine the shock forces being transmitted directly through to the engine if it was directly mounted. I have seen spindles and crankshafts snap due to direct mounting in an overloaded condition.

Would rather bugger a v-belt than my motor :)

good luck with it, sounds like you have a build on your hands

Well this project is up my ally as a boiler/fabricator welder that part I can do
The rest is where the fun starts lol
I will scorce some bissalloy for the sides and some heavy wall pipe for the main frame
Gotta scratch up a lekky motor from somewhere hmmm
I put a chonda petrol motor on mine. It has a 2 to1 reduction and a centrifugal clutch built in to it. cost $280 to my door. advantages are totally portable, variable speed and ability to stall crusher but leave motor running.