Not sure how i feel

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Tears of blood for you mate,.... Idle hands are the devils playground,..... Sounds like it's time for some serious research,..... If you want another job you'll get it,...much easier to walk into another job straight away (if you want or need one), than too leave it until all the din and howling has died down. We're all here for you Sandta,...rooting for you(but not cutting your grass) ;)
Hi Sandta,
Been there done that, doesn't make it any easier. But I can tell you that the sun will still come up tomorrow and another opportunity will arise. I wish you all the best of luck and I am sure all will work out.

Cheers mate and keep the head up you will be surprised at what is just around the corner.
Feel ur pain mate, same happened to me couple of weeks ago after 7yrs at the only job ive ever really loved. Scared the absolute crapper out of me initially as i had no idea what to do or where to turn, as a middle aged, not entirely skilled worker i felt my options would certainly be limited. Hit rock bottom shortly afterwards as i havent always been smart with my money resulting in alot of unwanted debt and as we all know the bills dont stop...but one morning as i was reading the paper i came across a job that i knew i would enjoy doing and after completing the application and sending it off i started feeling alot better about things and that maybe there was light at the end of the tunnel after all. Obv its a waiting game now and i may not even get an interview but im posting out 4-5 resumes a week to places i would never have dreamed of working in before as ive always been a firm believer that its easier to find work if u are already working, u may not score ur perfect job first time but if u can find something to tide u over while u are searching it helps ease the pressure no end. The important thing is that u dont let it get u down to a point where u give up because although its daunting as the other guys have said u may well discover another job that makes u sit back and wonder why u werent doing it 20yrs ago
We live in a land of opportunity. As tough as it can be or may seem, the end of something is the beggining of something new.
Just look to all those fellas around the world who live their lives in the less developed nations - even their best deal still doesn't come close to our worst.

I might not know ya mate, but I do believe in you. Get back out ( not 'back up' cos you ain't down! ) and go get em!!!

Sorry to her mate. Remember positions are made redundant not people.
I copped it for the third time last October and whilst I was trying to digest that I had a life changing experience within 4 weeks that made losing my job look like a party.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that there can always be worse.

By the time I was capable of looking for work again around late March I was in deep shite, applying for numerous positions with no luck at all. No interviews. Nothing.

Then about 6 weeks ago I got one interview and ended up getting the job. 1 interview=job score made me feel a lot better about myself.

So don't worry too much and it will work out.
All the best to you.
Well i just want to admit to you all, that reading all your posts of support and encouragement put a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
What a F'N GREAT bunch of blokes .
I am so glad i discovered this forum ( my first and only ) and im proud to be a member.
Ive read many other posts on here regarding various personal matters and the response has always been uplifting and high spirited.
Thank you all very much .
Im not sure what lies ahead but i know that there will definitely be support
Cheers to all :)
Hey Sandta,
I just would like to add my sentiments to those of all the others. also have felt that emptiness, that what have I done to deserve this, that what am I going to do pain in the guts that rises to your chest and eventually flows from the eyes in tears of that question why?
IN my instance, some 25 years ago, it was a Commercial decision as business couldn't retain me and subsequently they just made some other poor bugger do my job and his for one salary. Yep it stinks but we on this forum know that you are strong and will move on to bigger and better things. Mate, let me tell you that this is the beginning not the end.
Keep your chin up, SANDRA (sorry I couldn't resist) and look to the future.
Your Mate
Sandta said:
Well i just want to admit to you all, that reading all your posts of support and encouragement put a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
What a F'N GREAT bunch of blokes .
I am so glad i discovered this forum ( my first and only ) and im proud to be a member.
Ive read many other posts on here regarding various personal matters and the response has always been uplifting and high spirited.
Thank you all very much .
Im not sure what lies ahead but i know that there will definitely be support
Cheers to all :)

I haven't met you Sandta and wont post my experiences here but PM me anytime for my phone number and I will have a yarn to you!
Newe people are tough mate and I am proud to have experieced the good and bad of the place!
Still have many good friends that call me a Novacastrian! ;)
All the best and do what you do best! :cool:

Hi Sandta, mate I feel for you as we (my partner and I) had it done to us last year, we were told at the interview we had years and years of life at the place where I was working.... so based on that and with the missus working we invested in a 4 bedder (new) hoping when we retired we could have enough in the kitty to pay for it all....not to be??
I was made redundant 4yrs after I started with the mine closing...assuming my missus could carry both of us till I got another job...bugger me 7weeks later she gets the nod and we are both out of work.... no money coming in and a huge mortgage...
Bugger it we thought we'd register a the u beaut centre link just to put our names in the hat for upcoming have to be out of work x amount of time to be eligible for a job so she say's behind the counter!!and even longer if you want the dole....stick the dole where the sun don't shine and we went north looking for anything and I scored job driving a grader....which was a relief as the mortgage certainly eats into any savings etc etc if you are out of work too long.
We are now in WA caretaking a mine in the middle of the goldfields......Bugger..... take care, stay safe.. don't let the bastards beat you...cheers..BJ
HI Sandta,

Been out of work for 18mths now....

All I can say is stay busy and it is another opportunity to do something different and re-focus your view on the world...

I get told I am too old and overqualified... But I try hard not to take it personal, and that it is just the way things are...

I have had to watch the cash flow as no pention and teh super is not worth touching. Have learnt to know Aldi and to watch for specials, also buy quality over cheap on a number of items..

Have MD and Fishing as a hobby - and try to balance home with hobbies and watch the cash flow. Wife still recovering from double breast cancer, I have been under the knife 5 times since X-mas.

AND to tell you the truth, I have not been happier within myself for a long long time...

Should have quit years ago, but that drive to earn and plan for the future ( that may never happen ) keep pushing the need to refocus up against all the WANTS and material crap. SO in many ways the forced lack of income, has been an outstanding positive in many ways...

You are not the first and you are no way, the last; that will lose their employment regardless of skill or passion...

Take care, stay strong and SMILE...
Hey Sandta,

I haven't yet joined my local shed but am going to in the near future.
I have heard wonderful things about "the Men's Shed".
Lots of blokes getting together once or twice a week doing stuff and enjoying each other's company.
Could be a good place to spend some time and to broaden your network of friends.
