New to Gem hunting

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Dec 30, 2014
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Sydney, NSW
Hey guys been an active member here for a while. i have my walbanker which i will modify for gems but i am curious what the hell to look for lol. ive never done it before and would be very interested to have a go at this. I was thinking of stopping off at grabben gullen on my way back from tuena one day and having a go out there. as far as sluicing is concerned i know what the go is but what i dont know is what do these stones look like in the sluice? how do i tell the difference between a green rock and a sapphire or a blue rock and a sapphire etc? i mean chances are ive been at Tuena and thrown out thousands of dollars worth of gems and have no ideA? so how to i distinguish the difference between a pretty rock and a precious gem? oh and when sluicing with the walbanker for gems do i run the same flow of water or less as i would for gold etc?
cheers Justin
Watch a few videos of sapphire hunting, walnliz have a few good ones up.

you'll know one when you see it, and you'll know a good one when you see it among crap ones.
yeh ive had a look at alot of videos but i notice alot are in the sun cause of the colour im guessing? so how do i tell spinel apart from say a black rock? lol are all gems see through? or have colour to them when you look at them in the sun?
Gems are heavy, trust thy banker and look for anything different across the cable tray, and welcome also lol
stick it in your mouth. sapphires are smooth and a little oily tasting. rocks are rough and jagged on your tongue.
That goes for all gems, you can tell the difference if you taste it.

If you still really unsure use a sieve set and the heavy splinel and sapphires will be in the bottom, now you know what to look for in your banker
Pawny you may recall the first time you went panning and found gold......BOOM sticks out like a big orange cheeto so to speak. The same analogy with gems is appropriate once you see a few your world opens up. Its at that point you don't have to "concentrate" anymore to find more they are much more easily spotted unless they are tiny or very dark.

Gems are a little more subtle but often long as the stones are wet and you have a bit of sunlight they also give a pretty spectacular reveal, like finding a jelly bean in a pan.....ofcourse prob a little smaller unless you hit the jackpot. You can find gems at GG just on hands and knees, no digging.

I did build a gem extension on my banker for Grabben Gullen, and yes in gold areas I now sieve the remains like I'm looking for gems. That's the technique u need to practice to get the "gem/ spinel circle". We got a nugget at Windeyer using that method...was sitting right in the middle.....and the gems would also be there if done correctly. I find no banker required, just two sieves. If you hit a hot spot then yep, back to the car and grab the banker.

Def my gem hunting has made me more careful when looking in gold spots, I always do a gem check now. I also hate to think what I missed. I think all good gold hunters should be gem conscious, and a lot are not. One or two GG visits, a couple of Wal n Liz vids and you will be hooked and a pro shortly thereafter! To be honest it almost took me away from Gold Hunting because the gems come sooner on most occasions! Finding a 7 carat on my first trip certainly didn't help. That's the equivalent of finding a nugget on the first detecting trip. Ive had a couple of real bad gem sessions but if I had to compare with gold hunting.....gems would come out trumps for bringing home something special in the jar!
I concure with everything Twapster has said. Very addictive and as soon as you soon the little beauties in your sieves you are hooked. Gemstones have well and truely taken over my affliction for gold. Have fun mate, well worth the efforts.
gems are at grabben gullen at tuena it is gold people chase you have to pick find out what locations have gold or gems some places have both but not all :)
The road from GG heads to Tuena....Oberon is the anomaly that has both. My bet is Oberon is the best place to find both, however we did find micro diamonds at Oallen!
Ive found some tiny diamonds at oallen and when i say tiny theyre like the size of grains of sand lol to bad theyre not bigget :p