Milelab GP3500 or White's TDI Pro Oz-Series - Which Would YOU Choose?

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David Harvey
Feb 6, 2015
Reaction score
Ettalong Beach, NSW
I want to prospect for gold nuggets, mostly in NSW but possibly in Vic or Qld as well.

Which of the two gold detectors would you recommend to a newbie? :8

Thanks, guys...
gedanate said:
I want to prospect for gold nuggets, mostly in NSW but possibly in Vic or Qld as well.

Which of the two gold detectors would you recommend to a newbie? :8

Thanks, guys...

I have owned the GP3500, But I think I would Go with the TDI OZ Series, But On the Other Hand the Ground Tracking Feature on the GP3500 is Very Helpful and Like the TDI it is A Knobs and Switches Type machine,

You can buy the TDI new with A 24 month Guarantee for the cost of A GP, But if you feel you need the Ground Tracking Feature then That is the One you should Go For.

Hope this Helps,, John
Well I'd always say go the whites TDI pro or the SPP but, the cost of both machines new' I feel is through the roof SSP on ebay last I looked was $1640 and the TDI pro is $2600? You can get a GPX 4000 S/H for that!

I'v got no plans to trade my TDI pro in but in your case I'd consider a S/H minelab and having an auto track is the go....
Decisions, decisions...

But I do hope I can get a little more feedback from some others as well.

Thanks Ridge Runner and Zuke Lynzy! :)
gedanate said:
Decisions, decisions...

But I do hope I can get a little more feedback from some others as well.

Thanks Ridge Runner and Zuke Lynzy! :)

You will do don't worry, You have picked Two very well matched machines, That use the same Coils so you will have a choice of over 100 to choose from, ( YIKES ) :eek:

I have A TDI SL, So I sold the GP, Because I use my machine for other uses which the GP could not do, Needless to say I prefer the GP series to the GPX series, Yet both are Mighty Machines just the same, either way all three are top of the Line.

I would go the GP3500 because it has a quick track button for manual ground balance, it has three auto tracking modes slow, medium and fast and it has three timing modes salt, normal and sensitive. It has mono, DD and cancel modes which are very handy. The Gp3500 is packed with extra features over the TDI. If the price of the TDI was back were it was earlier on in the year then i might be a little bit more on the fence, but with current prices i would go the GP3500.
I have not used a TDI so I cannot give much info on them I believe with a small coil they are good ,as far as the 3500 they are a good all round detector with mono or dd coils all sizes they are a proven detector, these days they are a step behind the gpx detectors but the 3500 are still a capable gold finder regards john :)
In all fairness, I have Owned Both So what I can say is the TDI Discriminates Better, Because with the GP3500 you get a Low-High-Low sound on Items of value but after about 6" that can change to High-Low-High Sound and Vice Versa, But Once it gets past 6" it Gives a Good Signal on Bad Items telling you that they are Good,

With All TDI Models It will Report if an Item is Low Conductive or High Conductive depending on where you have it Set, Or it will Report Both when switched to All and The TDI's will Do This At Maximum Depth, Not Even The Top Brand's of VLF's Can Do That, It Knows what it is As Far (Deep) As It Can See. Also you can set it up Hotter by off setting the Ground Balance and you can Also use the Ground Balance to Discriminate OUT Unwanted Items, It is Not A Perfect System But it Works,

Along with the Manual Ground Balance you Can Switch it Off Completely which Puts it in All Metal Mode Boosting the Depth capability Even More where Coil Control is the Key to using this method In Mild to Medium Ground,

If you have Switched to Low CON, then all High CON Items Either Do Not Make A Sound or they will make A Noise like a Hot Rock does on A VLF and Only Signal After The Coils Has Past The Object and By Switching From Low To High and Vice Versa you can Tell what the Item Is,

Although The GP3500 Has A Nice Auto Track, The TDI has A Manual Ground Balance, If you are Hitting Hot Rocks you can tune them out either by Adjusting the Ground Balance OR, If you Raise the Delay From 10 to about 13 you Can Make them disappear, which also Helps Knock Out small Iron Items such as Nails Etc,
So in junk Filled sites the TDI's Can Be A Real Bonus, also when you Hit Nails if you are in Low you will get a single Wooo if the Nail is pointing North South of the Coil and If it is Pointing East West it will Go Wooo Wooo and Vice Versa If you are In High and it does this with All long Shaped Objects.

Because I always seem to end up In Junk Filled Site, (Bugger It) This is Why I changed to the TDI SL, I loved my GP3500 But They Are Bloody Murder In Such Places and If there is EMI or Storms within about 500ks it sings like A Canary, When I was testing My TDI SL out in my Home In The City I can Turn it up to 9 and it is Smooth, If I take it out Side I can turn it up to 10- Flat Out, And Being able to turn it up to the Max and it remaining Smooth Allows me to Concentrate on Listening for Faint Signals. With the Standard 12" Duel Field Coil it will See Targets Down to 0.08 to 0.10 grams or 0.06 ozt and with Smaller Coils it will See Smaller Targets To.

My GP cost me $5240.00 AUD, My TDI SL cost me $1552.00 AUD.

Anyways I hope This Helps,, John
gedanate said:
I want to prospect for gold nuggets, mostly in NSW but possibly in Vic or Qld as well.

Which of the two gold detectors would you recommend to a newbie? :8

Thanks, guys...

Just do your own searches on the usual forums, include some of older ones likes finders.;GFNT:11593C;GIMP:11593C;FORID:1&hl=en;GFNT:11593C;GIMP:11593C;FORID:1&hl=en

You will soon see which has found more gold.
Redfin said:
gedanate said:
I want to prospect for gold nuggets, mostly in NSW but possibly in Vic or Qld as well.

Which of the two gold detectors would you recommend to a newbie? :8

Thanks, guys...

Just do your own searches on the usual forums, include some of older ones likes finders.

You will soon see which has found more gold.

That's A Good Idea But the GP came out around 2003/4 and the TDI Oz Series Came out around 2010/11 ISH, and MineLab has sold about 30 or 40 times maybe as high as 70X the Amount of Machines In Australia, Which is Only Natural Being An Aussie Product, So that won't be A Fair Comparison When you take into Account How many Minelab Owners there are Here compared to Whites Owner's, must be something like 95% ML Owners here and about 5% Whites Owners,

It boils down to which system is easier to use, which would be the Whites, because it is Almost A Set and Forget type system and Apart from the GB that's All you need to Adjust on the Fly,

Both Are Brilliant Machines, The GP3500 has A Longer Learning Curve, I consider the GP 3500 as the Rolls Royce of Detectors, After that we got screens and menu's etc, But I would Not recommend one due to the reasons I posted earlier But Never to A Newbie, Because of all the Switch Combinations it has, Not forgetting having to find new Combinations for different area's

With the TDI you just turn it on and GB and get on with it, the other Knobs and Switches can be set and forgotten about,

Redfin said:
Ridge Runner said:
MineLab has sold about 30 or 40 times maybe as high as 70X the Amount of Machines


I wonder why?

That's easy mate, because Being an Aussie I love buying Aussie Made Machines, But sometimes they are A Little to Complex when first starting out,
I wish they had never stopped making the Musketeer Advantage or the Relic Hawk, out of every machine I have Owned they Impressed me the Most, Lightening Fast and they could find the Tinyist of things and deep Too.


gedanate:- If you have your heart set on the GP then go with that and just ask some of the Guys to give you Some good Basics to get you up and Running, Its A Great Machine but just take into Account the Points that have been made by Everyone, As I said I loved mine, But I sold it due to the things I mentioned.
Whatever you decide to buy also think about
the popularity of the machine your buying and
how hard it may be to resell.

I hired a tdi and a 4500 and ended up Owning a
gp3500 and now own a 5000 And i use all sorts
of detectors and makes.

Its a buyers market. For a little extra you could
Buy a 4500. My 5000 with 2018 warranty cost
Just a tad over $4000.

No complexity using these machines especially on
the 5k just throw everything into preset, ground
balance and off you go. In time i will master it.

Good luck with what you decide.
I've used all the Minelab's, and I've used a TDI Pro and TDI SL. Out of the two whites, I actually preferred the TDI S/L. It ground balanced better, was lighter and had a smoother threshold. It also had a big performance improvement running a Minelab 11" Mono coil. I haven't used an Oz series, so can't say for sure how much better it is.

Performance wise, the Whites lacked depth, and if choosing a fast Pulse delay, depth suffered even more on bigger bits. I would go for a 3500. It's reputation is solid.
But if you want to just go out and find gold, regardless of size, I'd bypass both and get an SDC2300. However, the GP3500 still wins for versatility with all the features as Roscoe mentioned.