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Prospecting Australia

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Don't mind digging, it keeps me fit. I can dig and process a ton every 2 hours without breaking a sweat. It is even easier when you know there is good gold in the dirt. I now have over 800 buckets. I don't intend keeping them all, I will sell most over time to recover initial setup costs. I find more gold on average these days with my alluvial equipment. The costs are recovered over time. The experiences and memories are priceless. :)
That is one heck of a setup mate.
That setup on Oallen would be most beneficial.
I am Gob Smacked. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Well Done. :D
Well Done. :D :D :D
And I spotted the Crown Jewell's as well. PMSL.
That machine has balls. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wondered where you'd been lately Ryan27.
What a spectacular return and set up.
Good on you mate.
Cheers Steve :D

Hi Ryan 27 I saw your tag and I thought you would be interested in this photo of the Hand Of Faith.
The bloke in the middle was my grandfather. Love the guards behind them.
Great post good luck.

Wow, that's industrial :eek: gotta ask where all the water comes from in the GT? and what you do with the waste etc. Only if I could dig 2 tonnes an hour, I'd have to have the paramedics on stand by :lol:
Chewy said:
Top guards, having a fag, looking away from the nugget. Lol top pic. :)
Yeah, back in the day, probably waiting for their crime mates to rock up, see no evil :lol:
As FilthyPhil asked. Interested to know what you do with the waste? Do you fill in the hole you dug 1.5 tonnes from?

I admire your enthusiasm and machine-building skills and getting your family involved -- but I have a couple of awkward questions.

How do you make good the area that you have been sluicing if you move the dirt away on a trailer? As a detectorist I fill in my holes as required by the Vic fossicking regs so that my activity has minimal impact on public land. Your post does not say if you are on pubic land or private land but I get the impression it is public land.

Also do you think the scale of what you are doing (i.e. 'a ton every two hours') puts you into the category of small scale miner rather than fossicker?

PS -- your dolly pot is working just fine for me!
Imadogman said:

I admire your enthusiasm and machine-building skills and getting your family involved -- but I have a couple of awkward questions.

How do you make good the area that you have been sluicing if you move the dirt away on a trailer? As a detectorist I fill in my holes as required by the Vic fossicking regs so that my activity has minimal impact on public land. Your post does not say if you are on pubic land or private land but I get the impression it is public land.

Also do you think the scale of what you are doing (i.e. 'a ton every two hours') puts you into the category of small scale miner rather than fossicker?

PS -- your dolly pot is working just fine for me!
Every question you asked is an assumption. Go back and read the post. At no stage did I say I dug a hole, at no stage did I say I was on crown land. At all times I operated within the rules and regs of the miners right. Your a detectorist you say? Best you stick to the topics regarding detecting. Stop trying to make trouble just because!!!!
My family have been prospectors since before the 1850s. There are some things regarding prospecting that are better off left out of the public forum because they get twisted out of proportion.