Just a idea. Rent, buy or this?

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 4, 2014
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I wanted to put an idea out there.

I feel that at some point in my prospecting I'm going to need to buy a gold detector. I've did a bunch of research and it sounds like everyone feels that if your serious (and who's not?) you need to get the GPX 5000. If your going to walk around for days it's the one you probably want as it sounds like you could walk over a area done by another machine and find what they missed.

So, if that what you want. It's the 5000. It also sounds like everyone is "saving up for one". (Which is code for they can't afford one and will never really get one) I myself have the money for one but don't if you know what I mean. So let's say I bought one or you bought one? Are we going to use it every week/month?

My idea is you find 1,2 or 3,4 people in your area that would share the cost price.

6k becomes 3k or $1500. You'd know where everyone lives and you'd sign a agreement that you all owned it and had x amount of weeks per year. Yes, it's a gold metal detector TIMESHARE! :cool:

There's a bunch of "what if's" such and what if if breaks and by who and who get's it when but, if you work it out before hand it might work. Trust and respect would need to be a big part of this but, I think it could work and if it all went south and there were 4 people...well your out only $1500.

If I bought one, I know I'd only use it 2-3 months a year. The group could maybe also help each other tune it and give pointers.

Anyways...just throwing that out there and it seem better to me that spending 6K+ or renting it.
If the idea worked you could apply it to other equipment.

If you like those 3-4 people enough to go shares in a 5000 then you probably already like those people enough that you would want to go prospecting with them. You all go on a trip to WA sharing one machine agreeing that everyone gets a 4 hour shift per day. Person one comes across a patch at the end of their 4 hours having recovered 6oz, person 2 is straight on the action and over their 4 hours recovers a whopping 26oz! person 3 is champing at the bit to get going and eagerly starts swinging only to get 3 for a gram. Tensions in camp start to rise...

I went halves with my wife when I bought my 5000. Lucky for me she hasn't the faintest interest in detecting!
Ive heard of people doing this, there's a lot of reasons why going into business with a friend doesn't work :)
If youve been best mates with someone for 30 years cant see a prob
To be honest Ben if I found the 26oz lump I'd split it 4 ways if there were 4 people in on the deal. Could buy 3 more detectors then and still split the total left.
I'm surprised noone has setup a rent to own agreement, and there could well be someone already doing it. Geez they do it with fridges that retail at $1000. Maybe the big boys have enough market share and making a tidy profit?
spending the amount on a 5000 is a lot of coin and difficult for a lot of people,but if detecting is what does it for you,eventually you will find a way, to purchase my 5000 i sold my 3000 and some other crap i had lying around to raise the funds, miners den rent out detectors as far as im aware,perhaps they could toss up a post and give people an idea of the cost,the other problem with renting out gear is the negative feedback that gets associated with it, renting a fridge is different, plug it in it works.....turn on a 5000 and a whole new can of worms open up......." oh the thing dont work"... or... "spent x amount of dollars on hiring this thing and it wont find gold" (not the detectors fault ) been there before....... than have a look a high banker or a trommel, you dont get these babys set up right and you could be digging shovel's full of gold and your going to wash it strait out the end of yor sluice box, once again the feedback could possibly end up negative and that goes off to affect the guys hiring the equipment.........im not saying its a bad idea to hire gear out but there is a lot involved other than just handing it over the counter and saying "good luck"....for both parties...... :cool: