It's the Ungybungyboh......and treasure!!! ( day)

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Quick hour down the beach this arvo and more silver :)

Also got a heads up from a young lass about a sentimental heirloom she lost couple weeks ago, showed me area it was lost and offered $300 reward if I can find it...Know where I am going to be next low tide :)

$300 dollars richer I hope, you might have to sort through a heap of treasure to get to hers(hoping for you).
Evening Diggettes and Diggers,

Went for a bit of a wander over the beach past few days at low tide looking for this elusive ring and the $300 luck...I have gridded the area in question a couple of times with different settings, nudda. I had a look at the GPS track with the Xtreme software and the whole search area on google maps is blue with my geotrails :p I did extend search area by 50m, no luck.

So admitting defeat, I set about griding the rest of the beach..came to a beach path.....why the hell not, lets have a look.....


My first pre-dec that has seen better days.....1942 three pence :) Was pretty surprised to find it on a beach!!

Also found a silver toe ring and about $10 in change and $5 in Euro coins.

after a bit of research, the coin was stamped at the Denver Mint, US.

Well done UBB,...cutting your teeth on the predecimals with a silver has gotta be a good feeling.
That ring might still turn up though(unless some other operator snatched it out from under your feet while you weren't looking).
Some great finds there. You are getting a bit of a collection of matchbox cars. Love it when the youngsters follow you around and help dig. I always let them have whatever they help dig up. Good luck with your various swinging adventures ;)
Found another pre-dec Three Pence, this one I think is a 1955, same general are as last one, its hard to make out as it is grime encrusted, was not until I got home I realised what it was, thought it was a 1c.

Also went down this arvo and managed to get in 30mins before the storm front that resembles Armageddon arrived, found a couple of 2c pieces, gives me hope the area has been relatively untouched.

Try salt and vinegar UBB, nothing to loose on that one at the moment(that's if its sand encrustation from being at the beach),...or try a short soak in CLR then clean off gently with a little art brush (if its black looking caked on dirt) and clean off afterwards with detergent and water(gently as she goes).
Care full using it on copper UBB as there is nothing good for copper,...although having said that, your coppers are looking quite nice there,...and of course we all love seeing a round fifty, don't they sound full on when you get over one of them.
Good morning Diggers,

The swinging has been a bit slow this week, weather has not been too kind and I am not a fan of swinging in rain with lighting cracking all around..Although the CTX does play a sweet tune which I have called "Ride the lightning" (ripoff I know) when the lighting flashes, even if it is km's away, first time I thought I had a target, then the crack came a couple seconds later, I got the hell out of there :p

After heading down the past two afternoons in what I thought would be a break in weather, I got rained out, thought I would give the small lawn out the front of my apartment a real excited on the round 50c, as all I could see was a rough 50 till I cleaned it and realised it was a kiwi :(

Amazing how we will do anything for a detect(even dodge lightning), if we haven't had a chance to get out for a while for a while. Sandta seems to know a lot about Kiwi coins(more than me),..but that would have been a heart starter moment for sure UBB,...round and fifty!
Hey Ungybungy,

Swinging in a storm!! mate there's a good cure for that if your scared of the old lightning bolt.....carry a one iron (golf club) even god can't hit one of those buggers, hahaha

$28.00+ good swing UBB,...investment moolah.
Keep that up and the detector will easily pay for itself, and maybe allow for some upgrades/new coils later on. :)
Must be at least $47.00 there UBB and the ring(any numbers on the inside?,.....your cooking with gas at the moment.