It was bound to happen.

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 5, 2016
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Well it was bound to happen eventually.
Buckle up boys and girls you will soon see these everywhere :N: :N:
Not a Logan Council sign, must have been put up by the Leaseholder :N: -27.706989, 153.194087
Aholes digging open plugs and leaving a mess and it is a Football ground and they dug up the field and left a mess and plenty of can slaw behind. This is a lease of Council property and the club is responsible for the grounds and any player that could twist an ankle OR worse while on the field

Another Junior football ground was left a mess and the Club has closed the field off and now looking to re surface: that club has posted on a number of community pages and the damage was just straight out vandalism. They have contacted the Police and the Council.

A number of parks copped a thrashing at a number of places as many were chasing the RAT tokens.

But new users or what ever, one or two people hit a park and may be OK. If one makes a mess it may or may not get identified.

But when you have a mob of people with detectors and DIG EVERY THING and using picks and Spades etc. And yes more than a few commented that they used picks when hunting. Then in some cases they move to another park as they had little luck.

Needless to say other park users and council get their backs up.

Please DO Not blame the Sporting ground managers or other users of the parks getting their backs up; it is just that lovely odd few that no one knows, that will spoil it for all.

Same for Fishing and 4X4 and trail Bike riding etc etc etc. Only takes a couple to spoil it for all and they keep doing it.

PS. Don't forget as per many FB pages ; Sensitivity to max, Dig every thing and a good shovel is best for a good plug - And lets ignore how bloody dry it is.
hAyyoUinAU said:
That is a weird sign.

Is that authorised or did someone get that made and put it up?
Where did you see that mate?

Also, since when is detecting in a park called Prospecting hey? :lol:

And to also link prospecting with scavenging is strange. A bit demeaning. Wow.

Well it is all about the context:

A: When you have people digging parks in the city and getting into people faces AND then they tell you that have a Fossicking / Prospecting Licence .

YEP that Fossicking licence allows you to dig with a pick any where it is Public Park !!!!! I did not know ROFLMFAO some people will try any thing.

B: Scavenging : Some might imply that the RAT token was a Scavenger Hunt and as the RAT token was what many were after on the weekend - Makes sense.
LoneWolf said:
Is that the oval used for Beenleigh Markets ?


Bill Norris oval beenleigh - Which was just up the road from a RAT token

At least two other parks got hit in brisbane on the weekend and Council were onto me; as some one tried to tell the Ranger that they were part of the Brisbane Detecting club and thus had a permit ROFLMAO.

I understand a few got warnings and not sure if any others got a Fine but there were picks and spades involved.

I also got a call from Ipswich a week or so ago re some one trying the same excuse. Did not click that it may have been all linked to the RAT token hunt.

The hunt for a Token in Toowoomba also got pulled due to lots of mess and nasty unfilled holes.

Last I heard the RAT token hunt Australia Wide has since stopped / been halted.

I believe possibly due to any number of complaints from not only councils but others hunting that were spending all their time filling in holes and cleaning up the mess that one or two (a few more that that I think) Token hunters were doing.

The RAT token was an interesting concept but not executed so well; as when open to one and all and no Supervision = Yea, say no more.
I think we need to invent a dual drone/chip in permit system for park/town fossickers, where you need the chipped permit on you and a camera drone will follow the chipped id - to specifically monitor damage dealt to fields etc.

I am not sure what will come first: the chipped id/drones or banning fossickers from towns.
AngerManagement said:
hAyyoUinAU said:
That is a weird sign.

Is that authorised or did someone get that made and put it up?
Where did you see that mate?

Also, since when is detecting in a park called Prospecting hey? :lol:

And to also link prospecting with scavenging is strange. A bit demeaning. Wow.

Well it is all about the context:

A: When you have people digging parks in the city and getting into people faces AND then they tell you that have a Fossicking / Prospecting Licence .

YEP that Fossicking licence allows you to dig with a pick any where it is Public Park !!!!! I did not know ROFLMFAO some people will try any thing.

B: Scavenging : Some might imply that the RAT token was a Scavenger Hunt and as the RAT token was what many were after on the weekend - Makes sense.

I have never ever heard anyone using their fossicking licence for digging in a park. That is not what the licence is for. Clearly
Also using a pick in a park is just asking for trouble.
I hadn't heard of the RAT token thing, but that just sounds like a dumb idea, and a way to bring unnecessary attention and trouble.

I live in Ipswich, and I have sought permission when suited. Eg, Ipswich Showgrounds. And all benefits when to the Ipswich Show Society.

Maybe they should focus more on cleaning up the junk, and all the dog faeces from owners who don't give a f#$#.
I can understand it if an oval has either underground sprinker system or power.
But fun police are going nuts!
" Dial before you dig" ha :lol: