Hi from Christina

Prospecting Australia

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Oct 2, 2018
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Hi, my name is Christina. Im originally from America, but I have been in Australia for over a year now and absolutely love it. My partner Krystal and I have been detecting for around one year (I used to go a bit with my dad when I was a kid), and we honestly would go everyday if we could. We do go most days, and it never gets old. Our favourite things to find are old coins and WWII relics. We started out using the Go Find 20 and Go Find 40 machines, and we found so much war stuff with them including US dog tags. We recently upgraded to the Nox 800 and Pro Find 35 pinpointers and would never look back. We havent tried to search for gold yet but would love to give it a go in the near future.

Cheers everyone :)

Hi Christina and welcome ?

Depending on where you live it will most likely determine what kind of prospecting you do. For example in NSW most prospecting is done by panning and sluicing where as Victoria and WA seem to be better than NSW for detecting.

Just do your research talk to locals and get out there! . Oh and watch out for 6 foot killer brown snakes ..Oh and big arse tiger snakes ..Oh and the redbelly blacks!
But don't let that scare you tho lol?
Welcome was meant to be a smiley face not a question mark oops ?
Skip said:
Hi Christina and welcome ?

Depending on where you live it will most likely determine what kind of prospecting you do. For example in NSW most prospecting is done by panning and sluicing where as Victoria and WA seem to be better than NSW for detecting.

Just do your research talk to locals and get out there! . Oh and watch out for 6 foot killer brown snakes ..Oh and big arse tiger snakes ..Oh and the redbelly blacks!
But don't let that scare you tho lol?

Lol I am in QLD :)

Ive seen several red bellies. I hate snakes, but I know thats part of it unfortunately lol