Hargraves / Windeyer area NSW

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There is a Common at Hargraves NSW.
Mid Western Regional LGA is a fossicking district so no permission required from EL holders.
Obviously you will still need permission for private, managed land or other mining leases.
Nearby Windeyer has the Lambfest on this Saturday for something else to do if here then. Not far from Hill End either.
Hargraves can be hard to crack a piece on the Common but it's still out there.
mbasko said:
There is a Common at Hargraves NSW.
Mid Western Regional LGA is a fossicking district so no permission required from EL holders.
Obviously you will still need permission for private, managed land or other mining leases.
Nearby Windeyer has the Lambfest on this Saturday for something else to do if here then. Not far from Hill End either.
Hargraves can be hard to crack a piece on the Common but it's still out there.

Mate, sounds like you know area . Are you a local ? Thanks for replying.
Hargrave is a fun area you can find a few interesting things along with gold my grandparents are buried there just loved going there as a kid Hope to get back there in a few weeks for a swing

Taking the family out to Windeyer in a few weeks. We'd like to sluice and pan.

I've searched the forum and there are suggestions that Doug Stone's Windeyer map is inaccurate. Also I read that some crown land is under lease (does that mean it's not available to us with a fossicking license?).

Would be grateful if someone who knows the area well could recommend the best spots to take the family for a sluice around here. We don't have a 4WD.

thanks all!
The Doug Stone map is inaccurate in that it definitely shows a lot of Crown Land that is under lease. You need permission from the leaseholder to access just like private property.

Having a Fossicking License (I assume you're talking about a NSW State Forest Fossicking Permit as there is no other NSW licence?) doesn't give land access rights on any crown land, leased or not, unless permission is given by either the land manager or Crown Lands themselves for unmanaged land.
The NSW State Forest Fossicking Permit only allows for access into NSW State Forest areas that aren't excluded or leased. There are no State Forests near Windeyer.

There are easy to access areas for family panning (sluicing dependant on creek flow) behind the caravan park if staying there, just down the road from the pub opposite Clarkes Creek Rd turnoff, near the cemetery or the Queens Pinch Rd bridge.
Crown Lands are now requiring fossickers in NSW get permission from them to fossick on unmanaged Crown Lands. You need to contact them with the locality, lot no/s & DP no/s then they'll let you know if it/they are accessible or not then get you to sign + return an indemnity/agreement form for allowable areas. I'd give yourself at least 1-2 weeks to get this done before going on a trip away.

Contact details
Phone:1300 886 235
Email:[email protected]
Ah that's perfect, thanks Matt.

Yes, you're correct that's the permit (not a license).
No. What's marked as Commons on Doug Stones Hargraves map are not Commons.

The one near Windeyer marked "Double gates to common" is all Crown Land under lease. Don't know that it was ever a Common. It did have former mining leases there up until the 1980's. There are 2 Leaseholders there (one grazing lease with no stock & one environmental purposes lease, whatever that means). They won't allow access even though my family had historic mining leases in there.
p.s. the double gates are locked.

The area marked "Hargraves Common" is now Crown Land Reserve & by rights requires fossicking permission from Crown Lands (which I have).
So even the areas you mention (behind the caravan park if staying there, just down the road from the pub opposite Clarkes Creek Rd turnoff, near the cemetery or the Queens Pinch Rd bridge) require permission from Crown Lands?
RichA said:
So even the areas you mention (behind the caravan park if staying there, just down the road from the pub opposite Clarkes Creek Rd turnoff, near the cemetery or the Queens Pinch Rd bridge) require permission from Crown Lands?
Apart from the caravan park (as access is part of the park & permission via them) if staying there you would need to contact Crown Lands in regards to all other areas.
Current advice from the NSW Resource Regulator & NSW Crown Lands is all Crown Land whether under management, under lease/permit or unmanaged requires permission for fossicking.
p.s. from going through the process IMO it's more to indemnify Crown Lands & acknowledgement of your liability/responsibility for your own actions. It's an easy, cost free exercise (not saying I agree with it in full though!).
Just following up.

We went out at Hill End with Johb who runs panning lessons in the creek there. The whole family found colour - very fine but very exciting.

Having obtained the permission from crown lands for Windeyer, we traveled up there the next day and panned at a couple of different locations - behind the pub, and down the road opposite Clarkes Creek Road. We tried a few spots at each location but didn't find a single colour. We met another prospector who also hadn't found anything in that creek that day. I suspect we were looking in the wrong places.

We're still in Bathurst region and hope to get out again, maybe we'll try Sunny Corner this time?
LOL ..... was up there a couple of years ago staying at the Windy caravan park and enjoying the pub hospitality.

There was a mob there with the biggest mother of a trommel set up mounted to their trailer I've ever seen ...... guess you'd be struggling to find any colour anywhere they've been.

?????? Guess it must be legal not something that's easy to hide/disguise.

Lucky here in Vic. we get out Miners Right .... rules are pretty simple to follow unlike most other states (guess if you live there they might understandable but confusing to me .... then again I'm lazy and don't bother trying to understand them).