Happy Easter

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I don't know if the Easter bunny will make it out here.


I do enjoy the hunt for the elusive golden eggs ;)

Happy Easter to all.... :inlove:
Was very close to being a bad one for us fortunately fate dealt us a good outcome. Son in-law along with 3 grandsons towing a
pop top camper (there maiden trip) left Broadford to join us at Howlong for a family get together. Just out of Broadford heading north on the Hume Hwy travelling in the right hand lane they were side swiped by a total idiot. Resulted in the ute having half its front end ripped off :mad: The scumbag responsible kept driving and didn't stop :mad: :mad: :mad: fortunately the side road activated speed signals at Dockerys Rd Tallarook were activated slowing all traffic.Daughter was following and saw the whole disaster unfold then caught up with the prick and took a photo of his rego plate and reported it to the cops :) They got him at Seymour :D and the prick admitted to it. It really annoys me to know this scumbag had a 10 year old kid in the car with him :8 not the best way to raise a child :/

Everyone is safe and well at the end of the day, shook them all up a bit nonetheless.

Traffic is cactus south bound today :argh: just about to leave Shepparton for home and join the kaos 8.(
Pretty light on the gold this weekend (1.13g for me for 4 nuggets- smallest 0.08 with my GPX), but this 3 night Easter camp at Waanyarra with my lady friend and a some mates was a total blast. She loves singing with her great voice (choirs, acapellas, trios etc) and kept us well entertained, with a few off us off-key (mostly me) singing along.
Cheers all. Hope you're all reset for the cooler weeks ahead :perfect:
Jaros said:
We are glad that they are safe. These things happen so quickly that there's nothing you can do at the time except try and keep the car on line. :perfect:

Ya not wrong there, apart from fate skill played a big part Son in-law drives trucks and knows how to read traffic. Aside from skill when you're trailer whatever form it is is side swiped causing sudden change fate plays a big role. I hope the prick has his licence cancelled.
I had a great easter away camping off the grid and no clue of what was going on in the world untill this morning when I went to reinflate my tyres and discovered I had torn a side wall. Grrrrrr not even a year out of it. Happy Easter and $350 later
Very lucky there RM.... Life can change in an instant.... I know just how quick that instant can be, And We are still suffering from the Trauma... And always will... 8.( :brokenh:
