G'day from Canberra.

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 11, 2013
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Hello all,

Firstly my name is Dylan. I am 29 years old and in the Army, currently posted to Canberra for another year. The past twelve years within the Infantry has not only taught me some valuable orienteering and bush skills. But also afforded me a unique opportunity to explore our Beautiful Country whilst being paid. I live in Civic Canberra with my Girlfriend Katrina.

I don't know where I caught the bug. There was no family influence, no prior interest or exposure, just started having silly dreams about finding gold in random places. Naturally I begun watching videos and reading into our colonial past. The more I begun researching and filling my down time with gold related activities, the more interested I became. However, the Kiandra goldfields especially captured my attention, and I set out on some hikes to the old 9 mile and 4 mile diggings (Those who know the area would know the 4 mile hut). I was impressed at the old timers determination back in those days, and thought that I'd give it a crack.

Bought my first sapphire sieves and a Garret panning set and trodded off to Mogo, found alot of dirt. The following months I spent cutting my teeth out the back of Mogo, Grabben Gully and Oallen (Not much luck at Oallen). Around May, I purchased an AT Gold with the intention of heading north every second weekend for a look. But I was fortunate enough to be sent to Victoria for 3 months on course, where I managed to find a few little nuggets around the Watsons Hill Mine, just south of Ballarat.

In the near future I intend on purchasing a Highbanker set up, which will be used during my Christmas Holiday expedition up to Palmer River. Unfortunately I know very little besides regurgitating what I've read in books and online. But where I lack knowledge I make up with determination, perseverance and a strong back.

Hopefully I meet some of you nice people in the field, I'll be happy to trade a brew for a little bit of knowledge
Wee Jasper is one of the better places to just pan for gold if your starting out in Canberra.

Just over an hour's drive from Civic. Just for the panning. The gold's bigger than Oallen.

You can take some buckets of dirt from the diggings at McPhersons creek down to the river at the camping area and get some practice with the panning techniques.
Welcome to the forum Dylan. You're certainly in a profession to get the most out of this prospecting hobby. The forum posts will definitely give you some encouraging reading, and by mixing with the members your learning curve will be dramatically reduced.

Look forward to chatting and hope to catch up on the stream one day,

Cheers Wal.
Thanks for the warm Welcome.

Wee Jasper is definitely on the 'to do' list, along with Adelong Creek and Tumut. I'll try and tackle a couple of places out to the West of Canberra when I have a week or two spare. I am a little apprehensive about Adelong creek, it seemed as though most of it was on private property when I had a look on my Canberra - Victoria trip.
Welcome aboard Dylan, Mate plenty of good treasure to be had within 2 1/2 hrs of Canberra.

Will definitely see you out on the creek


Welcome Dylan from another Canberran :)

I'm a relic and coin hunter, I am interested in getting out and detecting/panning for gold one of these days though. If there is a local Canberra hunt happening (perhaps Wee Jasper) in the future I wouldn't mind tagging along. I would be the annoying noob... :p

Welcome again!

Hi all. I am heading for Canberra around January and plan to purchase a mine lab 5000. As a ' noob ' is there a good local place for fossicking or would it be best to make a detour through Bendigo on the way back to Adelaide . Seeking a productive trip. Are there good maps about ?Cheers.
Gday Rick, there are plenty of great places within driving distance of Canberra, you can find alot of info on these forums for directions and public access areas. It also depends on how long you have and wether or not you don't mind camping. As alot of these areas are spread in all directions. I strongly suggest going to bendigo and ballarat if you get the chance . Both places are rich in history and would be perfect for detecting,. If you are still struggling for ideas, send me a PM when you're closer to coming to Canberra.

That's encouraging, I will search this site for more info.thanks Dylan. I'll keep in touch, cheers.
Hello and welcome to the forum :) lots of great people and information here. :) I am from Canberra myself and would be interested in a local outing/adventure if anyone else is up for it. :).
I'm leaving for on a gold fields tour, Canberra to Palmer River from he 18th December until late Jan. But I'd gladly join anyone for an outing before that. Seems as though there's a fair bit of interest from our lovely Capital. Were any of you at the swap/meet at epic recently?