Desert Fox Gold Panning Machine

Prospecting Australia

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Maurice van Heerde
May 11, 2013
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Has any one used one of these machines? I recently bought one from the USA on Ebay & found it to be very good in separating fine gold from crushed rock & dirt samples. I have only used it at home but it is portable enough to take out bush providing you have access to water. It's a 12 volt system but I run it at home on a 240v - 12v transformer. :cool:
Have you had a chance to run it out in the field yet? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts after giving it a decent run.
I'm chasing one of these 2nd hand.
Willing to pay cash, trade gold or Bitcoin.
I run all my cons through it.
Classify it down and let it do its job.
I have panned out the tailings a few times and found one speck
So yes the work well.
And saves the back from panning.
I have one works well,but I selling,I have to much material to put through.I am investing in a shaker table.

thedigger said:
I have one works well,but I selling,I have to much material to put through.I am investing in a shaker table.


hi dig, after today I may be needing a table to. is there an aussie made table?, ive checked alibaba and can only find tables from the usa and pretty expensive. whats the cheapest option if any?

scott :cool:
Hi Scott

I have started to build one,as you said they are expensive,just in the process of getting all the pieces for it.
Will take me a few months to make it,lot of other things on the go.

I have a Gone Miner Spiral wheel, pretty much the same as this at home, still new if your still interested. Currently got it for sale for $549 but will let it go cheaper here, like $500? or cheaper with some good spots near perth or southwest aus :p

I recently purchased my desert fox and set it up in the shed, I got a 20L bucket of random material from a low spot at a culvert going under a road, classified it and ran it through today. I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome
:D, not bad as this is my first bit of gold ever, no longer a virgin lol...
Your're obviously not as blind as Freddie. I use a friends to clean up Adelong black sands, it works well except big flat flakes just kept going up and down up and down and didnt get to the bucket in the back - had to fish them out of the front at the end the run, otherwise they're a great little machine
If you run it so some of the black sands make it through the flakes will go through
It is more for clean up,
Make sure you have classified your cons down to each size
10,30,50 mesh
Works a hell of a lot better