Clean Up Your Parks Day

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Sep 28, 2013
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There has been a lot of discussion over a long period of time on this and other forums about so much rubbish that is being, and has been dumped in our National and State Parks. People are saying that it is getting worse and our Parks are starting to look like the local tip.
Well here is a chance to get of your butts and do something about it. On Nov. 21st. the Central Branch of the PMAV is holding their second "Clean Up Your Park Day" here in the Maryborough region. Last year a group of us did a great job with trailers, rakes, shovels, groves ect. and cleaned up an area that our local Ranger, Rob Brouwer picked out. It only took us about 4 hrs to do the area. Then Parks Vic put on a great BBQ for us all. The area we normally do is an area that we can prospect. So here is your opportunity not only to voice your concerns over the key board, but to also get out there and do something about it. You do not have to be a PMAV member to chip in and give us a hand. It is also a good chance to check out the area for detecting later. We found some good ground last year.
I will keep you all informed about the times and place.
wombat ;)
Yep great idea,we used to do much the same with a 4wd club i was involved in.get some good pics for the papers,great to show that we are not just takers.
The Central Branch of the PMAV is putting on again their annual "Clean Up Your Parks Day" this Saturday 21st

I went to see Rob Brouwers, our local Park Ranger today to finalise this every important event.
The area we have picked out is in the Dunach Forest. For anyone that does not know where that is, it is between Talbot & Clues on the Maryborough - Ballatar Rd. About 7km north of Clues and about 11km South of Talbot. We are planning to kick of at about 9.30am. The meeting point is "Adams Track" on the right hand side of the road coming down from Talbot. Almost right opposite there is another track called Fells track. The PMAV Central Branch banner will be out on the main Rd so keep your eyes open for that.. After the clean up Parks are putting on a BBQ for us all. Bring along some gloves and sturdy throw away bags if needs be. Also a trailer or two would not go a stray. So everyone, here is your chance to do your bit for the bush we love and the environment. Not only that it makes us prospector look good and show we care about our bush. This is a PMAV event but you don't have to belong to the PMAV to come along and give us a hand. ALL WELCOME. The weather on Saturday should be great only 24c and cloudy.

wombat ;)
Just a reminder to anyone that my be thinking of joining us tomorrow 21st, for "Clean Up Your Parks Day". 9am catch up for 9.30 am start. Meeting at Adams track of the Ballarat/Maryborough Rd. The PMAV Central Branch Banner will be on display at the junction point (meeting spot) All other details are in my above comments.
wombat ;)
So why is this not on the PMAV Facebook page, can't find anything on the PMAV website & nothing was mentioned at last Tuesdays Ballarat PMAV meeting or on the Ballarat PMAV Facebook page, this forum is the only place I have seen anything posted about it.
I might get a chance to clean out a park or two myself,.... probably not on the same page here though. :D
ozziii said:
So why is this not on the PMAV Facebook page, can't find anything on the PMAV website & nothing was mentioned at last Tuesdays Ballarat PMAV meeting or on the Ballarat PMAV Facebook page, this forum is the only place I have seen anything posted about it.

Hi ozziii I may be able to answer your questions.

First of all each branch has to organize their own "Clean Up Your Parks Day" as they have to team it up with their local Park Ranger and their local tip. Messages went out to all the Sub-branches saying that the Central Branch was having their ''Clean Up Your Parks Day" this year in Nov. This is our second year of doing it . But I don't know about the other Branches if they are coming on board this year. It may be also because the Ballarat Branch has just finished the AGM that they had to organize this year and did not have a chance to do a Clean Up Day as yet.

Now about the PMAV web site. That I can't answer. I would have thought that it would have been mention on that, as I did notify everyone that the Central Branch was having a clean up day. I'm in charged of the Clean up for the Central Branch and next year I may be running that Branch also. So I may be to blame for it not going on Face Book. But I'm not really a Face Book Person. Next year I'll be keeping more people informed about what the Central Branch will be doing through Face Book and on the Web Sites.
wombat ;)
The Central Branch of the PMAV had their "Clean Up Your Days Day" today which went of really well and cleaned up a lot of rubbish. Ten people turned up at our designated meeting point. One from Melb, another from Werribee and the rest from Talbot, Dunolly and Maryborough. After a quick OH&S briefing we all headed out to different areas were there was a mixed bag of rubbish found, including rubber tyres, drink cans and bottles, broken TV sets, 44 gal drums, barb wire, plastic of electric wiring. Some new stuff and some old stuff. It took us about 3 hrs to clean up most of the area that Rob Brouwers (our Park Ranger) wanted to hit. Four trailer loads of rubbish either ended up in land fill or the re-cycle bins. At the end of our hard work, Parks Vic. put on a great BBQ, as there way of thanking us. The area that we hit was in the Dunach State Forest. Mainly working around the Ginger Adams Eucalyptus Distillery" and along the railway line on the edge of the State Forest. I would like to thank everyone that turned up (specially the ones that had to come a long way) for your great effort. A bit more of our beloved bush is looking that little bit better healthier now by your great effort and time spent. "Thank You All"
Some photos of today's activities and the Ginger Adams Eucalyptus Distillery
wombat ;)














Good to see,all that rubbish taken from the bush,when I see rubbish in the bush I all ways pick it up.

Regards Frank
ozziii said:
Does the central branch of PMAV have a Facebook Page.

No not as yet. But we may be having one next year.

Also this gives me the opportunity to mention that from the 17th Feb. next year the Central Branch will be meeting at the Maryborough Highland Society, 35 High Street on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We have been meeting at the National Hotel in Clunes but that now has stopped. At the new venue there is a chance of having a "great" 2 course meal for $20 starting at 6pm then the meeting at 7pm. Anyone that has ever had a meal at the Highland Club will know what I mean about "Great". All PMAV members and guests are welcome. The Club has offered us a room for our meetings. If your interested their are pokies there as well if you are that way inclined and would like to have a flutter after the meeting.
wombat ;)